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Thread: Interesting Survey

  1. #1

    Interesting Survey

    I just did a very interesting survey. It was about a procedure you could do to make a dog infurtile for a length of time but could also be reversed. It was none surgical. The way they described it was that it was like a grain of rice that the vet would insert between the shoulder blades of a male or female dog. in males you could get it to last 6 or 12 months and then decide to get it redone. In females it would last a year. They described the advantages and wanted to know if it was something dog breeders would consider using instead of spaying and neutering or so on.

    I can see a lot of advantages and a few disadvantages to it.

    Advantage: As a breeder while the pup matures and gets tests done and is shown and so on it could be on this till it is mature and then the breeder could then evaluate if it is a dog that is breeding quality. No accidental breedings then as the dog matures as long as the person keeps up on when the implant needs to be redone.

    Advantage: for dogs that for some reason can not handle surgery for risks of death they could do the implant instead and still not have to worry about unwanted breedings.

    Disadvantage: would be that if you do not keep track of when it needs to be redone then a risk of unwanted breedings.

    This is something I would have considered for Sheena right now if it had been an option instead of spaying her like we did. Then I would not have had to worry about heats because while they are on it they do not cycle and she could still work. And then when we were back in a postion to breed her we could have.

    Would this be something you as a breeder would consider using? I would have to research it more if it was presented to me as an option but the sounds of it is good. Or as an owner of a dog that could not health wise handle a spay/neuter surgery would you consider using it?

    I think this could be an interesting discussion

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Sophia, NC (originally from SE OHIO)
    This does not make any sense to me...

    I have never heard of this before, so I don't know anything about it other than I read it... and I can't see it as being an advantage of doing, instead of spaying/neutering for pets UNLESS the dog physically couldn't handle the surgery....

    I am a breeder, and as a breeder, would I use it on my dogs I am growing out for showing/breeding??? Absolutely NOT! I have never worried about accidental breedings, because its really not all that dificult to keep your dogs seperated if you have half a brain!!... and IF I am keeping a dog for possible showing/breeding I certainly don't want anything running thru their system that could possibly affect fertility in the future.....

    If you're gonna breed Collies, don't you forget to breed in the brains and common sense. Without that you won't have a Collie, you'll have just another dog.

    I've Been BOO'd!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Pensacola Beach,FL
    I'm with Spiritwind. I don't understand it. I honestly don't see any advantages to this unless a dog just cannot handle surgery.

    When you talk about using this while a puppy matures. Until you decide if it is show/breeding quality. Sounds like a waste of time and money. If you can't wait until a year old to make you decision you shouldn't be breeding dogs. Some breeds don't even get their first heat until after 12 months.
    Owned by two little pastries!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Sophia, NC (originally from SE OHIO)
    Quote Originally Posted by lute
    Some breeds don't even get their first heat until after 12 months.

    Thats another good point Lute!! My bitches are usually close to 12 months before they have their first season, and I have had some as old as 14 months old.... AND my bitches typically come in season every 10 months....

    I just don't understand this thing at all... I see it as a waste of money!... if you are a breeder I don't see it as a benefit at all!.. BUT I could see it as possibly causing fertility problems down the line.... you really couldn't say for sure... and a good breeder that knows what they are doing (the only kind of breeder that should be breeding) for the most part shouldn't need to wait a year or more to decide on if a dog is show quality or not. I typically pick my pups that are for showing by 12wks (but I know how the lines I work with mature).... however I picked Paris (CH Spiritwind Barely An Angel) at birth!! Same for Lucy (Ptd. Spiritwind Rumor Has It)...

    For a pet person I can't see why they would do this instead of a spay or neuter. Why not just spay or neuter and get it done and over with... so you don't have to keep going back every 6 months (or however long you said it is supposed to last) and spend money on that, instead of a spay???? Also spaying and neutering for pets has other benefits than keeping the dogs from reproducings....
    If you're gonna breed Collies, don't you forget to breed in the brains and common sense. Without that you won't have a Collie, you'll have just another dog.

    I've Been BOO'd!!

  5. #5
    Im with Spinwind on this, i see no logical purpose in getting this done unless the dog is too old to have surgery.

    What im wondering is how this works? Im thinking that it is a sort of hormone pill or a suppressor pill.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    My dogs would never be guinea pigs for something as ridiculous as this. If the dog is too old for surgery it sure is too old to bear a litter. Taking precautions isn't that hard when you're responsible.

  7. #7

    I would never use Sheena to experiment anything on. For me I think it would be a great idea if it is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to be safe and work causing no ill effects. But i would want a ton of proof to show it.

    When you have a working dog you want to breed, like I do with Sheena being a Service Dog, heat cycles can be very inconvient. Being able to stop them for a length of time without taking away the ability to breed later when things are better in my life would make things so much better and with no heat cycle when I can't have her having any down time would be very convient. Sadly we had to spay her but if this was proven effective and safe I would have done it.

  8. #8
    There is nothing that is used to interfere with nature that is without risk.. Ovaban is used to suppress heat cycles in show animals and several that I know about have been rendered infertile, never produced a litter..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    There's an interesting answer, I'm not a breeder so never really thought about what Ovaban could do. Now I have the answer. Probably applies to humans also, with all the new meds out there.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Sophia, NC (originally from SE OHIO)
    Quote Originally Posted by TruthRUs
    There is nothing that is used to interfere with nature that is without risk.. Ovaban is used to suppress heat cycles in show animals and several that I know about have been rendered infertile, never produced a litter..

    Exactly.. this is why I would NEVER use these types of products on my dogs. Its not worth the risk!! ... I'm not even gonna consider putting them on drugs that could possibly cause them to have fertility problems in the future... its not worth it..
    If you're gonna breed Collies, don't you forget to breed in the brains and common sense. Without that you won't have a Collie, you'll have just another dog.

    I've Been BOO'd!!

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