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Thread: Breeds

  1. #1


    I know I asked this before, but I'm not sure I got the answer I was looking for??? Anywho, I was talking to dad, and he said he'll let me get another dog. Not sure how soon, but before Febuary anyway lol. I hope within a month or so. I know it hasn't been that long since we lost Rufus, but I know I'll always love and miss him, getting another dog could never change that, and I know I could never compair the two. My dad keeps saying I want to replace Josie..Urg. I know he's joking, but I can still get another dog and still love Jo more then anything. Anywho. I want to adopt a female pup from the HS. I know I'd prob just go, and pick which ever I fell in love with, but, I still would like to hear what ppl who own certian dogs could tell me from experiance..

    I want a medium sized dog (like labs etc, not toys or huge dogs like danes..not allowed a huge dog ) I want a really intelligent dog, friendly (to kids and adults) totally loyal, etc. Just a great "dog" type I really just need to be able to train it to listen, not bark, and be house trained reasonably fast. I was kinda thinking of Labs, Goldens, or Border Collies. But, it'll prob be a mix breed anyway.

    Could anyone tell me that has a dog that fits somewhere in there about their experiance with it and..stuff?? I'm so sure I'm going to go to pick "the perfect dog" that I have specificly thought out, and go totally against it for something I just fall in love with (Nothing wrong with that ), but, I'd still like to know a little about some so I know what I'm looking at. Sorry for the blabbering..I'm kinda getting excited..

    My babies: Josie, Zeke, Kiba, Shadow (AKA Butter)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Haines, Alaska!
    I think what you aer looking for could be a border collie. I think any of the breeds you want are great breeds! What abotu checking around and looking into a specific rescue group for a specific breed? You'll still be saveing a life!

    Good luck and congradualtions!

    Dogs: Nova, Konnor and Sitka

  3. #3
    I think I'd be happy with any dog. But they're are SO many, so I would like to narrow it down. I'm not sure we have rescue groups here, just the HS. The breeders here charge big for their pure pups..I'm sure they do anywhere though lol.

    My babies: Josie, Zeke, Kiba, Shadow (AKA Butter)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    B.C Canada
    Get a lab! They are Perfect!!! Plus if you get a black one then we can think of Josie and Presley and new dog as triplets!?!??!?!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Off to the races....
    I too am partial to labs esp. mixes. My mom has a Golden mix and a an airedale mix ans they are both wonderful. Bordie Collies are great, high, high energy. I also love Dalmations, but they can be high energy too. I see it Sadie sometimes. I know they are rare, but everything I have read about Chinooks has impressed me (although they are big).

    I am not helping am I? I guess i just love all dogs

    If I were to get another dog, I would first go look by myself. Once I found one or two that seemed to bond with me, I would take my girls to meet then and make sure that went okay too. That may not be as important if you are thinking of a puppy, but if you are thinking of an older dog, I would let Jo meet the dog first and makesure there are no major issues.

    Good luck!

  6. #6
    Thanks :] I was thinking I might take Jo to meet the dog anyway, even if it was a pup, just to see her reaction.

    My babies: Josie, Zeke, Kiba, Shadow (AKA Butter)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Oak Creek, Wisconsin

    Dog Breed

    GET A LABRADOR RETRIEVER!! LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB RETREIVER!!! NO BREED CAN BET EM!! my fav. three breeds are 1. Labrador 2. Great Dane 3. Boxer


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Happy Valley, Utah
    LUCKY!! That's so great that you are able to get a new dog! If I could get another dog right now, it would either be another siberian husky or a german shepard. For my next dog, I'm definitely going to the shelter! With Nebo, I really couldn't. I *had* to get a puppy, because I figured it would be easier to introduce it to Reggie and Smokey (NOT friendly to other dogs) and I *had* to get a siberian husky. I've wanted one all of my life, it's my "dream dog." Just try to find a purebred siberian husky puppy in a shelter around here...impossible.

