I have a question, as stupid as it might seem. We all know their is no such thing as a teacup puppy. I also know MANY of breeders label their pups as such, to get more money.

NOW, I have seen on breeders sites, them label their dogs as "teapots". I was wandering if this is just a joke to tease other breeders about the use of the word "teacup". The site I saw with Teapot, Clearly labeled there is no such thing as a teacup dog. So are they joking? Or are people truly trying to sell their dogs as a "teapot"?

While I think the term is cute/adorable for larger dogs, I do not know if people are actually trying to get people to buy because of the term.

I have also heard people say the want/have a Teapot dog...

I hope this makes sense! Has anyone ever heard/seen this before? Is it a joke, or another ploy to attract buyers?