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Thread: Just got back from the hospital

  1. #1

    Just got back from the hospital

    Poor Dedrick(for those who don't know him he is my son and only 2 1/2 years old) sliced his mouth open. He was playing with his sister in teh play room down stairs while we were finishing making supper when we heard a scream. Dedrick had tripped over a toy and landed on the blocks castle. It is a plastic container in the shape of a castle designed to hold the extra large building blocks. When we got to him the side of his mouth was split open about a half inch. We immediately but a cold cloth on it with ice and rushed him to the hospital. Isabeau went to grandma's while we were gone.

    Get him to the hospital and he ends up needing 6 stitches. 3 inside his mouth to help close the inside of the cheek and 3 outside his mouth. He was a trooper. Spending more time laughing at mommy and daddy and such then crying. He even thanked the nurses and doctor afterwards. Though I think he did that more to thank for the popsicle then anything. lol. He came home and had a bowl of ice cream for his supper. Trust me he did not mind. Next couple of days he can only have cold things like fruit cups, apple sauce, ice cream and so on. Then we changed him and put him to bed. Hubby ran to the store to get some extra cold things for him and while he was gone Dedrick called me. I ran in to discover that he had pulled out one of the front stitches.

    So now he and hubby are back at the hospital while i am here with Isabeau. She has school tomorrow and it is already 10:30. Luckily Dedrick was not bleeding or crying. In fact he can't wait to see the doctor and get another popsicle. lol. I am worried sick about him but have already set up several people so that when Derek is at work no matter what I have a ride to the hospital in the next several days just in case he pulls another one out.

    Even though the emergency is really over and is being taken care of I am shaking like a leaf. I was all calm while it was going on. The last thing Dedrick needed to see was me freaking out. But now that Dedrick is not here and is safe at the hospital with Daddy and the doctors the reality of what happened, the images of it before it got the stitches and so on is hitting me. I feel awful for him. It is my job as a parent to make sure he does not get hurt like this. I said the same to one of the nurses and she smiled at me and said "sometimes you can't stop it. I have 3 sons and everyone one of them had been in the hospital for stitches for rough housing before the age of 2. One of them twice. Life happens. We can't keep it all from happening."

    Those words make sense but I still feel like I failed him.

  2. #2
    As the kid who was in the hospital several times for stitches, there's not a thing you can do. Kids are going to be kids, and boys play ROUGH.
    The one eyed man in the kingdom of the blind wasn't king, he was stoned for seeing light.

  3. #3
    Thanks, I still can't help but feel guilty. Now if only the shakes would go away. Dedrick is all boy in the sense he is fearless, never sits still, is into everything and loves to explore. Oh yeah he thinks he can fly also. So I full expect to have to go through this with him a lot more as he gets older. His dad was just as bad though. lol His body is riddle with scars from his youthful days.

    They just got back and instead of putting in a new stitch to replace the one he pulled out they put 2 Steri strips on instead and a bandage over it. They gave us some extra steri strips just in case he pulls them off agian. If he takes out another stitch he has to go in to get them put back in agian. It is just they did not want to make him go through it agian tonight.

    He fell asleep on the way home and is now crashed out in bed. Poor little guy has had a hard night. He didn't cry at all this time hubby said and was a real angel. I hope this is teh end of it and no more stitches come out. He is suppose to have them removed on Friday.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Nicole, don't worry about the shakes now, that's the after-effect of the adrenaline that got you through the situation in the first place. The worst one Lady's Human - my littler-at-the-time brother - ever did was the reason no child I have ever cared for is allowed to jump up and down on the bed or couch. He was jumping up and down on his bed one night and nearly bit his tongue in half - it was hanging on by less than a quater of an inch of skin. Blood everywhere!

    But he - and my older brother - both lived to grow up. And my parents survived raising all four of us - I was the only kid who DIDN'T end up needing stitches during childhood! Hopefully Dedrick will leave his stitches alone and not end up with a scar. Don't tell him that - he'd think a scar would be cool, most likely!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Land of the Lost
    I'm glad that Dedrick is doing ok and sleeping well. He'll bounce back and be good as new in no time.It's true that boys will be boys

    I had my fair share of scaring the crud out of my mom. When I was 3-4 my brother and I were running around and I fell into the corner of the TV and had to get stitches above my eye. The day that the doctor removed my stitches I ran into the fire place and split the same spot wide open again. I really added to my parent's gray hair when I started playing baseball/hockey/soccer...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I am so glad Dedrick is okay. I have two little guys and they are so rowdy...they have had plenty of trips to the ER when they were Dedrick's age. Chin up. It will be okay. You are a great mom for taking such care of your little man. He will be back to new before you know it. (((HUGS))) to your lil' guy and to the rest of you!!

    "The dog represents all that is best in man." Etienne Charlet

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Aw, poor Dedrick, I am very glad to hear he is doing okay. I know I've done that kind of stuff, before. It's really is all part of being a kid..scaring your parents. Trust me, I am still pretty good at it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Belgium, near Ghent
    You're a great mom! Please don't take the blame on you; it is like someone said "boys will be boys!" ;

    btw, I love the names of your kids!
    I miss you enormously Sydney, Maya, Inka & Zazou Be happy there at the Rainbow Bridge

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    WAH! I have one of those at home myself, and sometimes, there isn't any stopping them. I must say, though, it must have been some gash for them to stitch it.

    He will be back up to full speed in a day, I bet. I see lots of popsicles in his future. He he he.

  10. #10
    AWWWWW poor guy.

    But you probably feel worse than he does..... LOL after all..... he gets to eat popsicles and ice cream. What could be better than that

    I hope his mouth heals up quickly though and that there are no more trips to the hospital for this particular boo boo.

    LOL I broke my leg in two spots when I was 8 and I was TERRIFIED to go the hospital. I cried and begged the whole time not to go. My mom felt bad that i was so scared but I HAD to go to the hospital. She said that once we got there a young male intern (goodlooking ) came up to me and said "I'm sorry sweetheart but you are going to have to stay over night and get a cast on that leg." I was smitten lol and in a dreamy voice just said "OK" My mom says she went through all that and all it took was a goodlooking Dr and i was putty in his hands lol. So it really is worse for the parent most of the time.

    R.I.P my dear Sweet Teddy. You will be missed forever. We love you.

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