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Thread: Got The Dog Run!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Southern California

    Got The Dog Run!

    Finally got the dog run that I ordered two weeks ago (5-7 days my butt)

    I feel like such a nerd being so excited about the arrival of a dog run. But I am!

    I got a fairly large one. It's 7' x 12' x 6'
    Travis (and the new GSD pup) will be kept in it while I'm at school. He was being kept in his crate but I didn't like that idea so I decided to fork out the money and get him a nice big run.

    He can't be left out in the backyard because he always manages to find something to destroy when left unsupervised.

    My dad wants to put the run on the concrete but I'm trying to convince him that its a bad idea. I think we agreed to put it in the back of the yard on the wood chip/dirt part.

    Next I have to buy a tarp to put over the top for when it rains.
    And we still have to put it together and put all his stuff in it (dogloo, dishes, etc). Wish me luck on that The website says its easy to put together but we'll see.

    Anyway! Just had to share my excitement on that! LoL
    Us dog moms.
    Ruled by:

    The GSDS: Addaxx and Fenyxx
    The Poodle thing: Frodo
    The Chihuahua: Stark

  2. #2
    Sounds good! I would honestly put it on the concrete, or you might get him digging out under the dirt. And you can keep the poop contained and just rinse off the concrete every few days.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Virginia US
    Well- I am not a fan of outdoor kennels, but if its necessary- then thats fine. I want to point something out. Having some concrete is a good idea- easier to keep clean and gives them a surface they could lay on. The problem with all dirt is that even if you keep it clean of fecal matter, this with the urine makes a prime breeding ground for cocicdeo and or gouradia which is intestinal. The symptons are loose darker stools, with mucus in it. The run really should be moved monthly to prevent this from happening.This is compounded in a smaller area than just a large yard.
    Also remember- shepherds can easily clear 6 foot if they really want to. A tarp is a good idea. Not only keeping the rain and snow off, but also keeping them in. Make sure they do not wear collars in a run. If they try to go over and get their collar caught- well you know what can happen.

  4. #4
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    Southern California
    Being in an outdoor kennel is A LOT better than being in his crate.

    When we are home he is inside with us. The only time he HAS to be outside is when we are not home.

    Thank you for the advice. Im still not going to put it on the concrete. I personally (from personal experience/observation) do not feel it is very wise to keep it all on the concrete. There is no way we can have it partly on the concrete and dirt so its going to be on the dirt/wood chips. There will also be a dogloo and a crate in there. It will be just fine for him, I'll make sure of it

    I'd like to add (without coming accross as rude) that I'm not looking for lectures/ or comments about my choice in keeping my dog in a run while I am not home. Im perfectly capable of properly caring for my dogs. I only wish the best for them.
    Ruled by:

    The GSDS: Addaxx and Fenyxx
    The Poodle thing: Frodo
    The Chihuahua: Stark

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Virginia US
    I uh never said you did not care for your dogs. I was concerned about dirt that gets fecal matter in it that breeds coccidea. Contrary to popular belief, you can get it with or without poultry.. Get a kennel spray you can do the yard like twice a month in warm weather.

  6. #6
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    Southern California
    Quote Originally Posted by borzoimom
    I uh never said you did not care for your dogs. I was concerned about dirt that gets fecal matter in it that breeds coccidea. Contrary to popular belief, you can get it with or without poultry.. Get a kennel spray you can do the yard like twice a month in warm weather.
    That remark wasn't towards you. I know that you didn't say I couldn't care for my dogs I was just making a general statement as I've had people question me before and I wanted to avoid that this time around.

    Forgot to add, I really do appreciate the advice regarding bacteria. I'll make sure to look into sprays. Thank you.
    Ruled by:

    The GSDS: Addaxx and Fenyxx
    The Poodle thing: Frodo
    The Chihuahua: Stark

  7. #7
    Just out of curiosity, why wouldn't you put it on the concrete?

    If you were to put it on the dirt, I would also rebar (sp?) it to make sure a hole can't be dug underneath-mine would be out in a flash.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Virginia US
    Quote Originally Posted by Travis_gsd27
    That remark wasn't towards you. I know that you didn't say I couldn't care for my dogs I was just making a general statement as I've had people question me before and I wanted to avoid that this time around.

