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Thread: I hate Walmart!

  1. #1

    I hate Walmart!

    I live in a small town and in another nearby town there is the Super Center Walmart. Basically it's the only retail store that has trust worthy products.

    Though the products are fine, the service is horrible. For instance, in the electronics department I was looking for a new cell phone so naturally I had

    questions. There was a girl, an employee standing there right in front of me flirting with the guy from another department. She looked at me but looked

    away. I asked her if she had a phone in stock and she simply lied and told me no. How do I know she lied? I called from the store parking lot later asking

    if they had it in stock. Sure enough, they had a whole box in the back. The girl employee was too lazy to go check and was hoping I would go away so she

    could continue flirting with her co-worker. It's not just that, customers get in the were, employees are inconsiderent. They are cheap by having just two

    cashiers on a very busy Pay Day Friday. By the time I leave Walmart, I am ticked off, have a headache and feel sick. Of course I continue to go there

    because Walmart rules the world and all the little business have to give up. I have no choice.

    Sorry guys but I am sooo frustrated.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I hear ya! I also hate Walmart. Not only because of the bad service, but all of the stores I've been to the isles are so small, or they have displays or things in the isles. It's almost impossible to navigate around because it's always so busy. Also, the stores I've been to are very dirty too. I just avoid it all together and go to Target.
    Our goal in life should be - to be as good a person as our dog thinks we are.

    Thank you for the siggy, Michelle!

    Cindy (Human) - Taz (RB Tabby) - Zoee (RB Australian Shepherd) - Paizly (Dilute Tortie) - Taggart (Aussie Mix) - Jax (Brown & White Tabby), - Zeplyn (Cattle Dog Mix)

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    You have every right to be frustrated and angry. I would've called a manager over and complained. Customer Service is #1 priority where I work. If there's an issue a customer has, a manager is notified and the issue is addressed.

    We have a problem with under staffing, especially on the weekends when alot of the younger cashiers decide they'd rather go to the mall than show up for work. It's very frustrating because we then get long lines and have to pull associates off the floor to ring.

    I like Wal-Mart but don't go in very often because it's always crowded and they never have enough cashiers, so I know what you're talking about.

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    MooShoo,you left me too soon.I wasn't ready.Know that you were my soulmate and have left me broken hearted.I loved you like no other. 1999 - 2010See you again "ONE FINE DAY"
    Maya Linn, my heart is broken. The day your beautiful blue eyes went blind was the worst day of my life.I only wish I could've done something.I'll miss your "premium" purr and our little "conversations". 1997-2013 See you again "ONE FINE DAY"


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Fayetteville, NC (stedman)
    It seems my WalMart is the same way. Busy and noone to ring you out within the hour BET I KNOW WHY! Because all the employees stalk customers.

    They sure have enough people so that they follow you around to make sure you dont steal anything.

    I went the other night (Saturday) to get cat litter and household stuff. While there, I went to the makeup to get my mascara. From that point on, this lady followed me, actually hiding and peeking around corners at me. She even crossed the WHOLE store when I went to buy a new mop. For 45 minutes, until I checked out, she followed me. She even has a walkie talkie strapped onto her pants. I CAUGHT HER peeking and such around corners It was ridiculous. I will NEVER shop at this Walmart again/

    I wanted to ask her one question.. At check out my bill was 149.50... WHY would I steal mascara that was 5.98 when I have a cart FULL of crap??? IDIOT

    Thank you so much Michelle!

    Please be responsible, spay and neuter your pets!

    I've been BOO'd!!! Thanks Lori!

  5. #5
    Because cosmetics and like items are commonly shoplifted items. They're small, and some are expensive.....

    She was doing her job. If you're going to get upset, get upset at the people who make that job neccessary, not the person doing the job.

    This is the same reason there are many stores that have security tags on razor blades.
    The one eyed man in the kingdom of the blind wasn't king, he was stoned for seeing light.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Land of the Ducks...quack!
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady's Human View Post
    Because cosmetics and like items are commonly shoplifted items. They're small, and some are expensive.....

    She was doing her job. If you're going to get upset, get upset at the people who make that job neccessary, not the person doing the job.

    This is the same reason there are many stores that have security tags on razor blades.
    Sad but true.

    I try to avoid walmart whenever possible...not so much because the employees are bad (they really arent around here) but because the darn place is always so crowded. If I have to go, I go at 3 am when the place is empty

  7. #7
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    The Walmart in my town is actually huge, never overcrowded, and the employees are really nice. I could never be that good. I've worked in a retail and I've told customers crap so that they'd go away.

