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Thread: Crammed with work.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Crammed with work.

    Ugh, this whole week and last week has been so annoying. I can't stand all this HW. I started school like two weeks ago and I'm a sophmore in HS. I like school and stuff. My friends are in all my classes and everything but I have had NO time off to take a break! This entire week all my teachers give me an enourmous amount of HW. Mostly, it's History, which is my favorite class. But being in Honors History the workload just doubles. I have to do PEDLIGS which is basically an outline and it takes forever! We are going to have to do this for every single chapter. I have been up till 11 PM every day doing HW, I'm tired all the time and I've been rude to alot of people this week for now reason. This is already starting to get on my nerves! I also have no days off thanks to work. I only work one day on the weekend but Saturdays I've had HW. I'm actually doing PEDLIGS right now.

    I hate this, it's only two weeks into the school year and I'm already pissed. I have PSAT's October 18th. I have to read two books for English. Bleh, I hope the work simmers down soon.

    I know people have much harder problems to deal with but I've never experienced this much work before.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    I know how you feel. I just started my sophomore year of college, and I'm taking three science classes... The workload is unbelievable. There's so much reading, and labs, and notes... it just never ends. And I NEED to find time to work, I can't NOT work, so trying to squeeze everything into 24 hours a day... it's breaking me down.


    We need a vacation, Alyssa, lol.


    now she's slowly opening
    new eyes.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Just take a deep breath, you'll get into the swing of things soon.
    (...or, thats what I keep telling myself and its my 4th week back at school. haha)

    I feel like I can relate somewhat, its my senior year and I am already totally stressed. I am failing Trigonometry (I just don't get it!) ... and on top of that I missed school today recouping from an illness and I so dread going back to school tomorrow to find out what all I've missed today.
    *pouts* I'm a wimp... I'll admit it.

    ((((Hugs)))) and good vibes headed your way. I am sure the work will let up soon enough... the teachers are probably just testing your determination and commitment. You know, weaning out the boys from the men... or however that saying goes.
    The Minions:
    {The Dog: Towser & Raiden} {The Cats: Khaith, Martha, Adelaide, Snowball, & Floki} {The Bird: Gir}

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Stick with it, you will adjust and the teachers will also adjust the workload further in to the term. They front-load the work, especially in the fall terms, as it quickly gives them a picture who can handle the workload and who cannot ... and things then settle down. We'll be thinking of you, I promise!

    And Oyster, any chance of asking for help or tutoring for your Trig class? Sometimes, particularly with math, having it explained differently by someone else makes all the difference in the world!

    ILoveMyAbbyGirl - good for you, taking the three science courses this semester. What's your major?

    A friend of mine just spent two years taking all the science courses she never took because she was an English major, and now has decided to go into sports medicine. She's 27 years old, and had to call her dad and say "You don't have to say it, you were right. I should have taken the basic sciences just in case, when I was in college. Now I have to pay more and take them while I am also working full-time ..."

  5. #5
    School started for me nearly a month ago or more, the homework load lightens at about this stage .

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Well, if it makes you feel any better, your teachers are probably working just as long and hard on their end! I am getting my masters in education and I am finally doing my semester of student teaching. I have learned that teachers work very hard to plan, implement, grade, and teach students to help them learn what they need to know, and they also try really hard to help their students succeed.

    I know it's not fun when you have to spend all night doing homework, but remember your teachers just want to see you succeed and also prepare you for college (where you will have a lot more work!).

    Many teachers work way past the 40 hours they spend at school (in fact, many stay much later and come in on weekends). Just remember they are trying to help you....and good luck, I hope that things get easier for you soon!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    I'm taking Physics, Animal Biology and Chemistry... I'm majoring in Vet. Medicine.


    now she's slowly opening
    new eyes.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by ILoveMyAbbyGirl View Post
    I'm taking Physics, Animal Biology and Chemistry... I'm majoring in Vet. Medicine.
    Cool! Just think how proud all of Pet Talk will be of you when you do well, and all the animals you will someday help, whenever you need a little more motivation.

    After all, even Miss Hoppy, biter of veterinarians and veterinary assistants everywhere, didn't feel the need to bite her one final expert vet. I think you will be just such a vet - one that animals instinctively know will be friendly.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Karen View Post
    And Oyster, any chance of asking for help or tutoring for your Trig class? Sometimes, particularly with math, having it explained differently by someone else makes all the difference in the world!
    After-school tutoring is either on Tuesdays or Thursdays (I'll check today), and I plan on going to those. A friend has also offered her help whenever needed. I am determined to pass this class! :]
    The Minions:
    {The Dog: Towser & Raiden} {The Cats: Khaith, Martha, Adelaide, Snowball, & Floki} {The Bird: Gir}

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Well finally have a break today, I only have on thing to do. I know it's good I'm in an Honors class and all but those stupid PEDLIGS take forever. I finally finished last night. All I have to do tonight is this packet for Chemistry which I'm mostly done with and take some notes on "The Catcher and the Rye" which I'm enjoying anyway. It's still hard though, and just thinking about next year with the SAT's I think I'm screwed lol. The good thing is my FFA class this year is just a leadership thing and we never have homework, and PLENTY of fieldtrips =D

    LOL, Megan I think we do need a vacation. I'm going to hate college.

    Courtney, Trigonometry is not my thing either, I'm sorry you're failing it right now but I'm sure the extra help will get you on the right track. I had a Chemistry test today and I probably failed. I didn't get 4 of the 10 questions. I'm so smart I'll probably just wind up winging it like I did with math in 8th grade.

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