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Thread: Fish Helps Persian!!!

  1. #1

    Fish Helps Persian!!!

    well! thank you everyone for your support! My silver shaded Persian is only eating steamed fish and yogurt and it has made SUCH a difference in her skin.We are not over this yet (she had a reaction when I added white rice), but I am amazed at how much better she is. But I now need to add other food carefully. Even the dark stuff coming from her eyes is gone. Any ideas about foods? I've been thinking oatmeal and squash to try next. Pet Talk folks ROCK!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    If the yogurt is low-fat, the full fat stuff would help.

    And I hope the oatmeal might work, as she would get a few more carbs, and that might help.

    A fellow mentioned a pet skin specialist at the end of your previous thread, so maybe you could email that vet and see what he would recommend, based on how well your kitty is doing now!

    Great news!
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  3. #3
    No low fat for this kitty...I never use lowfat anything because they just add sugar. I keep everything as natural as I can. Have added oatmeal and butter, carrots,brewer's yeast, kelp powder.... Thank you for the suggestions!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    HOORAY for YAZZ!!!! Fingers crossed that she will put on a few ounces that will turn into pounds!!!
    Nine is Fine!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Such good news! Keep it up, keep experimenting!

    I am also dealing with skin issues from food allergies. Right now, I am using Nature's Valley Raw Instinct. It is a grain - free cat food. Comes in a dry kibble and a canned form.

    When you are making cat food at home, there are certain vitamins and minerals which cats need. The one I know best is taurine. I think it may be in chicken hearts. But that is why I am letting you know of this food; so you can try to building some of the needed vitamins and minerals. Warning: it is VERY pricey! It is the 6th thing I have tried and while not a complete solution (yet), it is the only one with ANY improvement for my cat. Maybe it will work with your cat?

    You can find a dealer from the web site.

    I'm still tinkering and have an appt with a dermatologist later this month. But the grains were clearly something my cat could not tolerate. This food comes in a several varieties and the company also makes a raw food diet.

    No, I do NOT expect you to stop what is working and try commercial foods; you already did that! I'm just worried about long term and those needed vits. and mins. Taurine is SO important to cats' eyes for healthy eyes and vision.

    And I am REALLY glad one of us has found something which is working!!! Keep it up!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    Oh, when I say plain yogurt, I mean PLAIN...even the low-fat stuff I get has NO flavouring in it at all (trust me! ). I could use it on potatoes instead of sour cream (and it is very yummy).

    Look for Plain or Natural...should be nuthin' but yogurt in there.
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

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