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Thread: Cookie

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Kent, England


    Dear little Cookie, such a sad story.

    I too had a Netherland Dwarf, Chloe, that became very poorly suddenly and unfortunately the vets couldn't give me an explaination. Chloe and I had a wonderful time together, 7 years in total, and it was very difficult to say goodbye to her.

    I would definitely recommend Netherland Dwarfs as a breed, they are so sweet, caring, playful and loyal - not normally things you get with some bunnies!

    I currently have a Lion Head - who is very temperamental and a lop who has a heart of gold. I don't think I could be without my bunnies now!

    I'm sure Cookie knows he is POTD, congratulations.

    Kittycats_delight (Michelle) thanks for the great signature!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    At university in Hertfordshire, UK
    Anyone who views this, look where Cookie lived, and then where I live....

    Cookie was my bunny. I was so surprised to see his little face this morning and I'm so grateful that he has a page on POTD now. He was so special to me and I still miss him dearly. Thank you so much Babyboonie for your kind words, it means a lot.

    RIP darling Cookie, you're alway's in my heart

    Zimbabwe 07/13

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Zara, I saw your siggy and read Cookies story. What a sad story, but all in all, Cookie lived a great life when he was alive. He was well-loved and couldn't have asked for a better owner. What a sweet sweet boy! RIP little Cookie.

    It's never easy to lose a pet, I know how it feels.

    On a brighter note, Congratulations, Cookie and Zara as the POTD! You are a very deserving little bunny.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Zara ((HUGS)) for you. Little Cookie looks like he lived a wonderful life with you, He was beautiful and he sounded like he was a great impact in your life. (((HUGS))) for you. Rip Little Cookie.
    Thanks so much Ashley for the siggy!
    Zoey Marie NAJ NA RN (flat-coated retriever)
    Wynset's Sam I AM "Sage" RA (shetland sheepdog)
    T.j (english setter)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    What a sad story but at the same time so beautiful for Cookie, you certainly were and still are, one much loved little bunnster boy. I couldn't hold back the tears, reading your proud human's loving tribute to you, of your untimely passing My heart breaks to think that you were taken from your family so tragically. But though your time with them was brief, I don't believe there was ever a more loved bunny or one who returned that love so unconditionally, as you. Romp and scamper there at the Rainbow Bridge precious Cookie, happy and whole again, until that happy day when you and your family are united in love And you know, I'll just bet all of our beloved Rainbow Bridge angels are throwing you one extra special Pet of the Day party My most sincere sympathies to the parent of Cookie. What a very special person you are and Cookie was so blessed to have known your love, just as you were to have known his

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