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Thread: Anyone own Jack Russell Terriers

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    New Jersey

    Anyone own Jack Russell Terriers

    I just adopted a 5 year old Jack Russell and would like to share stories with anyone else who shares the eventful life I have just began to appreciate. I love this guy he makes us laugh at least once a day. There is only one problem, when ever we one of us leaves the car his dark side comes out. Does anyone else have this problem?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Great for you! Adopting is wonderful though can be a lot of work.
    Ohhh yes JR's, they are characters aren't they? Personally I think mine has big time issues! Sometimes its like going to war with her What exaclty does he do? Destroy things? Chew? Bark?

    Tinky is about a year and a half, and basically a little hooligan, when we take her inside the truck she's fine but when anyone leaves she starts pacing, barking at people passing by, and being very restless, this is probably our fault for not getting her trained, but I'm curious what your JR does.
    No tinky no!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    New Jersey
    oh I am so relived to hear about you JR doing that thing in the car because Bentley does the same thing. We call it "Bentley's Dark Side". We thouhgt it was him but it must be a JR trait. Bentley even growls and barks at cars pulling up next to us. And yes he chews, always wants to play and seems to never settle down until night. I was told they have a lot of energy to burn and you have to be up for it. But we love him and I take him out and play Frisbee and throw tennis balls till he can't play anymore and that seems to work. You have to be one step a head of the JR personality. Does your like to watch TV?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    I hope Ktreva will see this. She has Jack Russells too! NOT ME!!! I could not deal with their energy, but a huge salute to those of you that can!!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    I have this strong attraction to Jack Russells. I don't know that I would ever dare to get one though because I have a feeling that they would be too much dog for me. Yet the gravitation toward this breed persists.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    My Boss has 2 Jacks and she's always complaining about how full of it they are, but she wouldn't have any other dog. She has horse property (cause she has 5 horses) so there's a lot of room for her Jacks to run and from what I hear, they need it

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    New Jersey
    Yes they do need a lot of play time. I happen to be a very active person with insomnia so my goal every day is to see who can wear who out first. To my advantage I so far have worn him out to the point that he takes the Frisbee and runs away with it to the front door. Gotta love him!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Concepcion, Chile, South America
    I just bought a jack Russell Terrier from a pet shop but they told me it was a Fox Terrier and the lady in the shop also told me it was the dog of The Mask, the movie and if I'm not wrong Milo from the mask is a Jack Russell Terrier.
    She is very cute! her name is Leika and she is very peaceful nad quiet even though at she wakes up really early and starts crying and nearly wakes up the whole house!! Then i take her outside to do her necesities because she sleeps in the kitchen 'cause where I live the nights are really cold and she starts shivering. She loves to play with her chew toys and her rubber ball. I she doesn't get agressive but she's got a thing with my fingers that whenever I move them she starts licking them and biting them!
    The only problem is that when she's alone she cries no matter what time it is, and she doesn't eat much. Leika is 2 and a half months old and i am very prud of her intelligence, she's already potty trained!!! Even though I didn't even train her. Jack Russell Terriers are very clean and intelligent, you chose the right dog.
    Puppies are a bundle of joy, dogs, are life's happiness.

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