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Thread: Prayers for Boo

  1. #1

    Prayers for Boo

    I don't normally ask for prayers...but this isn't really for me.

    I'm not sure if anyone remembers back last summer when I worked on a farm for a while?? She had a dog named Boo

    She actually just lost her other dog before I started working there which was a huge loss to them.

    Anyway, Boo has apperintly been missing for 2 weeks. I'm so worried about her. I'm worried someone stole her or she got stuck somewhere. They live sorta in the middle of no where out in the country They don't live near any busy highway or the sort and I'm pretty sure she's close with her neighbors....

    She is crushed, and I can't imagen how it feels, but I know how much her dog means to her. I just hope and pray they find her....

    My babies: Josie, Zeke, Kiba, Shadow (AKA Butter)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Poor Boo. I hope she's safe and is found soon. I would be a wreck if I were your friend. Please find your way home, Boo. Audrey, I'm going to light Duke's candle for Boo, ok?

    I did the right thing by setting you free
    But the pain is very deep.
    If only I could turn back time, forever, you I'd keep.
    I miss you

    I hear you whimper in your sleep
    I gently pet you and say, no bad dreams
    It will be alright, to my dog as dark as night.

    Fur as dark as the night.
    Join me on this flight.
    Paws of love that follow me.
    In my heart you'll forever be.

    How I wish I could hold you near.
    Turn back time to make it so.
    Hug you close and never let go.

  3. #3
    I'm so sad and she not even my dog....she is such a wonderful dog I e-mailed the humane society incase by some chance they came across her. I highly doubt it has they live more thatn 1.5 hours from the HS....

    My babies: Josie, Zeke, Kiba, Shadow (AKA Butter)

  4. #4
    poor Boo.. she must be terrified. I will pray that Boo shows up soon back where she belongs safe and unharmed. please keep us updated!
    Krista- owned by Rudy, Dixie, Miagi & Angel

    Rocky, Jenny, Ginger Buster & Tiger .. forever loved & always in my heart..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    That's so horrible. I'll be saying lots and lots of prayers that Boo finds her way home!!!

    "Did you ever notice when you blow in a dog's face he gets mad at you?
    But when you take him in a car he sticks his head out the window." -- Steve Bluestone

  6. #6
    It scares be because we have a lot of coyote's around those area's...they can and will easily take down a dog of Boo's size. I hope and pray she just wandered off somewhere or someone found her...

    My babies: Josie, Zeke, Kiba, Shadow (AKA Butter)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Aw no! The worst thing ever is when I dog gets lost, its so scarey just thinking of what may have happened. Boo will be in my prayers tonight. Let's all hope he will come back home safely or that someone will find him.

    I will love you forever Bobo

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Riding my bike somewhere...
    Oh no. I know the pain of this all too well. Please tell her to keep on looking.
    Post as many signs as she can, call and visit the shelters as often as possible, etc.

    I will be thinking of Boo and hoping for her safe return.

    ~Kay, Athena, Ace, Kiara, Mufasa, & Alice!
    "So baby take a axe to your makeup kit
    Set ablaze the billboards and their advertisements
    Love with all your hearts and never forget
    How good it feels to be alive
    And strive for your desire"

    -rx bandits

  9. #9
    The problem is she lives in the country, sort of in the middle of no where. Literally. She has a few neighbors but they are not close by. The front of her place is water, and the side is wooded then water.

    We have one shelter (which I e-mailed) that is 1.5 hours not likely but still possible. She said she's done everything humanly possible...unfortanatly the likelyhood that it was a coyote are very high..

    My babies: Josie, Zeke, Kiba, Shadow (AKA Butter)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Aquidneck Island
    Adding our prayers that Boo returns home soon.

  11. #11
    Oh no, thats so sad I will keep Boo & her family in my thoughts for her safe return.

    I had no idea there were coyote' on the island. I knew there were Foxes. Is the coyote population small? I've never heard them when I was at the cottages or camping.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    indianapolis,indiana usa
    Poor Boo. I do hope she finds her way back home.
    I've Been Boo'd

    I've been Frosted

    Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

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