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Thread: Trying new cancer treatment!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    British Columbia

    Trying new cancer treatment!

    Hi Catty1 and Medusa and everyone else! I haven't posted a message in awhile and just stopped in to say hello. Tiger, my Maine Coon who had the squamous carcinoma tumor removed from his nasal passage a few months ago is still breathing very well with no sounds or stuffiness. He is however losing some weight and dealing with balance issues. I know that my vet said there is nothing else he could do except for chemo and radiation which he didn't recommend in this case. So, I followed the leads you gave me Catty1 and went to a few of the sites you sent along regarding homeopathic remedies. There was one product I couldn't find anywhere here where I live in B.C. called MaxGXL, which was on the list and recommended by a vet named Dr. Loops. It's a super anti-oxidant made up of a bunch of natural supplements such as L-Arginine and Vit. C and mushrooms etc..
    Since I couldn't find it here I bought most of these ingredients separately which was fairly expensive and trying to stuff them all into his food was a bit of a challenge! Convincing him that it was 'normal' food just like the other cats were getting was even more of a challenge! LOL
    Then about a week and a half ago my brother who lives in Arizona called me up and said "have you ever heard of this product called MaxGXL?" and I told him I had but couldn't find it. He had just started taking it and feels amazing and he now sells it. He sent me some in the mail and I'm hoping to get it today and try it out on Tiger. It's so weird how stuff happens like that. I've emailed Dr. Loops to get the proper dosage for cats.
    My only concern is that the cancer may have progressed too far at this point for anything to help him but I'm excited to give it a try and will let you know if it helps him. I'm also going to try it out.
    We adopted the greatest cat a month ago!! He is 10 years old and was in the SPCA system for 2 years. His family had him and another cat for 8 years and then took them to the shelter when they adopted a dog and the cats were afraid of it. So, my husband and I decided to make him part of our family. His name was Patches but we've changed it to Paddington and we call him Paddy most of the time. The neatest part about it is that not only is he wonderful in his own right, but he is so much like our cat Charlie, the cat that died under anesthesia in July. It is absolutely bizarre. He makes this chirpling sound like a pigeon that Charlie used to make and he goes out on our porch and does this cat howling thing like Charlie and has the same gaze with his eyes that Charlie had. The very best part of all is that he has become very good friends with our lonely cat Jimmy who was so sad after losing his best friend Charlie. Paddy and Jimmy sleep together and eat together and the other day I saw Jimmy grooming Paddy's head! I'm so happy for the two of them.
    I just sent a 'happy ending' story and 4 pics to the SPCA where we adopted him. They told me the story would be up on their site tonight along with the pics. I'll send along the link when it's up in case you guys want to see Paddington. He is HUGE! LOL Lara

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    Glad to hear Tiger is at least breathing well...he is way more comfy like that.

    I have my boys on Omega 3 - 6 now; I mix it into their wet food, and had to add some "stinky" wet food so they would eat it! LOL

    I hope the supplements work...too bad there isn't a vet school where they could try the liquid nitrogen/cryogenic freezing.

    Looking forward to pics of Paddy! Is Jimmy still enjoying the air filter?

    Heck, we don't spoil our cats!
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  3. #3
    Glad to hear that there is at least some good news. I sure hope that the supplements work out as well. Please keep us posted and it's good to see you back.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

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