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Thread: Boy Charged by Mother....

  1. #1

    Boy Charged by Mother....

    I heard this on the radio today. I don't know all the specifics but this is the just of it.

    A mother charged her son (age unknown to me) with Petty Larsony (sp?) because he opened a present (a gameboy) after being told repeatedly not to. She said " I asked him repeatedly not to open the present and he did so I hope the police straighten him out"


    First of all, don't parents take responsiblity anymore? isn't it her job to enforce the rules? What a waste of the Police's time. they could be out stopping REAL crimes rather than dealing with this BS.

    Second of all, if that were my child and he opened that gift after being told not to.... I wouldn't call the cops. I would return the gameboy or give it to a deserving child. He disobeys the rules he does NOT get the gameboy. If the behaviour continued I would give away the gifts one by one.

    What do you all think about this story? I am sure the child is under 16 but why would you start a criminal history for your child over something so petty.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Yes, I read that story a few days ago also. All I can say is they don't
    make Moms like they used to. Just shows how little respect and control
    she has over her own children.
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  3. #3
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    Boy Charged by Mother

    Thank you & enough said with me..
    Quote Originally Posted by lizbud
    Yes, I read that story a few days ago also. All I can say is they don't
    make Moms like they used to. Just shows how little respect and control
    she has over her own children.

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  4. #4
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    What the... People these days, I hope the police make her pay a fine for wasting their fime.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    San Jose, CA
    Hang on, I've got the article from my childfree forum.... CLICK

    Child Arrested After Opening Holiday Gift Early

    POSTED: 12:26 pm EST December 5, 2006
    Email This Story | Print This Story
    What is the penalty for opening your Christmas presents too early?

    For one South Carolina 12-year-old, the penalty was arrest.

    A Rock Hill, S.C., woman called police and asked them to arrest her son who opened a Christmas present early after being told not to, the Rock Hill Herald reported. Police went to the house and arrested the boy and charged him with petty larceny.

    The paper reported that the boy's great-grandmother had specifically told him not to open his present, which contained a Nintendo Game Boy Advance. It was wrapped and lying under the Christmas tree, the police report stated.

    But on Sunday morning, the gift was unwrapped and the box was empty. So when the boy's mother found out, she alerted police, the paper reported.

    "He took it without permission. He wanted it. He just took it," the 63-year-old great-grandmother told the Herald.

    The women said that the boy lied to them at first, saying he was unaware of where the video game system was. After threat of calling the police, the boy apparently gave the toy back to his mother, the paper reported. But the upset mother called police anyway.

    Two officers responded and charged the child as a juvenile with petty larceny, although he was not jailed.

    The mother told the Herald that she didn't know what else to do with her son, so she called police. The paper reported she is a single mother and has been struggling with constant behavior problems from the boy. She said her son still showed no remorse when the police came.

    "I'm trying to get him some kind of help," the 27-year-old mother told the paper. "He's the type of kid who doesn't believe anything until it happens."

    She said he has shoplifted, stolen money from her, punched a police officer and is nearing expulsion from school. She told the paper that she hopes this arrest will be a wake-up call for her son, because she worries about getting a call someday telling her he's been killed.

    The mother plans to have her son placed with the state Department of Juvenile Justice in Columbia at his court appearance, the Herald reported.


    Looking at the age discrepancies...this woman was 15 when she had him. I'm not terribly surprised she didn't learn how to parent him well. The GREAT grandmother was only 36 when her granddaughter was born.

    If my brother had done this and my parents truly felt he deserved to be punished, my guess is they would have donated the gameboy to charity. NOT wasted the cops' time. I certainly home the police weren't kept from know...IMPORTANT while this was happening.

    Thank you Wolf_Q!

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  7. #7
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    How stupid. I see zero parenting there. Like seriously, she's wasting some of the cops' precious time that may actually be needed elsewhere. She obviously doesn't know the first thing about parenting. She should have to pay a fine and have herself checked for some mental issues.

    And also, if she knows her son is tempted to open the present, why not hide it? My parents never put the presents under the tree until early Christmas morning or around midnight on Christmas Eve. They always keep them hidden in their room.

    What a stupid thing to do.

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  8. #8
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    Some people aren't fit to pro-create, let alone own a pet.

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  9. #9
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    so beware kids.........if you don´t eat your´ll be doing jail time....
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  10. #10
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    a mother not knowing how to mother *sigh* becoming too common these days.

    she shoulda given it back, or given it to someone else since the brat doesn't know how to listen.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Land of the Ducks...quack!

    I don't even know what to say...geez. Parenting by police...what exactly is THIS going to teach the child? Besides, if he HAS been prosicuted for shoplifting already, what is another arrest going to do at this point?


  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Ft. Wayne, IN
    It's obvious that every one of those "mothers" was still a child when they had a child. To be 63 and a GREAT grandmother is just insane. This brat's mother was 15 and that leaves possibly 2 18 year olds having kids to make up the difference...OY! This kid is doomed and will be taking up a spot in prison when he's 18 if he continues the path that he is on now.

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  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Mugsy, you covered the math the way I did. GREAT grandmother at 63??? Wow.

    The police should have charged the mother with aggravated cruelty too -- thats just plain mean to put a coveted toy under the tree like that and not expect a kid to peek and "steal" it. She might as well have put a neon sign over it that read, "open me! Play with me!" Parents are supposed to HIDE these gifts until Christmas Eve when the kids are asleep.

    My son once unwrapped a CD I bought and replaced the new one with an old one. He spent weeks listening to the new CD. I was on to him but never let him know. On Christmas morning, he opened it and pretended to be surprised, only the surprise was on him, I asked him to show us which CD was in the package. You should have seen the look on his face. THAT taught him not to sneak Christmas gifts before their time much better than a call to the police.

  14. #14
    My dad is droven nuts by calls from parents asking the police to come by and talk to their kids and 'scare them'. This case does seem extreme... I wonder if the police actually arrested him, or made his mom do a citizens arrest form on him...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
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    Gosh, I would have been flipped over my mon's knee and paddled till I couldn't sit down for a week!!! It sure wouldn't have happened more than once, I can tell you!!!
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