iMOM is holding a fundraiser for Fluff Fluff.
She has severe gum disease. If you have any suggestions for her meowmie, I'm sure she'd love to hear about them.

You can read more about Fluff Fluff HERE.

I've copied and pasted some info from iMOM's site.

Fluff, Fluff, a sweet little Persian cat, was abandoned in a Vet's office in Sacramento, CA. after she had her claws removed. A Persian cat rescue group brought her to Marin County, CA. where I adopted her. That was over ten years ago. She is a very sweet and gentle girl who loves to talk to you as you comb her long fur. She has a form of gum/tooth decay that attacks her gums and rots her tooth so that it falls out at the gum line and leaves the root to rot. If the root is not absorbed, it gets infected and leaves the cat in pain. Fluff had surgery two years ago to remove six teeth and we thought it was a done deal. But in the last six months Fluff continually scratches her face, shakes her head and licks with her tongue--all symptoms of pain, my vet now tells me. My resources are very limited as I am a low income senior living on Social Security.