She's already in rescue, but her fosterer is getting exasperated at how the other kitty has been treating her.

Yesterday's post on the forum:

"This poor girl would really love to have a family of her own on Christmas. She has been with me for so long now that I will be sad and glad to see her be adopted. She is still living in my addition. She has gotten into the main part of the house a couple times, but Petunia attacks and chases her away. Petunia and Rio have been living together for almost 2 years now and Petunia still attacks her every chance she gets. So Wendy will not be able to live inside the main part of the house and probably feels banished on the other side of that door. For now Possum is her contant companion. But he will hopefully be adopted soon.

Wendy has come a long way with her scaredy cat issues. She still gets scared at loud or new noises, but is all around friendlier at home. She was doing well with her weight/eating issues, but with a kitten around she is eating fattier food again and gaining. While in the kennels I think she began eating for comfort (if cat's do that) or out of boredom, and never burned calories. She's still quite inactive. She will make someone a great companion who is looking for a cat to pet and cuddle with on the couch. In a more stable environment she may even become playful again like she was when she first came to me. She was too thin then from being a stray."