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Thread: Had Dixie to the vet again...

  1. #1

    Had Dixie to the vet again...

    Strong stomach needed...

    Was told it was probably IBS, "change her food to this..." was all I got before tonight.

    She started vomiting again in each round would have 5-7 big attempts to bring up whatever it was that she needed up.The first would be food, the second would be liquid and the third and following times in each round, there would be signs of blood.
    Four times now, she's done that in the last week alone, then felt ill for the rest of the day and would go and visit the bathtub (she has never poo'd in the box when she's sick, thankfully) and have the worst bloody diarrhea that I've ever seen, almost red liquid. And s-t-i-n-k...ugh, it was awful! After the tub, she'd always feel better to the point of zipping around and even playing with her feffer toys and Toby.

    Had her to another vet tonight and they said she has a Clostrium (bacteria) infection secondary to IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) and/or hairballs. They put her on Amoxidrops and Laxatone and said that if it's not cleared up by Thurs. to bring her back in but they're pretty sure it will be better.
    They said that hairballs are rarely something that just builds up and then comes up but that it really can be a serious matter and should always be prevented. I tried but her hair just keeps getting thicker and thicker and she's not nice when you try to brush certain parts so I have to sneak up on her but it doesn't always work. I might have to consider keeping her trimmed...and I'm getting the Furminator for Christmas so that'll help.
    They did it all tonight...bloodwork, other labs including a scrape and didn't charge us a dime tonight but asked that we pay $55 when we think about it. How cool is that!?

    This has gone for far too long and I'm so happy we're finally getting somewhere with this! I can't wait until she's my happy, healthy little furgirl again! Maybe I'll even be able to retire the carpet shampooer for awhile, it's sure done it's share around here lately, lol.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    Second opinions can be priceless - and how wonderful for you and Dixie!

    I really hope this helps her turn the corner, and eases up the housecleaning chores for you.

    Ask this new vet - if the meds work well for her, could a bit of hairball preventative be smeared on her paws? (Cats will clean anything off their fur, so that is a good way to give it to her! ). Or maybe she hasn't ever had furball trouble?

    Get well, Dixie!
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    Poor Dixie. I hope that the meds will help her. Hopefully she doesn't have IBD. I give my cats hairball medicine at least once a week. Some of them love to lick it off of my finger and some of them I have to open up their mouth and put it on the roof of their mouth.
    My Starr has colitis and probably a form of IBD. He's now on a grain free diet and is still on 5mg of prednisolone every morning and he's also on some herbal supplements that I just mix in with his food. He sees a holistic vet and he gets accupunture treatments too. I'm hoping to be able to wean him off of the pred eventually.

  4. #4
    Thank you!

    I have Petromalt but she makes more of a mess than getting it in herself. She's a very highstrung kitty, fighing with teeth and claws the whole way. I barely got her meds in her last night and I thought I'd hurt her when I had to sit on her and she fought hard.

    It's med time again and I'm waiting for her breakfast to settle before I get her all disturbed and upset her tummy...I'm dreading this, lol.

    krazyaboutkatz- That's why they'd want to see us again tomorrow if this doesn't help, to discuss a new diet. BUT, he said that her food and water have nothing to do with this, that he really thinks it was brought on by a hairball and not IBD. I'm already researching on changing all of them to a hairball formula. Hopefully, if I take steps to keep her groomed and on a proper diet, we can avoid this happening again.

    I'll keep Starr in my thoughts and hope he can get off his Prednisone soon.

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