    Forgot to add, I really do appreciate the advice regarding bacteria. I'll make sure to look into sprays. Thank you.
    Okay - I just wanted to make you knew I was making a point to keep the dirt clean. I forgot the stuff that petsmart sells to clean outdoor runs. But I am sure you can find out.
    Also- concrete can make the paws raw if they run the kennel alot. If you do this, make sure it is rather slick or they can get off it so they do not get " concrete elbow- a calius on the elbows. Chips especially cedar causes skin reactions and can cause breathing problems. If you use them, mix half and half but if you use pine bales- freeze them first to prevent those wood mites. Straw would be better..
    And rebar is an excellent idea..

  9. #9
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    Southern California
    I've seen dogs get nasty sores on their legs from being on the concrete (and only concrete) for long periods of times. He wouldn't be out there for an extreme amount of time but if you add up the hours weekly I feel it would be too much time on the concrete.

    May sound like a stupid reason but I just dont like the thought of him on the concrete that much. I just worry a little too much when it comes to my kids.

    I'd prefer for there to be grass in there but its not possible (no way my parents would want the run on their precious grass )

    Travis isn't a digger. And if he did dig out, there would be a nine foot privacy fence stopping him from exiting the yard. (Our fence is a 6 foot Wooden Fence on top of a 3 foot block wall). I'll see if I can't fix it to where we could prevent a breakout though Better safe than sorry I suppose.

    But now I'm definetly going to look into those sprays. Don't want bacteria building up.
    Ruled by:

    The GSDS: Addaxx and Fenyxx
    The Poodle thing: Frodo
    The Chihuahua: Stark

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Southern California
    Quote Originally Posted by borzoimom
    Also- concrete can make the paws raw if they run the kennel alot. If you do this, make sure it is rather slick or they can get off it so they do not get " concrete elbow- a calius on the elbows.
    That is exactly another reason I didnt really like the concrete idea.

    I am sorry for that little misunderstanding. I did not mean to make it seem as if I was being rude to you. I guess my defences are just up a little bit.

    Next time I'm at petsmart i'll be sure to look around for the spray.
    Ruled by:

    The GSDS: Addaxx and Fenyxx
    The Poodle thing: Frodo
    The Chihuahua: Stark

  11. #11
    Okay, gotcha.

    If you're looking to go a little bit more out, Kuranda beds are always nice, if he'd use it...either made of a tough plastic or a mesh, they rinse off easily, great for outdoor use.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Southern California
    Quote Originally Posted by areias
    Okay, gotcha.

    If you're looking to go a little bit more out, Kuranda beds are always nice, if he'd use it...either made of a tough plastic or a mesh, they rinse off easily, great for outdoor use.
    Yes, basically its just me being an over protective mom.

    I'll look into those definetly. See if its something do able for me.
    Ruled by:

    The GSDS: Addaxx and Fenyxx
    The Poodle thing: Frodo
    The Chihuahua: Stark

  13. #13
    Checked out the prices...they're probably as expensive as the run itself but I guess the "Poly Resin" is the cheapest and most widely used-about $70 for his size.

    Anyways, just a thought. Whenever I buy my own place, I hope to either have or build a few real "kennels" or larger play places for when I'm not there, to eliminate the need for a crate...I think it would tire them out more than sleeping in a crate all day! Good thinking.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Southern California
    ooh, what site is that on? Link me!

    I thought that a run would be much more convenient than a crate. He'll be able to stretch those legs whenever he wants.

    I do have a question for anyone who wants to answer,
    In your opinion, is it safe to leave his Cuz in the run with him? He loves those Cuz's and I thought it would be nice to leave one in there for him to play with. I dont see any real danger in leaving it alone with him, but I thought I'd get some input from others on this one.

    Just like to add that Cuz 's are toys
    Ruled by:

    The GSDS: Addaxx and Fenyxx
    The Poodle thing: Frodo
    The Chihuahua: Stark

  15. #15

    Go to products...then to the poly resin...we've used them in the boarding kennels I worked at, and they held up remarkedly well.

    For a GSD they recommend 40x25 I think.

    Not sure about the other dogs, maybe someone else could answer that one-came back to edit, I would try it very supervised at first-leave them out there and keep an eye out through a window..if any problems, than no, but if everything looks good I think it should be okay as long as Travis isn't particularly toy/food/space aggressive. Some dogs don't like others invading their personal space too much.


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