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Thread: Behavioral Problem?

  1. #1

    Behavioral Problem?

    I have 2 cats. I have been on here before to ask advise about my youngest cat - Pepper. She is very feral but seems to be trying to get a little less shy. My question today is about my cat Cinnamon. I must tell you up front that he is spoiled rotten - my fault entirely. A couple of weeks ago I noticed a little wet spot on my bed and I chalked it up to Cinnamon's feet being wet when he jumped on my bed. I had been letting him go into the garage to play some days because he loves to be out but both my cats are indoor pets. I don't want them to be outside cats. Anyway, 2 nights ago I got ready for bed and as I sat down and swung my legs into the bed - ugh! There was a huge "wet" spot. It went through my bed sheets and covers and to the mattress. It was a huge spot. Does anyone have any idea why he would do that? I am almost positive it was Cinnamon because Pepper does not go in my room that much. I have been home the last 2 weeks because of being sick and Cinnamon has gotten plenty of attention. He hardly leaves my side.

    Sorry, I didn't mean to make this thread so long but I really am puzzled as to why he would pee on my bed like that. Any help you can suggest is appreciated. Thanks.
    Last edited by leoreigns; 01-28-2007 at 08:19 PM. Reason: mispelling

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    He may be trying to get more attention even though it's now by being bad. Since you had been home for so long and giving him so much attention he became used to that and maybe this is why he's started peeing on your bed.

    The other thing I'd advise is to make sure that he doesn't have any health problems. You should probably have him checked out by a vet to make sure it's just a behavioral problem and not a physical one. Good luck and please continue to keep us updated.

  3. #3


    Thanks I will do that.

  4. #4
    Yep, have him checked but it does sound like it's a behavioral problem, esp. since he had been getting so much attention previously. My Peeka (RIP) actually peed on ME in the middle of the night. I had taken in another cat and she did not like it at all. It was 2:00 AM and I heard the sound before I actually felt it; she peed on my hair! She drenched me because I had been sound asleep. I had to strip the bed and take a shower. (AFTER I killed the cat. KIDDING!!!) And years ago I had a cat that protested when I brought a dog into the home. She showed us how upset she was by peeing on the stove every night. I'd come downstairs to make coffee and thought that my (then) husband was spilling pickle juice on the stove because he had quite a pickle addiction at that time. Uh no. It was the cat. And she peed on my bed, too. She eventually went to live w/a neighbor. She just would not accept the dog and, though I loved her and wanted to keep her, I could not tolerate that behavior. Once she went to live w/my neighbor, they never had a behavior problem w/her.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    My mom had a spoiled kitty who used to do this. He would choose other places and things too, like her coat or something, but he did the bed a few times. We never found a way around it. He only done it when left completely alone in the house for more than a few hours.. he didnt approve. This kitty my brother had found along with another in Germany and he raised them (they were a week old) so he was very people attatched. Felix went outside one day and never came home, but some have swore they spotted him at another house. We think he moved. (we had a cat growing up that done this, but the sweet old couple took good care of him and we left him with them)

    Maybe you can keep him out of the room? Im not sure how to fix it...
    Emily with Snow, Cowgirl, and Chunky

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