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Thread: Premature Labor scare!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Land of the Ducks...quack!

    Premature Labor scare!

    I just got back from the hospital about an hour ago. Early this morning I ended up being admitted due to some bleeding and premature contractions. Luckily everything is ok now, and I have to just make sure I take it easy from now on and take this medication that stops contractions. There wasn't really any REASON why this happened according to the doctor, I guess Nina just had to make her presence felt a little bit more! It looks like its rest for me for a while. Nina must figure I've been working much too hard lately .

    Everything is ok like I said but I still could use some good PT vibes that this medication does its job and Nina stays as healthy as she is. The Doctor said she is doing just fine and as long as I dont push myself (I gotta keep reminding myself Im no superwoman after all) I'll be just fine too.

    Anyone else ever go through premature labor stuff like this? The doctor and the nurse both assured me that this happens rather often, especially to first time mothers. When you're in the hospital, that thought isn't as comforting as it should be lol.

    Thanks for reading!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Concordia Lutheran Home in Cabot
    Quote Originally Posted by DJFyrewolf36
    I just got back from the hospital about an hour ago. Early this morning I ended up being admitted due to some bleeding and premature contractions. Luckily everything is ok now, and I have to just make sure I take it easy from now on and take this medication that stops contractions. There wasn't really any REASON why this happened according to the doctor, I guess Nina just had to make her presence felt a little bit more! It looks like its rest for me for a while. Nina must figure I've been working much too hard lately .

    Everything is ok like I said but I still could use some good PT vibes that this medication does its job and Nina stays as healthy as she is. The Doctor said she is doing just fine and as long as I dont push myself (I gotta keep reminding myself Im no superwoman after all) I'll be just fine too.

    Anyone else ever go through premature labor stuff like this? The doctor and the nurse both assured me that this happens rather often, especially to first time mothers. When you're in the hospital, that thought isn't as comforting as it should be lol.

    Thanks for reading!
    Nope, I've never had THAT problem! DJF, I'm sending you Pittsburgh thoughts and prayers that your meds keep working and everything stays normal with you and Nina.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Florida, USA
    I never had the problem but I sure hope all is well with you. Take it easy and get some rest. Thoughts and prayers zooming your way right away!!

    I've been Boo'd...
    Thanks Barry!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    How far along are you and Nina? Yup, I know several women who have gone through that, and still ended up with happy, healthy babies! Hang in there, Nina - wanna get those lungs fully developed first so the world will hear you roar!

  5. #5
    How scary. I'm so glad to hear that you both are doing well now.
    - Kari
    skin kids- Nathan, Topher, & Lilla

  6. #6
    I went into the hospital with both of my pregnancies with what might have been premature labor. I was around 30 weeks both times.

    I actually had excessive Braxton Hicks contractions (like 8 or more an hour) with my first son, and they ended up putting me on meds to slow them down...and I ended up having him at 38 weeks. Healthy baby boy.

    My second I had tons of Braxtons too, and I actually went in at around 30 weeks too, thinking my water broke early, but it didn' kicked my bladder ( sorry for too much info)...and I ended up having him at 36 weeks. Healthy baby too...he was small though ( 4 lbs. 9 ounces), so stayed in the NICU for a week only...but only b/c he was so tiny, he had to regulate his body temp. on his own (w/o heat lights) and that took a week for him.

    I do have a friend who went into early labor and was put on bedrest at 30 weeks too...she stayed at home and was on bed rest...could only be on her feet for very short periods of time and she ended up going into early labor at 34 weeks. The baby was born at around 5 + pounds and didn't even have to stay at the hospital, b/c she was fine....healthy and all, being 6 weeks early! She is happy and healthy 1 1/2 year old now and you would never know she was a preemie...

    So yeah, it is more common than you'd think. I know you have probably heard this before, but drink plenty of water...dehydration can bring on contractions.

    How far along are you?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    How scary! I am glad everything turned out well for you and Nina! Here praying it stays that way.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Middle TN, United States
    Do what the Doctors tell you, and get the much needed rest. I too had to go to the hospital early with my last two girls. My two girls done just fine.

    I will be thinking of you, and sending prayers across the miles.


    Thank You, kittycats_delight for my new siggy!!!

  9. #9
    OH MY!!!

    I am SO GLAD that everything is alright! Take your medication and kick back! That lil peanut needs to stay right where she is for a while!

  10. #10
    Take it easy, and let your fuzzy nurses take care of you !
    The one eyed man in the kingdom of the blind wasn't king, he was stoned for seeing light.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Wichita Falls, TX U.S.A.
    How scary! I had Braxton Hicks with Quinn, but they were normal. I hope everything is OK and the meds work fine in keeping you from contracting too soon again. Get some rest and take it easy!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Land of the Ducks...quack!
    Thanks for the assurance everyone! Ive been keeping hydrated as the doctor mentioned that I was dehydrated when I went in. I'm on bed rest until I see my regular doctor (on tuesday I hope). My only worry is that my work will loose patence but honestly I think mine and Ninas helth is more important at this juncture.

    I'm 32 weeks along right now. Sorry I didn't reply sooner, I've been taking it easy all day and Ive finally now gotten some energy to catch up on PT (on the hubbys laptop in bed of course, he won't let me sit in front of my computer lol)

    Oh and I myself was 6 weeks premature and turned out A-OK. Nina is maturing very well and they gave me a steroid shot to develop her lungs. The doctor figures even if she was born at 34 weeks she would be ok because she is devleoping that well.
    Last edited by DJFyrewolf36; 09-16-2007 at 11:26 PM. Reason: Additional info

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Clare, MI
    I've had premature labor three times already. My doctor says that it is normal for some women (who think their superwoman ) to go through this. My family keeps getting on me because I want to do a lot of things myself and they don't think I should. Just do as your doctor says and relax and enjoy that little bundle of joy. One thing I love to do is feel my little girl move. As she grows you'll be able to see her move in your belly. That is cool to watch.

    Having to rest all the time stinks, but just remember it will all be worth it in the end. You might also want to invest in a prenatal cradle too. I have one and it keeps her from pulling on my uterus and causing contractions.

    A positive attitude may not solve allyour problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.-Herm Albright

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Land of the Ducks...quack!
    I already can see her move and it is really neat! Sometimes, I'll fall asleep with a book propped across my belly and my hubby swears that Nina can kick the book darn near off of me lol.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Clare, MI
    Quote Originally Posted by DJFyrewolf36
    I already can see her move and it is really neat! Sometimes, I'll fall asleep with a book propped across my belly and my hubby swears that Nina can kick the book darn near off of me lol.

    Cadence/Anna (we haven't decieded which yet) does the same thing when I fall asleep reading. Either that when its time for hubby to get home she will get very active until he sits down rubs my belly and talks to her. It is hilarious. I have a funny feeling she is going to be a daddy's girl.

    A positive attitude may not solve allyour problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.-Herm Albright

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