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Thread: Is there anything we can do...?

  1. #1

    Is there anything we can do...?

    Some of you may have noticed the thread I had in Dog General with pictures of the pound in town. I'll post a few of those pictures here.
    First, we went there today, and we saw a beagle that wasn't able to reach the water (its in one of those bin-like things, but cut down).

    Its the blue thing in the back of that picture (and are those silver things in the picture feeders? That was the only source of food).
    It wasn't able to reach the water, and no one was around, so my mum and I found a pan and poured some water in it for the little guy.
    We continued to look over the dogs, and one of the dogs was infested with ticks.

    Those are only a few of the ticks on the poor guy.

    They live in filth, I mean, yes, with so many dogs its hard to keep the mess down, but in that pin, there is only those two very small dogs, and you can see how horrid it is.

    We found this outside. As many have noticed, they look an awful lot wolf-like. Possibly hybrids or something like that.. when the AC guy finally pulled up, he said that those dogs and some others must have been dropped off while he was out on a call. It seems odd that these two wolf-like dogs were in a trapping crate below two other crates. It just seems like there is something fishy going on.
    Plus, he doesn't seem to look over the newly-brought-in animals before he releases them into the pens with the others. Such as one of the "dropped off" dogs was infested wih fleas, it even had bald spots on the poor thing. He ended up putting it with some other dogs, obviously exposing the other dogs to all the fleas and such.

    So.. its not the greatest of places.
    Why I ask if there is anything I can do, is because my dad's friend (actually his friend's wife) is part of the local Humane-society club-thing in town. A few years ago she went to a town meeting to complain about the conditions. In the end, the person who decides things commanded that all dogs in the pound be PTS. I'll start off first by saying: our city council, mayor, etc.. isn't great at all. They have made so many people in our town want to move.
    I would like to contact the media and all, but I am so awfully afraid that somehow it will end up with them all being PTS again.
    This is basically just the animal control center here in town, not a humane society or anything... I understand they're at limited funds, but they can still do better than this, no?
    We're going back later this week to see if he actually continues to make sure the beagle has water accessible (he gave the beagle some water when we pointed it out, but some other dogs bullied the beagle out of the way).
    We'll take most everything into consideration. But do keep in mind we (my family and I) can't do things too drastic.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    New Hampshire
    OMG. I can't get over that dog with all the ticks! This is an animal control shelter that is run by the town? I would contact the town selectman (or selectwoman) and show them the pictures. Maybe the center doesn't get allot of funding and they don't have the people to properly take care of these dogs. These pictures may increase the funding. Or, if they have enough funding but not taking care of the dogs, then the town needs to know. I think people would be upset if their tax dollars are not being put to good use -taking care of the animals at the towns animal control center.

    I don't know what else to think.

    Keep us posted on what happens. I just can't get over those ticks!

    I love Fenway, JoJo, Olivia and Nonnie!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    NE Pa.
    I am not sure what you can DO however if it was us and it's not I know, first I would schedule an appointment with the supervisor bringing along any laws pertaining to what they are charged with (this can be found in city hall it will state the purpose function budget etc ) point out the obvious and be prepared to help with a solution as opposed to an attack on them totally sucking (which they appear to do). Rally like minded friends and family etc and see if an effort of volunteering to bathe infested dogs, kennel clean up etc is possible and then offer that to the table. PUT IT IN WRITING if it is refused or you cannot get heard call the media, make copies of the pics copies of the proposition and the laws pertaining to their actual function and let it roll. I hope this helps. I wish we could do more,how sad that the silent ones suffer the most.

  4. #4
    Thank you both for the suggestions.
    Tomorrow my mother and I will be going back to the pound to check on the conditions again. My parents have decided they want to call the mayor before they do anything, so we plan on doing that on monday.
    I will keep you all updated.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Gran Canaria, Spain
    Omg, that is horrible horrible conditions. I would have never thought I would see that at an American shelter.

    I would talk to the mayor, print up some flyers, hand them out around your town, and see about talking in front of the town hall.

    PUT IT IN WRITING if it is refused or you cannot get heard call the media, make copies of the pics copies of the proposition and the laws pertaining to their actual function and let it roll.

    I am still shocked at the conditions.

  6. #6
    My sister and I went to the pound again today... they aren't open on Saturdays, but the biggest pen there is completely and easily viewable from the road. Yesterday, the pen had at least eight dogs. Today it only had 3. Hopefully they were claimed by their owners, but its probably not the case...
    The pound has such horrible hours to be open. They're only open during the weekdays, and they open after everyone has gone to work, and they close right before everyone gets off work! No wonder none of them ever get adopted, no one ever has time to go see the dogs at such awkward hours...
    I'll tell you what we find monday.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Florida, USA
    This is absolutely disgusting!! Thank God for you and your family for trying to do something about it. They need to be put out of business if they don't improve. Is this the one that you started a thread about several months ago? They should be ashamed of themselves for those animals being kept in such squalid conditions. It absolutely makes me sick to see this. If I can be of any help to you, please PM me

    I've been Boo'd...
    Thanks Barry!

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Daisy and Delilah
    Is this the one that you started a thread about several months ago?
    Yes, its the same one. I had planned on doing something back then, but once I heard about them putting all the dogs down to "solve" the problem, I've been so hesitant to do anything incase that happens again.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Florida, USA
    I understand that this has to be a huge undertaking to try to take action against this place. You guys are so brave to even try it. Maybe your local tv station can pay them a visit? Those poor animals are so pitiful. You guys are the best for trying to do something!! Keep up the good work!

    I've been Boo'd...
    Thanks Barry!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Oh my... that just makes me sick. How could people do this to these innocent animals?? And they call this an animal shelter? URGHHH! That pisses me off so much.

    Kaitlyn (the human)
    Sadie & Rita (Forever in Our Hearts) (the Labbies)

  11. #11
    That pound makes me so mad... you think its bad? Try having to see it first hand and seeing those poor animals faces in person. Even my mother, who isn't passionate about animals much, said that she felt sick seeing the conditions of the poor dogs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Daisy and Delilah
    Maybe your local tv station can pay them a visit?
    We plan to try to get them to do exactly that. First, we hope to talk to the AC guy on Monday, and question him a bit.


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