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Thread: Is Bleach a Pet Hazard?

  1. #1

    Is Bleach a Pet Hazard?

    At some boards, some well-intentioned people have posted the hazards of bleach to pets. They claim that the critters can get toxins from cleaned bowls and the floor. It is false. To read about this urban legend, see

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Stockton, CA
    Thanks for the info.
    I'm sometimes asked "Why do you spend so much of your time and money talking about kindness to animals when there is so much cruelty to men?" I answer: "I am working at the roots." -George T. Angell, reformer (1823-1909)

    Thank you, Popcornbird for creating this tribute to Summer starring Livvy and Cassy

    Livvy: 11 April 99 - 5 July 09
    Cassy: 11 July 99 - 8 April 11

    If you would like to visit my BeautiConsultant page --

  3. #3
    Thanks for the information. I have always used bleach in the water to clean pet dishes ect. What else would you use thats ready available? Can't think of anything.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    West Columbia, SC

    Is bleach a pet hazard?

    Bleach isn't a hazard as long as it's rinsed well.

    At the shelter, they were using bleach in a too-strong solution on the floors and not rinsing well. Several of the dogs developed hair loss and mild burns on their hips and legs from laying on the floors. Now they use a lot less bleach in the cleaning solution.

    Heloise did a test a few years ago that proved that vinegar killed as many bacteria as bleach. I used vinegar to clean the carpet after puppy accidents and it seemed to work well.


  5. #5
    The sad thing about this urban myth is pets could become ill or even die by people avoiding bleach. By far, the vet expenses are the rescues' biggest bill. Cage cleaning is critical to prevent an outbreak of disease.

    I wish the people who start such myths could be fined or jailed

  6. #6
    Former User Guest
    We have never ever used bleach and won't use it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Born in Scotland, live in England UK
    I use a pet discinfectant to clean my pet food bowls. I can also use this cleaner as a hutch spray to that was the main reason I bought it but when I read the back of it I noticed I could use it ofr bowls too.

    I personally don't use bleach in the bowls but we do use it on the floors.

  8. #8
    I believe that most dishwash soaps that are used in dishwashers contain a form of bleach.
    Vineger is really great to take out stains and smells but, dosen't discinfectant.

  9. #9
    Yikes! I am feeling like the most abysmal housekeeper. Everyone is bleaching -- floors, cutting boards, dishes, et al. The only thing I bleach is "the whites" and not very often at that.

    Last night Edwina was up on the table, drank water out of my husband's glass and nibbled on my turkey burger.

    I'm afraid I'm beyond reform.....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Copenhagen, Denmark - GMT+1
    Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
    I'm afraid I'm beyond reform.....
    LOL! Good for you!! ..... and your cats!

    "I don't know which weapons will be used in the third World war, but in the fourth, it will be sticks and stones" --- Albert Einstein.

  11. #11
    Former User Guest
    Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
    Yikes! I am feeling like the most abysmal housekeeper. Everyone is bleaching --
    Relax, you are not the only one, LOL! I'm not into it either! I don't even bleach the whites

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Los Angeles, CA USA
    [i]Last night Edwina was up on the table, drank water out of my husband's glass and nibbled on my turkey burger.

    I'm afraid I'm beyond reform..... [/B]
    Oh, you horrible, horrible person. I never let Rascal drink out of my glass, or nibble my turkey burger. HOWEVER, I do let him help me eat ice cream and recently discovered he loves Raisin Bran flakes out of my cereal bowl.

    As for bleach, I am not sure why this became a topic........if you aren't comfortable using it - then don't - and many people don't.

    Sugar (R/B) lived to be over 18 - and all of his dishes were washed by hand with dish detergent.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    I don't use bleach either. I use antbacterial soap or dish detergent to clean my babies bowls.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Georgia, USA
    originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
    Last night Edwina was up on the table, drank water out of my husband's glass and nibbled on my turkey burger.

    OHHHH THE PICTURE IN MY HEAD IS SOOOO HILARIOUS.... I can see you two sitting back saying HELP YOURSELF DEAR EDWINA as she walks around the table sipping and nibbling........ LOL LOL LOL

    Alden is here!!
    7/6/2006 - 9 pounds 9 ounces 22 inches


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