
We are writing on behalf of Sgt. Gwen Beberg and her dog Ratchet in Iraq.

Sgt. Gwen Beberg befriended puppy Ratchet while serving in Iraq. The U.S. military confiscated Ratchet as Sgt. Beberg prepared to fly home from Baghdad Airport. Operation Baghdad Pups, a program run by SPCA International, is pleading with the U.S. Army to allow Ratchet to fly out of the country - amid fears the dog awaits almost certain death if left behind.

Ratchet ONLY has until EARLY NEXT WEEK– time is of the essence here.

M.A.R.S. Safe Haven has a petition set up at:


Together, over 4,400 people have signed – just in the past 24 hours – pleading that Ratchet be immediately released by the military and allowed to be brought home. An article pleading for his release has been read by over 45,000 people since Monday.

Please take a few moments to look at the petitions and hear the thousands of voices crying out for the U.S. military authorities to “do the right thing.”

ISSUE 1: Ratchet is not allowed to leave. Since officers are refusing to let Ratchet go, he needs a military order to officially release him to leave Iraq.

ISSUE 2: Operation Baghdad Pups (www.baghdadpups.com) needs donations to sponsor their upcoming trip to Iraq. Ratchet is running out of time. Ratchet was scheduled to leave on their October 6th flight. Their next flight is early next week, and Ratchet MUST be on it. If not, Sgt. Beberg will be forced to abandon him to certain death when she is transferred later this month.

Please help SPCA International, Operation Baghdad Pups and the thousands of people worldwide supporting this cause to secure Ratchet’s release from the military authorities. cause.

We understand the economic crisis and presidential election may seem far more news worthy at this time. However, we see far too much death, sadness and negativity these days. Here is a chance to show our true character, humanity and compassion as Americans.

M.A.R.S. Safe Haven
Mason, Ohio