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Thread: Mikey's Day!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Mikey's Day!

    Hiya guys! Mom said I could FINALLY post a new picture thread, she said it's been awhile since she has. Despite being a bad boy the other day when I ran away, mom took me for a short 2 mile hike today. It turned out to be quite eventful though!

    The last time we walked around here (like 3 weeks ago!), there was no beach, now 'cause of no rain there's a beach. Mom told me all this though so who knows if that's true..

    We saw these scary things!! Mom said they are logs. Mom was making fun of me 'cause as you can tell from the picture I was trying to stay as far away as possible but still sniff. I was crouching it as we approached!

    Then we took a break for some water! mom made me pose to

    I finally told her I wanted to leave!

    Mom makes fun of me saying I am pretty much a girl! I guess it didn't help that I was sitting next to flowers.

    The best part of our adventure was finding what mom calls a "Northern Water Snake" or a Water Moccasin! It was a weird animal and it moves with NO LEGS Mom saw a dead fish nearby and went to investigate. She thought maybe a hawk dropped it. Then I barked and saw this huge snake in nearby trees. He was big, but he slithered away shortly after.

    Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Walnut Creek, CA
    What an awesome day you had Mikey! Thanks for sharing. That sure is a big snake you guys found!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    My Home!
    Aw! Wow! Looks like Mikey had a lot of fun! Nice photos!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Mikey, your photo threads are always so interesting and I smile so often as I go through them!

    Oh dear, look at those logs, used to be under water, and now they are out meeting the sun. What do you mean, "mom told me that so who knows if its true?" Moms do NOT like, silly boy!!!!

    That is some snake. I don't know anything about water moccasins, are they poisonous? I'm glad it moved along. What an adventurous day you had! Bet you slept well after, too.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Hello Mikey!! Thanks for making this photo thread to share with us. Those are some nice pictures of you on your adventure. Now these are the kind of adventures you need to take. Safe ones. Not like the one when you got loose and scared the day lights out of everyone.

    That snake looks HUGE! And you are very close to it.......SCARY!!!
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Illinois, USA
    Hello, Mikey! It looks like you had a very fun adventure! I really like the picture of you next to the flowers and you don't look girly to me. I am so glad you are safe after your recent adventure!! (((HUGS)))
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