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Thread: VROOOOOM, KA-CHUNK, Stall... Learning to drive a Standard...

  1. #1

    VROOOOOM, KA-CHUNK, Stall... Learning to drive a Standard...

    I need to learn how to drive standard for 2 reasons.

    1. Makes my job easier, as I'll be able to drive any car from the Auction to the shop.

    I can already drive Auto (d'uh)...
    Cars with no breaks (who needs breaks when you have an E break, right? lol)...
    Cars with no power stearing (OMG, GRUNT, TURN DARNIT TURN, GRUNT, PANT!! lol)...
    & cars that think its FUNNY to randomly turn the dash lights off in the middle of the night (*2 way radio* Ummm guys, is it just me, or did it get dark out suddenly... & how fast am I going? WHAT HOW FAST! No way, stop lying! *light comes back on* OMG I AM DOING 180km/hr, I hate you guys!! But its a really smooth drive).

    2. Our newest car is a Standard 2003 5spd Sunfire, & its going to be my new work car, so I have to be able to drive it lol

    Anywho, Sat evening Tristian wanted to teach me a little about the clutch & how to go forward & backwards, in one of the cars on the lot. He drove us to the back side of the shop, so if worst came to worse, I'd back into a heep of junk cars or into a post (apparently thats better then the cars we're trying to sell lol)... I had no issues going forward or backwards.. I made the car jerk like a bronco, but I didn't stall the car nor did I hurt the clutch, so WOOHOO for me!!! Tristian said he was fairly impressed & said I should have little issues getting the hang of it, Chad was thrilled to hear that!

    Yesterday Chad took me to a parking lot so I could go into 2ed & 3rd gear... I didn't like 3rd gear, so we just stuck to 2ed (too much all at once). Lets just say things didn't go quite as smoothly

    I keep releasing the clutch too fast, so the car jerks like mad (I'm getting better, but its still enough to make me want to puke lol)... Then I had a boo boo.. I forget what I did but the car jerked something fearice, sounded like I tried to murder it & came to a lovely stall So my first stall was kinda violent *pets car*.

    Chad said I did pretty good by the time we finished up. I have pretty much grasped the concept of how & when to use the clutch. I just need to release it slower.

    Once I get that down, I'll start using 3rd gear & learn how to down-shift. Then learn how to handle hills & finally take it onto the street (side streets).

    I think I'll have it down pat by the end of the week, I'm a quick learner when it comes to this type of thing.

    Chad is going to make me a little card with the gears drawn on it & how fast each gear is for, then he'd gonna tape it to the dash... So I can learn that part quicker. I need visual & hands on, to learn best.

    My first time behind the wheel of an auto, my instructor thought I was lying when I said it was my first time driving. He took me downtown Ottawa OMG SO MANY CARS!!! I did fine. To this day I still haven't messed up parallel parking Boy was my instructer ticked lol He wanted to give me tips lol he made me do it 10 times in a row, then he gave up hahaha I became a good driver in less then 5hrs hahaha...

    I got my G class kinda early. I only had maybe 30hrs behind the wheel & 2 mins of HWY driving on my belt... The test instructor was pleased with my driving & passed me if only they knew

    I'm the only person my dad feels safe to let drive for him. My grandmother is now another person on my side hehe... My grandmother had a FIT becuase I was going to be driving her & the family to church, Dad said the weather is bad & he cannot drive in it, so if she wanted to go to church, I was her only ticket She always wants me to drive her now haha (well when I'm down visiting)...

    So ya I'm kinda impressed with myself :P

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Currently living in Ohio!
    Driving a stick shift is an exhilirating experience. Keep in mind though that taking off from a dead stop in a parking lot is going to be a lot different then taking off from a dead stop on a road on even the slightest incline!!

    I prefer driving a stick now that I know how!
    Visit my website to learn about fabulous kitchen gadgets and cookware!

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirrahsim
    Driving a stick shift is an exhilirating experience. Keep in mind though that taking off from a dead stop in a parking lot is going to be a lot different then taking off from a dead stop on a road on even the slightest incline!!

    I prefer driving a stick now that I know how!
    Chad & Bill like to use the e-break to prevent them from rolling back on a hill.

    I'm going to have a total of 5 people teaching me how to drive standard. They all drive a little differently, so they want me to be able to get settled in & comfy in how I like to drive (without ruining the car lol).

