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Thread: Where have you traveled so far this summer

  1. #1

    Where have you traveled so far this summer

    Hello All,
    Have not been on for a long time, just been really busy.
    Do check the POTD and enjoy those so much. An important part of my morning.
    Stayed inside all day. About 90 here in Ohio.
    I am in my nightgown with the air running and watching one of my favorites, Harry Potter. Love the Harry Potter movies, so fun.

    So I thought I would write a note to all of you with the latest news and hope you will write back with yours.
    Left bowls of ice water all around the house for the small creatures.

    Been really busy this summer so far. Working full time and exhausted when I get home. I usually do two 12 hour days and 2 eight with Friday off, and by Friday I am so incredibly tired but of course have wash, shopping, cleaning and pets to take care of and some cooking.
    I have done some great trips this summer so far. Went to Chicago and did some great shopping. Went by myself and rode the trains, (which I loved) and the bus system. What a great city Chicago is. Would love to love there. Very multi-culture and sophisticated.
    Then on June 9Th Steve, Alicia and I flew to St. Louis to watch Mike get his Bachelor's Degree. One of the proudest moments of our life. Mike worked so hard and we are all so proud of him.
    Mike looked so handsome, He has done so well for himself.
    And now he might be moving to San Diego. Will know in a couple of weeks. How fun that will be for him and how grand it will be to visit him?
    Ian has gotten his divorce and is sharing custody, he would like full custody but cannot afford to do that as of now. He is still in Mich and working as a waiter, doing well.
    He and the kids came to visit here and we had a blast. They are as cute as cute can be. Little Ella is so adorable, such a princess girl. I would not be surprised if my precious granddaughter becomes a fashion designer as ten minutes here and she snagged some of my jewelry which I gladly gave to her.
    Her condition has not changed. One kidney is to be removed when she is older and the good kidney is not working fully, still blocked. But she is healthy and so smart, precious and cute as a baby kitten.

    Sebastien is a hand full as only a four year old can be. He is like a puppy, into everything.
    Third son Jason and wife are moving into their first home today. They are so happy to be homeowners. Very proud of them.

    Last weekend I went to Amish Country by myself and had a blast. Spent 4 days, three nights shopping and eating the best food. I wanted to go to Gettysburg but it was just too hot.
    Have been to Gettysburg twice before and love the history.
    Also went to Columbus several weeks ago with two friends. Lots of shopping, girl talk and joking. So fun.
    Don't know where I will go next..... Me and Belle (my new Hyundai Elantra) just pick up and let the wind take us. It is a wonderful free feeling to get into the car and just drive and see where you wind up, get a hotel room and explore. Such a sense of freedom and adventure, good for my soul.
    I promised myself that this summer I would do a lot of fun things and I am keeping my word.
    Thinking maybe Salam, Mass would be fun next time.
    Alicia is doing well, she and Lance are happy and having a lot of fun together. Their cat Madison is proving to be a handful since she is often ill, but she is their baby truly their child. She is the little one eyed, no teeth, feline luekemia angel.
    She could not have found a better mommy or daddy.
    As for my plants which I take such pride in, well I have not even finished planting all the annuals, I know I know so sad surprising. This heat is just not something I can work with. I hid inside the mall or shops or the house. Not going outside to work when in is 88 outside. And if I don't get all the annuals planted so what. I decided to travel a bit and enjoy myself this summer.
    Steve is enjoying baseball and hotdogs, popsicles. And yes I am still a die hard Yankees fan.
    Lets see what else, well that is about it. Now it is your turn,
    Much love and happy travls to you,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Have not strayed far from home this summer. But if you do end up traveling to Salem, MA - you'll be near us and we should meet! Just don't aim for that in October, as it gets progressively congested as the month goes on.
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
    I wondered where you've been b/c I haven't seen you on FB for quite a while. It sure has been a good summer for you, Monica. I'm glad that you got to travel a bit. I wish I could say that I have, too, but that isn't the case. My surgery put everything on hold but I'll see the surgeon again tomorrow and, hopefully, he'll have better news for me and I'll be taken off restriction. I wanted to go to Gettysburg, too, but even if I weren't on restriction, I can't light a fire under people. Our summers are so brief and before we know it, cold weather will be here. I do many things alone but some trips I'd like to make w/friends. Well, I'm glad that someone was able to travel anyhow. And your family is doing well, too, so all in all, a good report. Have fun!

    Oh, forgot to mention that the boy came home in May w/his girlfriend. He was headlining at a club here and she and I had a good time watching him perform. We met up w/a lot of our mutual friends, too. We also went to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame b/c she really wanted to see it and the Cleveland Art Museum b/c she's an artist. Actually, they both are, so it was informative as well as fun. My friend from England will be coming in for Thanksgiving and we'll go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame again b/c she really wants to see it, too. I like it but I've been there so many times that it's a yawner for me now.

    Well, that's all I can think of for now, so enjoy the rest of your summer, Monica.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11


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