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Thread: my cat is strange

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Winnipeg, MB, Canada

    my cat is strange

    Does anyones else's cat need for you to watch them or brush them while they eat? Mine does, if I am home he needs for me to watch him eat or he likes for you to brush him while he is eating. If he is hungry he will find me in the house and follow me aruond meaowing until I go to his dish with him, than he will proceed to eat. He doesn't do this to anyone else in the house just me, is this normal?

    Anther thing he only does with me is he has to go into the bathroom with me when I am in there, if he gets left out he gets angry and will scratch at the door and yeowl, again he does this to no one else.

    Is my Campino strange or do other cats do these things?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    My Sidney has some similar quirks. If I'm in the kitchen, he will patiently sit by his dry food and wait for me to come over and top it off. Sometimes I just have to pick it up, shake it, and set it down again, and then he will eat it.

    He also loves to be in the bathroom when I take my morning shower so that he can get attention. He doesn't allow any other cats into the bathroom because it is his time to spend with me. He'll then wait until I'm done with my shower so that he can get more attention.

    When I pet him, he makes the most wonderful trilling noise - sort of a purr combined with a meow.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    11,467 one of my cats 'needs' me to be close by when they eat as a communal group- like when I put special treats down. It seems that five bowls on the floor means everyone is too close to each other. Then, when I am encouraging someone to eat, like Georgie who just had two teeth extracted, I have to sit with her abit. Maybe your cat, just like some people, like company when they eat? Carryover from nursing???

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Washington, DC USA
    H, for what ever reason Emily insists on being in the same room as I am the entire time I am at home. She will even follow me into the bathroom and give me the "kitty stare" when I am eating. But for what ever reason she will sit outside the bathroom while I am having a shower (I think it is too hot for her). I got her from an animal rescue operation and I think that she is just "making sure" that I am still there. It is actually kind of cute

    So don't worry your cat sounds just like a normal kitty

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    its nice to here that Campino is not strange. He was also a rescue, he was found wandering the streets and had spent at least a month at the humane society before we adopted him, he was 10 months old. I just thought it was a bit strange that he only does this with me. I guess he has bonded with me more than anyone else.

    catland, Cam does the same thing, he can have a full bowl of food but he needs to think I am putting new stuff in or that shaking it makes it taste better. Cats are so silly

    Guess I will just take this as a compliment, he likes my witty dinner conversation

    He has a lot of other quirks but there are too many tolist. I'll just chock it up to him having his own crazy personality

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    My cats will usually also follow me from room to room. They also love to come into the bathroom with me while I'm on the toilet. I think it's because I'm more at their level when I'm sitting down. Sunny is the one who does this the most. He wants me to give him head scritches and belly rubs. When all 3 of them come in it becomes very crowded. I guess I should be glad that I don't have more than 3 cats.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Netherlands (where I'm from) & Germany (where I live)
    Yes! I have to watch too if Rudie eats. He doesn't like me to continue what I did before feeding him, but just wants me to come to the table and sit down while he eats. And he's a very messy eater, and it's not appealing to watch it. But, I love him so I just sit down with him.
    He's also a rescue cat.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Originally posted by krazyaboutkatz
    My cats will usually also follow me from room to room. They also love to come into the bathroom with me while I'm on the toilet. I think it's because I'm more at their level when I'm sitting down. Sunny is the one who does this the most. He wants me to give him head scritches and belly rubs. When all 3 of them come in it becomes very crowded. I guess I should be glad that I don't have more than 3 cats.
    Hmmm..too familiar - Ritz follows us into the bathroom, or what I think she refers to as "kitty spa" where she always gets a head scritch, back scratch and a butt pat....all favorites.

    She also has a routine that once I get home from work, and she sees that I'm in, she will IMMEDIATELY go eat something. "Ahh, your home, NOW I can eat!"

    I used to brush her while she ate, but the purring seemed to interfere with swallowing, which led to...well, a mess.

    So now, brushing is done before feeding...she LOVES brush time now...

    Reading all the posts I would not say that the cat is strange, but the cat is indeed crafty and well in control of human behavior
    "Everything is better when Ritz sits on it......or in it"

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Tucson, Arizona
    your cat isn't strange... he/she is SPOILED LOL

    I have 5 spoiled kitties!

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