    They all told me that I'm going to blow the clutch by the end of the year. They said it happeneds to just about everyone, as new drivers put a lot of ware on the clutch.

    Chad blew up Dee-Annes clutch a month ago... He hadn't driven a standard since his accident & messed up.. but her clutch was nearing death anyways (old), so he only had to pay for 1/2 the clutch (700.00!!!)...

    My dad is super excited about me learning standard

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Currently living in Ohio!
    I was referring more to getting used to the amount of gas to give the engine when you are taking off on an incline. My first attempt at turning onto a main road was foiled by a bump in the road that I couldn't seem to accelerate over without stalling
    I also remember praying with all my might when a car pulled up behind me on a hill that I wouldn't roll back into them when I took my foot off the brake!!
    Good luck!!
    Visit my website to learn about fabulous kitchen gadgets and cookware!

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirrahsim
    I was referring more to getting used to the amount of gas to give the engine when you are taking off on an incline. My first attempt at turning onto a main road was foiled by a bump in the road that I couldn't seem to accelerate over without stalling
    I also remember praying with all my might when a car pulled up behind me on a hill that I wouldn't roll back into them when I took my foot off the brake!!
    Good luck!!
    Oh... sounds like I'm going to have a lot of fun lol

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Currently living in Ohio!
    It is lots of fun Once you get the feel for it it will just feels natural
    I wasn't a very good student and got angry when my family told me that I just "have to feel it", but that is the BEST advice.
    I mastered first gear by sitting in a parking lot and releasing the clutch VERY slowly without giving it any gas until the car started to inch forward. I was able to "get a feel for" the engine and that helped a TON! If you do that, make sure you don't release the clutch too much or it will stall
    Visit my website to learn about fabulous kitchen gadgets and cookware!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Awesome! I drive a 5 speed standard Sunfire GT, and at first I hated my dad would yell at me for everything lol. But one day I took the car out by myself and learned standard in just five minutes. Now standards are my favorite to drive and I've actually become bad at an automatic lol..sometimes I will reach for a clutch and get the breaks and then its just not good lol.

    It's good that you are you can drive any car!

    I will love you forever Bobo

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Binghamton, New York
    Ummmm....Yeah....I suck at standard!!! For some reason, I just cannot grasp it. My father tried to teach me, the army tried to teach me for 10yrs, and hubby tried to teach me. Everyone has given up all hope! he he he!

    I didn't slap you, I just high fived your Face!
    I've Been Boo'd!!

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Kalei
    Awesome! I drive a 5 speed standard Sunfire GT, and at first I hated my dad would yell at me for everything lol. But one day I took the car out by myself and learned standard in just five minutes. Now standards are my favorite to drive and I've actually become bad at an automatic lol..sometimes I will reach for a clutch and get the breaks and then its just not good lol.

    It's good that you are you can drive any car!

    Chad would never yell at me. Hes too sweet & he knows if he raises his voice, my Anxiety will go through the roof & I'll just get out lol

    When Chad did stop directing me what to do, i did really well. & it was when he said something, that I lost my train of thought & the poor car stalled lol...

    The running joke is that a G1 Driver is teaching a G driver how to drive lol Whats worse is that this isn't the first time Chad has taught me how to drive lol Honestly if it wasn't for Chad I still wouldn't be driving period.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by critter crazy
    Ummmm....Yeah....I suck at standard!!! For some reason, I just cannot grasp it. My father tried to teach me, the army tried to teach me for 10yrs, and hubby tried to teach me. Everyone has given up all hope! he he he!

    Andrew is the same way (kinda)... He sucks at driving an Automatic, so Chad & I have decided to not to teach him how to drive Standard.

    Andrew was suppose to drive me into work today, but I took the keys & drove myself to work, then he drove himself to work... I just cannot stand his jerkyness & indecisivness. We had a bad storm MONTHS ago & it took him hours to get to me (expected)... I had to walk a block to get to him (saved time with traffic) & I hopped into the SUV (explorer)... He tried to floor it to get into traffic OMG I thought we were gonna die!!! He was completely braindead Lets see you just spent hours getting to my work, in the same foot of snow, slush & ice & you forgot it was slippery out in the 20 mins it took me to walk across the field to get to you? It was a scary scary drive home. I try to never let him drive me anywhere.

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