No. I have not seen Isaiah in quite awhile . I feel deep down in my heart that he is gone, but I hope so badly that I am wrong. My bad thoughts are more solidified by something my dogs found on the river shore. I'm not sure if you all want to hear those details. I don't know that it was Isaiah, but I'm very happy I did not find what a found any sooner. I wouldn't have been able to handle it.

I dearly miss Isaiah's sweet face and wish that wherever he is, living or dead, that he is finally in peace, in place without pain, where no one will hurt him anymore. I pray that he will feel the love and acceptance that every sweet creature deserves. He was counting on me, and I feel I let him down. Wherever he is, he will always be in my heart. Isaiah was a special boy, and whether he knew it or not, he will always be loved.