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Thread: I am having issues with Innova Evo, red meat, small bites

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    State College PA

    I am having issues with Innova Evo, red meat, small bites

    We put Sequoia on this back in April. At the Ice Cream Social in August one of the dog experts that has known Sequoia since we got her wasn't impressed with her coat. I hadn't realllllyyyy noticed it although I felt she was shedding more than usual. I also noticed that she lost alot of the long guard hairs on her back. Last night I was looking at her and I noticed that the hair around her neck was looking very scruffy and that she is losing the copper color. The hair while in some ways is feeling dry and brittle when you finish petting her you hand feels oily and I have never had that with her before. The long guard hairs are breaking off where her collar is yet we take her coller off of her when she is in the house. We have been doing this for 4 years and this is the first that she is looking like a dog that has a collar on all the time and the hair is breaking off.

    For those that don't know my Sequoia I will post a pic.

    On the positive side she has only had one VERY small seizure since we switched her food to Innova.

    She looked the best on Nutros Natural Max but I switched from that with the whole food recall mess. Now I don't know what to do.


    See how on the back of her neck right behind her ears she is real red? Well now her coat is a unhealthy looking whitish fluffy color. This photo was just before we put her on the Innova.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Aquidneck Island
    Poor Sequoia! She is such a gorgeous girl, I hate to hear she's having problems. Could it just be the weather/season? August usually isn't a good coat season for any husky.
    I think you know we recently got Jack, and his fur sounds alot like Sequoia's. As far as the scruffiness, Sue said he's just in between coats, & his sisters used to grab him around the neck & broke the hairs off. But he's losing guardhairs like crazy, & Sue told me to pull them out, which he seems to enjoy... His fur is much oiler than Star's or Sherman's ever was. I'm kind of at a loss about what to do too. I treated him with a dog conditioning/finishing spritz after his last bath & he looks better- more shiny & softer. BTW, he ate Purina Professional before & has been on Canidae since he's been here for the past month. Star decided she hates Canidae (after eating one 40-lb bag with no problem ), so she's back eating Science diet. I know a lot of people knock it, but she's done well on it her whole life.

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