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Thread: Little Old Ladies

  1. #1

    Little Old Ladies

    LOL I just LOVE little old ladies. I mean like the ones around 80. they are just so cute hehe.

    We have a lot of elderly women come into the store while their daughters are buying beading materials. yesterday a lady came in with her elderly mother and she was such a chatty little thing. She was telling me all about her daughters job and how she thinks it is causing her too much stress and that she doesn't need that job... but then she says... "but I won't tell her to quit..... that is not my place. And I don't want her to think she has to look after me so I am trying hard to take care of myself." She was just so bright and cheery and judging by the way she was in the store I have no doubt she does a wonderful job taking care of herself. and then she was telling me about all the crafts she loves to do and that it keeps her busy and she really enjoys needle point... she was telling me about all the different thing she makes. She just seemed so happy and cheerful.

    I just love to chat with these ladies.

    One of my favourite customers comes in with her mother. Now her mother is in her 70's I believe... and this woman is a RIOT. She just has so much spirit and she is SO funny. Very witty.

    Unfortunately she had a stroke recently.... they were in the store since her stroke and she looked wonderful but we haven't seen them since. I do worry that something has happened. But I can just tell she has lived a wonderful life and when she does pass... I'm sure she will go out smiling. She is a wonderful lady. I hope I see them soon.

    I know this is a wierd thread but seeing ladies like this really helps me look forward to growing old. They are just so full of life and spirit at their age and they really make me smile. I just adore them lol

    R.I.P my dear Sweet Teddy. You will be missed forever. We love you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I Use to volunteer at the bingo hall for my daughters sport and I just loved the older crowd.
    don't breed or buy while shelter dogs die....

    I have been frosted!

    Thanks Kfamr for the signature!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Glenside, pa
    Ya would have LOVED my mom. She was awesome, acted and looked 20 years younger, full of spunk and happiness (until dad died and she got sick). But she never stopped thinking of others. My bet is I'll be a cranky witch.

    I've been Boooo'd!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    What a great thread! I agree with you totally. I work for an ophthalmologist who specializes in glaucoma and cataracts. As a result we have quite a large elderly clientele. I have grown to absolutely love so many of our elderly patients. We can learn so much by speaking with these people who have lived through so much and have the benefit of decades of experiences.

    One of our favorite patients passed away a couple of years ago. We all went to his funeral because we felt we were almost "family" as unfortunately he and his wife had some eye problems and we saw them regularly. This particular couple also sent us postcards when they went on vacation too. Oh, and they had a little poodle named Mike, and the husband used to bring him to the office with them. Mike would sit on his shoulder.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    North East Ohio
    This thread is so touching it's given me LES..
    My grandmother just turned 89 a few weeks ago and you'd never believe it!!!
    She takes walks in the woods everyday (when the weather is nice)
    She's VERY active with several senior citizen groups, plays cards every Wednesday with another group of friends, drives her younger friends around... etc. She's unbelievable!!!
    3 years ago she had both knees replaced, so we keep telling her she's good for another 100,000 miles!!
    I pray I'm half the woman she is when I'm her age.
    ~Angie, Sierra & Buddy
    **Don't breed or buy while shelter dogs die!**

    I suffer from multiple Shepherd syndrome

  6. #6
    Lovely thoughts for a thread I enjoy the elderly as well. There is a nursing home near my house where I used to go with my church group. I listen to them and try to imagine just what they were like as children, teenagers, young adults and at my age. They almost always have interesting stories to tell.

    I try to imagine what I will be like if I live to be a very old age. Of course, a cheerful and pleasant person is always nice to be around. I hope I can work towards that

    Thanks for starting the thread - very nice.

  7. #7
    LOL -- that reminds me of my Nana Shes going to be 85 this year, and still helps to run the womens club at the Legion, does the fancy cakes and baking, helps to organize the dart tournaments, buffets, and all kinds of other tasks.

    She also goes out helping with the 'old people' by taking them food, and visits, and helping out a little -- and often these are people who are 10-15 years younger than she is ... i guess that really brings home the 'you're as old as you feel' saying *lol*

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    My mom....I still can't think of her as almost 74!

    She is slim, trim, looks after her appearance (involves blue jeans most of the time). She does long power walks about every day, and does workout classes at the Y.

    She talked to me last Friday, and it was only then that I found out the name if her Friday class. It is a weight-training class, and is called Bar Bell Blast!!!!
    I laughed...telling people my 73-year-old mom takes BAR BELL BLAST!

    She is a great model for me, and is a hero - my sister lived with her when her (my sister's) MS got worse, and Mom was there for her when she went to long-term care, hospital stays...and Mom and her sister and I were all there when Darcia died last year.

    But she moves forward and carries on, though she still grieves.

    I don't know if I would call her cute...but feisty, yes, especially when her favourite hockey team loses! lol
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  9. #9
    I spent every day in the nursing home my mom was in before she passed away and I got to meet and learned to love all the other elderly folks. So today I still visit on a regular basis, even though many of the regulars have also passed away. But every one of these elderly ladies or gentlemen have some of the best stories to tell, their experiences and the way they tell it is just so awesome.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Blue_Frog
    LOL -- that reminds me of my Nana Shes going to be 85 this year, and still helps to run the womens club at the Legion, does the fancy cakes and baking, helps to organize the dart tournaments, buffets, and all kinds of other tasks.

