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Thread: patella luxation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Burlington, Ontario, Canada

    patella luxation

    My Jack Russell terrier/miniature poodle cross was diagnosed with patella luxation (a condition in which the kneecap becomes dislocated, causing pain and temporary lameness) when she was about a year old. She had several episodes during her first year of life, but they started to become less frequent as she matured, and she hasn't had any in the last year. (She's now two and a half.) Is it possible for an animal to outgrow this condition, or has she just been lucky? We know that corrective surgery is an option, but we're hoping it won't be necessary. I'd be interested to hear about the experiences others have had with this condition.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    I don't know that we have any vets here on the board but I can speak from a pet owner's point of view. My toy poodle, Pumpkin, (RB) suffered from this. It started one day when he jumped up at the door to go outside and then there was a yelp. I rubbed his leg, and in so doing I actually caused it to slide back in place. The vet then showed me how to do it the proper way in case it should happen in the future. Well it became a chronic problem, and eventually he did have to have surgery and a pin was inserted in his knee. He had no problems after that. I was told that it is a problem in smaller breed dogs. Apparently there is a hereditary factor also, and possibly a more responsible breeder would not have bred his parents if they suspected this problem in one of them. That said, I wouldn't have wanted to not have had the chance to have this little guy in my life!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Lennie, what "grade" of luxation did the vet say your dog had? From what I've read, the condition can be very mild (level 1, only rare difficulties with the leg) or can be severe (level 5, complete inability to use the leg at all). Most vets suggest that a grade 1 or 2 doesn't need surgery, but a 3 or higher should have the surgery. I also know that with age and time it's supposed to get worse as the bones and connective tissue wear down.

    Maybe your pup's condition was so mild that it went away as the joints grew? I dunno, just guessing. You might try asking this on a newsgroup like, where vets and folks like that might have ideas.

    Glad she's better, though!

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