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  8. #8
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    Unless you worked with the general public, you don't know what those employees go through! It's pretty much living hell. I am working with the public again next year, but definitley not as much! I have recieved my fair amount of rude and angry guests, and most of it is completely unesscary. They are MUCH ruder then the employees I've ever experienced. We get some of the rudest people around at Six flags, I can only imagine the people they get at Wal-mart. I'm not saying being rude is right and I would hope they don't hire rude people from now on, but think of the crap they recieve on their end.

  9. #9
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    A LOT of crap. The people who came into the Walgreens where I worked treated the employees like complete lowlifes who couldn't get a good job and didn't care how hard they had to work for minimum wage. We were definitely very understaffed.

    Niņo & Eliza

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suki Wingy View Post
    A LOT of crap. The people who came into the Walgreens where I worked treated the employees like complete lowlifes who couldn't get a good job and didn't care how hard they had to work for minimum wage. We were definitely very understaffed.

    Yeah..I got a lot of that attitide when I worked part time at a local department store. I mean, I went there straight from my primary job, dressed up (but then, all the employees looked nice) and was so disrespected sometimes, I wanted to scream. Didn't happen often, but one time, after a really bad bad day, some witch ticked me off so badly, I slammed the counter with my fist, gave her a piece of my mind and called security.

    I did return the next day, to the claps of people in the employee cafeteria, but it was so unlike me. I quit after that anyway and the store kept begging me to retuen (high sales). Retail is tough. At least when I handled the public over the phone, I could slam down the hold button!

    I've been Boooo'd!

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by DJFyrewolf36 View Post
    Sad but true.

    I try to avoid walmart whenever possible...not so much because the employees are bad (they really arent around here) but because the darn place is always so crowded. If I have to go, I go at 3 am when the place is empty

    Yours is empty at 3am?! Damn. Ours around here are still buzzing at that time. I hate to say it, but it's either hispanic families with crying and way over tired babies being toated around, or white trash families with crying and way over tired babies. Why are these children out at this time of night??? It's crazy.

    I go to Walmart for my kitty litter. That's about it. Sometimes if I want certain things in bulk, I'll go there as well, because they do have bulk items available.

    Their prices don't seem much cheaper than my local grocery store or CVS or Walgreens for shampoos, body washes, and makeup. So, not great deal there.

    I have gotten some good fruit and veggies there.

    I do not buy baked goods there. Have looked at baked goods in packaged that they made in their kitchen area, and there were fruit flies and gnats under the wrappers. ICK.

  12. #12
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    I used to go to WALMART at 3 in the morning to go Xmas shopping!

    THat rocked!

    I just reposted this on the grocery store etiquette thread too!

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by jenn_librarian View Post
    Yours is empty at 3am?! Damn. Ours around here are still buzzing at that time. I hate to say it, but it's either hispanic families with crying and way over tired babies being toated around, or white trash families with crying and way over tired babies. Why are these children out at this time of night??? It's crazy.

    Oh my goodness!! It makes me want to scream What on earth are you doing keeping your children up so late, people??? I can understand the OCCASIONAL trip out at 10pm because you run out of diapers or something, but SERIOUSLY??
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  14. #14
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    I'm not a huge fan either, but the price is right so I tolerate it. Between Walmart and Sam's, I do about 95% of my shopping there and hardly ever go to grocery stores anymore. Sometimes you have to take the bad along with the good, and when you're retired and on a rather strict budget - every penny helps!

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Westchester Cty, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by jenn_librarian View Post
    Yours is empty at 3am?! Damn. Ours around here are still buzzing at that time. I hate to say it, but it's either hispanic families with crying and way over tired babies being toated around, or white trash families with crying and way over tired babies. Why are these children out at this time of night??? It's crazy.

    I go to Walmart for my kitty litter. That's about it. Sometimes if I want certain things in bulk, I'll go there as well, because they do have bulk items available.

    Their prices don't seem much cheaper than my local grocery store or CVS or Walgreens for shampoos, body washes, and makeup. So, not great deal there.

    I have gotten some good fruit and veggies there.

    I do not buy baked goods there. Have looked at baked goods in packaged that they made in their kitchen area, and there were fruit flies and gnats under the wrappers. ICK.
    If the bakery was contaminated, you should call the Board of Health!
    I've been finally defrosted by cassiesmom!
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