    She also goes out helping with the 'old people' by taking them food, and visits, and helping out a little -- and often these are people who are 10-15 years younger than she is ... i guess that really brings home the 'you're as old as you feel' saying *lol*

    My grandmother is also 85. Now I can't say she is always bright and chipper LOL.... usually she is telling us that we are getting too fat or that we should take care of our father and clean for him and cook his dinner. My dad is 60 acts like he is 12 LOL but he certainly does not expect or want anyone to do his "chores" for him lol. BUT when she isn't on one of these tangents she can be quite funny.... especially when with my grandpa. He is about 89. Now HE is always happy and laughing and joking. I can't definately see where my dad got his personality from. They still live on their own in an apartment.... and do everything for themselves. I really hope I can be in half the health that they are.

    My grandmother has to go in for hip replacement surgery in April which is scary for all of us to think about.... but if she is scared she sure doesn't let on. and if anyone can pull through that surgery it is definately her.

    LOL I remember years ago when I worked at burger king. We had this lady that came in almost everyday to have lunch with her friend. This woman was in her 70's and she was a little sh!t disturber lol. Of course we all knew her and loved her... she was hilarious. she would come in and give our manager heck and tell him that he better be treating us employees right lol. and he would always get lippy back at her (just in fun of course) and she would always say to me "How do you put up with this guy... you should smack him." LOL it was always fun and games when she came in... she was a riot. Always giving poor Dave grief but he loved it lol. I eventually left Burger King and started working a new job. But a few years later I took a part time job there just for some extra cash on top of my full time job. That woman STILL came in and she still remembered me lol. She came up to the counter and I said "OH NO... after all these years I forgot your order" She just started saying "well that is no excuse... I didn't forget about you but you forget ALL about me... I see how it is around here. YOu find something better and move on and forget about all us little people. BUT just this once I will tell you my order." LOL she was so funny. hahaha

    R.I.P my dear Sweet Teddy. You will be missed forever. We love you.

  11. #11
    My former boss's mom worked at the pet boarding facility until she was well into her 80's (I don't remember her exact age). It was the best job for her. She loved all of the customers- the people and their pets. She'd help walk some of the easy-to-walk dogs and she'd brush them and give them love and attention. She died last year at the age of 89.

    There was a lady who'd come to the pet boarding facility and bring us all kinds of "goodies"- usually cookies or candy. Her closest family lived a few hours away, so she kind of adopted us as her family. She lived on her own until less than a year ago- she's 90! She now lives with her son (the one who lived about 3 hours away). She uses the computer to email her friends and family- I usually get an email from her everyday. She's the sweetest lady and I miss seeing her.
    - Kari
    skin kids- Nathan, Topher, & Lilla

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    New Hampshire
    My Mom is 85 and she'll talk to anybody who'll listen.

    She'll even share her food. We once ate at a restaurant and she didn't want to throw her rice out or bring it home so she overheard the guy next to us order rice. She spoke right up & said not to order it and to take hers. He took it and ate it.

    Old people rock.
    I love Fenway, JoJo, Olivia and Nonnie!

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by elizabethann
    My Mom is 85 and she'll talk to anybody who'll listen.

    She'll even share her food. We once ate at a restaurant and she didn't want to throw her rice out or bring it home so she overheard the guy next to us order rice. She spoke right up & said not to order it and to take hers. He took it and ate it.

    Old people rock.

    LOL that is funny.

    R.I.P my dear Sweet Teddy. You will be missed forever. We love you.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I was in my office at the Salvation Army yesterday and the little old lady volunteers were setting up for an auction. Then one mentioned that there is cookie dough in the food pantry that they need to use and next thing you know they are all baking cookies to put out at the auction. Its nice to have my office next to the kitchen, they brought me samples. You gotta love 'em.
    "There are two things which cannot be attacked in front: ignorance and narrow-mindedness. They can only be shaken by the simple development of the contrary qualities. They will not bear discussion."

    Lord John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Fort Wayne, Indiana
    What a wonderful thread! My two passions all in one.... pets and old folks!

    We call (very affectionately) little old ladies "LOLLIES"... get it? LOL/Lollies!!!!


    Many of you know that I work at our local Council on Aging, and could I ever tell you some stories! May is Older Americans Month, and we have our Mayor read a proclamation every year, and last year for the first year, we had a luncheon and we honored Margaret Ringenberg. Some of you may know of her... she was a WWII pilot!!!!!! And at the age of 85 (I think), she still flies in airplane races! She has written a book, and she was in a book written by Tom Brokaw about America! Very sweet lady! She was the pilot who flew the airplane over Fort Wayne to announce (by dropping leaflets) that WWII had ended!

    While I was talking to a church group one day, talking about the services that we offer, I met a woman who was in the Navy and was stationed at Pearl Harbor when it was bombed!!!!!!!! Can you imagine?!

    Anyway, I wanted to say one more thing about seniors. PLEASE, if you are fortunate enought to still have parents and/or grandparents around, get their story from them. Learn about their childhood, ask about their parents, find out why they have made the decisions in their lives that they have. Get it on tape, or record it on camera.... and keep it! This is your legacy, and you need to get it now before it is too late. We try to encourage people to do this, because, as has been said on this thread already... every senior has a story!

    Sorry this is so long....seniors are very near and dear to my heart!
    Proud Meowmie of Sasha

    RIP sweet Tabitha, my heart kitty. You are loved and missed every day. 1988 - 2010

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