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Thread: Why I love my job & the people in it.

  1. #1

    Why I love my job & the people in it.

    The ladies in HR know I'm having a rough time in life, they have seen me go from 200lb+, then loose 50lbs in 2 months.. Seen me happy then really down..

    Now I'm down & loosing weight again (having issues with eatting, just not hungry everyday).

    The lead HR lady has been keeping a close eye on me lately... She kept pertering me to stop drinking IceCaps, cause I've been so ill for the past month & she blames part of it on that. So I haven't had an icecap in days now.

    Lisa has joined in & tells me about all food in the company. I had some yummy stirfry the other day & today Lisa brought me a platter of Wraps. I picked one & was happy with that... she said, no no no, your having 2, now pick lol So I did :P

    An hour or so ago they went around giving out ice cream sandwiches, YUMMY! A couple mins ago Lisa came back & said here!! I said OMG are you trying to fatten me up today or something? She said YES, now take it, hurry hurry hurry, NOW NOW NOW lol So I did lol

    I'm sooo stuffed, I usually eat this much in 2-3 days... I feel like I'm gonna BLOW! heheh

    Kerry is really happy I joined the Baseball team, so I get out to do stuff & mingle more :P I suck really bad, as I have 2 damaged wrists, shoulders & spine from my ex. My boss knows as I felt I needed to tell him so he understood why I can be flaky & fearful... I was cheared on for every strike I swong lol I think they noticed I was just standing board at rover, so I was moved to catcher GAH... I'm scared of swinging bats (was attacked with one & was lucky my arm wasn't broken), so I was a reck in my mind.. but I had a lot of fun! My boss & Matt made sure I had a good time, cause they know I'm trying to be social Matt & I share a GIANT cubicle & we use to never talk... this year we talk quite a bit & now that I'm on the baseball team, we talk even more!!

    My boss has been a sweety too. He knows I need a lot of time off randomly cause of the bankruptcy & that the odd time I just don't show up, no call no nothing... He knows I'm just over stressed cause of this & leaves me alone.. he just says, try to call. Even texting Alex is fine, or MSNing Matt... so we know your ok. Hes granted me a max of 44hrs/week as I'm gonna need that extra $ & I'm about a month behind in my old work (not a bad thing & not my doing, I was given a new job & was told to abandon my old work until the new work is caught up, as thats #1)...

    I'm in such a WONDERFUL mood today I almost don't wanna go home hehe

    Its sad when work is better then going home hehehe

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Ploss's Halfway House for Homeless Cats
    Isn't it great to have people you work with who actually CARE about you and how you're doing??

    Rest In Peace Casey (Bubba Dude) Your paw print will remain on my heart forever. 12/02
    Mollie Rose, you were there for me through good times and in bad, from the beginning.Your passing will leave a hole in my heart.We will be together "One Fine Day". 1994-2009
    MooShoo,you left me too soon.I wasn't ready.Know that you were my soulmate and have left me broken hearted.I loved you like no other. 1999 - 2010See you again "ONE FINE DAY"
    Maya Linn, my heart is broken. The day your beautiful blue eyes went blind was the worst day of my life.I only wish I could've done something.I'll miss your "premium" purr and our little "conversations". 1997-2013 See you again "ONE FINE DAY"


  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by moosmom
    Isn't it great to have people you work with who actually CARE about you and how you're doing??
    Its great

    I thank them by going to Timmies for them.. I can walk away from my desk & my work will be just fine. However they cannot, they need to keep ontop & deal with "people", not computers & words on the screen like me... So I go into the jumbo cubicle beside mine & say, your timmies *COUGH* is here! hehe They write what they want on stickies & hand me the money. I go & return with whatever they asked for.

    Once I didn't have an IceCap on my desk. Lisa said hey, wher eyour icecap? I said I didn't have any money for one today, so non for me.. She gave me money to go get one :P I paid her back next week.. now I'm on an IceCap free diet lol Its gonna be sooo hard when I'm with my new friends, cause Dan & Joe LOVE icecaps & have them when its really hot out... I'll be stuck with IceTea.. They are soooo gonna tease me, it'll drive me NUTS lol But what else are friends for right

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Bexhill, UK
    We care about you too and are with you at home and at work. I am so glad to hear that people are looking out for you
    Give £1 for a poundie

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Kent, England
    Although a sad background..your story made me smile today. I'm glad you've got people around you at work that are looking out for you and really care about you. Unfortuantely we spend the majority of our time with people at having great friends there rather than just colleagues is a good thing.

    I too have ups and downs because of things in my personal life and i've got one particular friend at work who is just amazing. She knows exactly how i'm feeling before I even say anything to her - even over the telephone! Thankfully she doesn't live too far away from me (literally a few houses away!), so she's always there when I need her...and always has a bottle of wine in the fridge and a big bar of chocolate to hand!

    Kittycats_delight (Michelle) thanks for the great signature!

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