    Anyhoo, if I was to get a dog like the type of dogs you are mentioning, it would definitely be a golden retriever! I think a lab or lab mix would get along great with Josie too. From visiting the local shelter, I've noticed that almost all of the dogs are either mixed with lab, rottie, or german shepard. A lab mix is pretty easy to find. Oh, there was a german shorthair mix at my shelter that my friend and I just fell in love with. Her name was Hunter, 4 months old...I have pics. Such a sweetie, that was over a week ago though..who knows what has happened to her now. German Shorthairs are very friendly to people and other dogs, my friend has one (Lady). But very high energy, as I would suspect most hunting dogs are. What about a Brittany Spaniel? We used to have one (also named Lady). Although I was too young to remember her, my parents just loved her. They are medium sized dogs, and I believe very friendly to kids/dogs. Sorry, I'm probably not helping much, just rambling on here! I'm so excited for you to get a new doggy!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    New England
    You just gotta love those labs!!! They just love to play, and are happy-go-lucky, and there's nothin' like coming home to a waggly tail and sloppy kisses!! The only bad thing is they eat EVERYTHING!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Upstate NY
    Like the others mentioned, yes those breeds sound wonderful for you. But since you are aware that you are going to the shelter and that it will probably be a mixed breed I would just go from there. BC's are known to be barkers and are very hyper and need a job but if you can provide the excersize and training they are great dogs! I do rescue work, am a vet tech and volunter at 2 local shelters as well as all my dogs are all rescued from shelters so I will tell you my outlook on adopting a shelter dog. Take a couple visits to your local shelter(s) and look for what you want. Since you want to train it easily I would look for one about a 1 1/2 years or younger. You want one that is medium size so if you get one around 8 months or older it probably won't be much bigger than what it is now. If you choose a pup then ask the staff what breed(s) are mixed with it and look at the pups figure (the bigger the feet the bigger the dog ussually) the staff should be able to give an approx. size. Since you want a house dog that is quiet and easy to train look for one that does not eliminate in his run this ussually indicates a clean possibly house trained dog or at least easy to house train. Also look for one that does not bark excessivly (they will ussually be more excited when you enter the area than what they would be like once they settle in a home). Look for one that comes to the cage to see you, one that hovers in the back corner is a timid dog, sometimes with fear or other aggression behaviors. But a dog that is over excited (like jumping and barking like crazy) might be a little too hyper to train fast. Look for one that will let you touch his ears, feet and muzzle. Also remember the grooming involved, if you don't mind brushing everyday and a lot of shedding then a longer haired breed would be ok otherwise a shorter haired one would be better (although some short haired breeds also shed like mad). Also dogs with wrinkly skin require more cleaning as the folds of skin should be wiped clean often, a breed with a short muzzle might have problems in very hot weather and with lots of excersize. Look for one that has no obvious health issues like runny eyes, a limp, missing hair etc... Once you have a dog in mind visit with it a couple times, take it for a short walk and the shelter should have a special room and area outside for you to be with the dog away from other distractions so you will be able to see a little as to how the dog will react to you. Now don't be dissapointed as most dogs are so excited to be out of that little cage they have been stuck in for who knows how long so they will be a little more excited and may want to explore the area they are in a little more than explore you. NEVER be afraid to ask questions no matter how dumb they may seem as the only dumb questions are the ones that are never asked.

    a BIG hooray for choosing to save a life and the best of luck to you and your new friend!!!
    Soar high & free my sweet fur angels. I love you Nanook & Raustyk... forever & ever.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Columbia, MD
    How wonderful! You will not be replacing Rufus. You are saving another life in his honor! I don't think your love for Josie will change either by having another pup! There enough love to go around!!

    You said you wanted an intelligent dog, friendly (to kids and adults) totally loyal, etc. With training and love, you can have that with any puppy!

    I am very happy to hear that you plan on adopting! Hurray for you! Go to the shelter, follow your heart, and your puppy will pick you!

    Good luck to you. I can't wait to see pictures when you get a new furkid!

  12. #12
    I haven't read those last posts yet, but I will I went to the HS society today, and there were barly any dogs there, which is good I guess lol. I saw this sweet German Shepard/lab..he was so aborable!! I didn't necessarly fall in love him with though..but he started to cry when I walked away, so I'd have to go back to him. His name is Augustus, but I don't really like the name..Im not sure if he goes by it, or if they just called him that. He's 4 mnts old. He looked so sad in the cage..

    My babies: Josie, Zeke, Kiba, Shadow (AKA Butter)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Oak Creek, Wisconsin

    Recue a Dog

    Get him!

  14. #14
    I'm not sure, I might see if my dad will go out with my tom to look at him, if he's adopted I'll just wait till more comes in, I might go to a good pet store I know of, but I'd rather adopt. Its 100 bucks for any dog, pure or mixed, with 50 bucks off spaying or neutering, so thats pretty good. I got Jo, shes a mixed, for 100 bucks and a crappy store, and we ended up paying, or my dad ended up paying I should say, a LOT of money, because the store doesn't care for their animals. So I guess in a way I still saved her live, cause I know a lot of ppl couldn't afford to pay what we did for her, either that or they wouldn't think it's worth it. It makes me happy to know I have her

    I'm so excited! I hope my dad will let me get one soon, seeing I'm paying, I don't see why it would bother him ;D I just want to find the perfect pup

    My babies: Josie, Zeke, Kiba, Shadow (AKA Butter)

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