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Thread: Help! (Not for the easily grossed)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    SE USA

    Help! (Not for the easily grossed)

    I had several warts burned off my index finger last week for about the 5th time. Seed warts. We really got aggressive and burned a lot including the area around them, hoping to get any shoots spreading under the skin so a lot of that finger is raw.. I clean it often, apply antibotic ointment and redress it. But the gause keeps sticking to the open areas where they were burned. No matter what I try, the gause always sticks. I have even tried the non stick gause and that sticks... I have tried dressing it loosely so it is not touching the open sore... still sticks sooner or later.

    Right now I just soak the stuck gause and wait for it to soften but I still have to rip it loose in spots.. OWIE! Anybody got any ideas or suggestions on how to keep it from sticking or get the stuck gause off without having to rip it off the open wound?

    I am beginning to think the only way I am going to get rid of this thing is have the whole finger just cut off! This has gone on for 5 years now and I can't get rid of this thing!

    Special Needs Pets just leave bigger imprints on your heart!

  2. #2
    Laura, years ago when my son was around 10 or so he had so many warts on the back of his hand that it was totally covered. The dr. tried burning them off, we tried Compound W, so many things and nothing worked plus it all was so painful and I had to chase him around the house to catch him so that he could get his next treatment. Nothing worked. One day I felt so helpless and cruel for doing this to him, so I poked a pin in a 10,000 unit vitamin A capsule and smeared it all over the warts just to soothe the pain, never thinking that it might do anything other than that. I didn't cover his hand w/gauze or anything, just let it be. I swear to you, the next day the warts were almost gone and by the second day they were totally gone never to return. When I told the dr. about it, he pooh-poohed it and I said "Well, you've been treating it for months w/no success. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. It's visible!" Give it a whirl. What have you got to lose? (except warts and pain)

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    SE USA
    Thanks! If/when it comes back, I will give that a try and pray it works but I do think a seed wart is different from a regular one and harder to get rid of (I have heard and am learning.)

    I tired every OTC thing on the market, even some home remidies and so far NOTHING had worked to get rid of it... If I had went back to the doctor in August, it was a lot smaller and would have been easier but with the hurricane, I did not want to have to deal with the aftercare with the possiabilty of not having running water. I do think the "cure" will be something as simple and what you said, I just have to find the right one. I wish I could find someone to pray over it.. I have heard of many that have gone to someone who prays over it and gotten rid of them that way.

    They sent samples of it off to make sure were were treating what we thought we were treating and the doctors office called me today and said it IS a wart. While I had her on the phone, I told her about the bandages sticking and she told me to put vaseline on it so I am trying that.

    Special Needs Pets just leave bigger imprints on your heart!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    West Columbia, SC
    The vaseline sounds like a good solution. If it isn't too raw, you might be able to use NuSkin. It will probably hurt like crazy, but it forms a light clear coating similar to nail polish. It will keep dirt out and maybe the gauze won't stick one it has dried.

  5. #5
    I had a seed wart right between my eyes of all places. I sterilized a needle and poked a hole where the seed wart was, opened the skin and popped it out. It never came back.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    How about popping down to the local drugstore? Pharmacists deal with types of wound coverings, and could recommend a good one.

    A NuSkin type product would be great - depends how raw the area is.

    If the warts were burned off, I would guess a burn dressing would be appropriate.

    Good luck - that must be quite an owie!
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    San Ramon,CA
    There's a baby rash ointment called Desitin (sp?). I always use it on wounds so bandaids don't stick. The one warning is it has cod liver oil (I think) and the kitties CHASE me around trying to lick it!! LOL!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    SE USA
    depends how raw the area is.
    It is quit raw still, that is why the bandages are sticking to it.. It stuck again, even with the vaseline.. I think the heat of the skin melts the ointment and vaseline and that is why it sticks...

    How about popping down to the local drugstore?
    Now that's a good idea! I think I will do that tomorrow and see what they say.

    The one warning is it has cod liver oil (I think) and the kitties CHASE me around trying to lick it!! LOL!
    Now that is funny!! They are already finding this bandage TO interesting so I don't dare try that...

    Special Needs Pets just leave bigger imprints on your heart!

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