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Thread: A note to my cats:

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    A note to my cats:


    Your Mom is not a morning person. Please quit waking me up as soon as it is light out! That is why I take your toy away and hide it under my pillow.


    Please be nicer to the dogs. I know, and they know, you're the Boss, but I feel sorry for the poor old dogs when you block the way to their food bowls.


    You are the best kitty, but why can't you simply meow when you are faced with a closed door you want open? Instead you reach up with your front paws and scratch the door with your claws - it sounds like nails on a blackboard!

    Thank you dears,

    Love Mom

  2. #2
    That is cute. Our kitties wake us up in the morning too. It is just the opposite with our kitties when they want outside. They meow..I wish they would scratch sounds alot better!
    "Happiness Is Owning A Human!"

    Visit Dutchess & Yum Yum's Website Pleassee:

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    New Orleans, LA USA
    LOL!!! I so understand. Hmmm...if I had to say something to my kitties...

    Scout-I already have one alram clock. When it goes off I do not need you chiming in also. I have a snooze button for the alarm. I haven't found a snooze button on you to enlighten me?!

    Gigi-I think it's so cute the way you love water...but could you stop hogging the sink for 5 minutes so Momma can brush her teeth in the morning?! And please stay off my dresser! I know you think it's fascinating and you love Momma's perfume bottles and jewelry...but until you can tell me where you drop/knock off Momma's jewelry(ie..the other silver earring India gave me when she went to Italy) stay off the dresser!

    Bixby-my stinky little boy...why do you wait until Momma's in the bathroom or by any of your litter boxes to jump in and do a big potty?...and then you don't even cover it up! You just leave that lovely aroma around for Momma to smell until I get so antsy I cover it up for you or simply clean the box again!

    *sigh* I love my babies!

    Tiff and the ever expanding krewe
    Scout, Gigi, & Bixby -the kitties
    Rory, Lola, Jax, Max, & Lulu -the ferrets

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Answers from your cats.
    from Hanna. I can always find another toy you know, I am a cat.
    from Abby. Sometimes you just have to enforce the fact that you are boss, I am a cat.
    from Bo. What else are claws for if not to irritate those around you enough to get what you want. I am a cat.
    from Scout. I am better than the alarm clock, I work inpower failures and no batteries to replace and nothing to wind up. I am a cat, I tell time by my stomach.
    from Gigi. The sink isn't my personla fountain and the jewelry isn't my personal toy. It's a good thing you told me, I am a cat and I thought everything was mine.
    from Bixby. My bathroom is your bathroom. Why do you have to go in there every time I have to go in there. I am a cat. don't I come first??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    To Texas- Do you purposely aim for the rug?
    To Georgia- is that tail battery operated?
    To Tenny- Yes, your paw on my ****** really does hurt.
    To Dakky- No, technically, all day is NOT food time.
    To Allsters- Yes, actually your nails do hurt my back.
    To Minnie- Of course, what ever you want.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Tucson, Az
    Tibby: I know my eyelids open and close and that makes them fun to watch, but they are NOT a toy. I don't like having you paw at my eyes when I'm lying in bed.
    Corkscrew: Why do you insist on sleeping on the middle of the bed, then I don't have any room for myself. Can't you just choose a side.
    I've been Defrosted!

    Thanks for the great signature Kay!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Richmond, BC
    Bassett: Why do you pee in Nate's suitcase and in my laundry baskets? Just tell me and I will make things better for you!!

    Tilly: PLEASE stop jumping on the china cabinet. You are gonna break one of Nanny's tea cups and then I will be really sad!

    Nutmeg: Don't wait until you are on my lap to either burp or poot. Can't you do that BEFORE you come to visit me?

  8. #8
    Maya : do not bite to hard when your sister Inka is playing with you ; and remember you are to heavy to lay down ON her ... ; and please , stop dropping your "business" behind that flower-pot on the ground .....

    Inka : do not try to catch Maya's tail all the time !! i know , it is like a flag , and very inviting to play with ; but to much is to much ... . When you bite in my hand , please , save my skin ....

    Sydney+ : have fun at the Rainbow bridge sweetie !!! And , try to eat whatever they give you , okay ?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Copenhagen, Denmark - GMT+1
    Fister, please wash yourself BEFORE you come up in our bed to lay between our heads! - And Fister, please stop using John's chest as a take-off ramp when he's reading in bed - it hurts, you know!

    And please, could you try to spend less than half an hour scraping your litterbox in the middle of the night!

    But Fister, In spite of all your little habits, we LOVE you!!

    "I don't know which weapons will be used in the third World war, but in the fourth, it will be sticks and stones" --- Albert Einstein.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    Storm- could you please stop staring at me when I sleep; also stop nipping me to try to wake me up; then when I'm up you decide to go back to sleep

    Pepper- could you please be more gentle when you knead my neck and chest; please don't drool on me; try to keep the snoring down

    Sunny- could you stop bringing your toys into my bedroom and also try not to play with them at 4:00am; please don't meow in my ear to try to wake me up

    To all 3 cats- Please don't play chase on top of my bed while I'm still lying on it.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    notes to my cats

    i think to leave a list of chores w/be have the chores done by the time i get home from school would be lovely.

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