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Thread: Construction Bunnies

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Construction Bunnies

    Well, due to the construction of my living room, I had to move my rabbits back outside. They're lonely out there at night. I feel sad. But I take them out every day and put them in their play-pen for some exercise and fresh air. I was thinking about gettin' a nice, new, outdoor hutch and an already-made-shed I saw at Orscheln's. So they could be indoor/outdoor bunnies. And so they wouldn't stink up the house. And they will be warm in the winter time too. I could also let them run around on the shed floor but I'd have to get a litter box so they won't poop all over. Anyway, probably won't have enough money to do all this. Just nice to think about it.

  2. #2
    My cousin kept a rabbit at their friends home, he had a stable with 2 horses, and an extra one, so they kept the bunny in there, it was big so the it had lots of room to move about. Kinda neat..

    My babies: Josie, Zeke, Kiba, Shadow (AKA Butter)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Southern California

    Here's a bun to help you during the construction. (This beauty was Pet of the Day on 12/01/2000, but without the hardhat)

    You are such a good bunny-mom, and your love and concern shows with all the messages you write here on PetTalk. I don't have any words of wisdom about bunnies, but I'm sure glad your sweeties have you to look after them!
    "Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened" - Anatole France

  4. #4
    hah! Thats too cute!

    My babies: Josie, Zeke, Kiba, Shadow (AKA Butter)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Awww, Sniffer is SOO cute. That's for your words of encouragement. I take them outta their cage every night to run in their play-pen and one at a time I put on their harness and leash so they can explore the yard. Hehehe.

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