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Thread: I came home to my apt. being trashed while I was at work yesterday!

  1. #1

    I came home to my apt. being trashed while I was at work yesterday!

    I walked into the house, patted & got my pitty kisses from Cyrus. I then opened my apt front door. I took 1 step inside & noticed a HUGE mess! OMG someone/thing had fun in my apt. The fish cooler was 2 feet from where I left it, the fan was 3 feet & infront of my door. My computer moved a foot, my trash bag of towels & blankets was shredded! My fancy lawn chair was tipped over. The little table I use for my mouse was a foot over & my pillow was on the floor.

    Want to know who did it? Scroll down

    The beast in my siggy & he was sleeping on my PILLOW!!!!!!!

    Dumb Dumb tipped over his tote & trashed my place! I know why he did it, its mating season & I guess he thought he was gonna find a date hiding in my apt!! EVIL BEAST!!! Anyhow, I took my pillow back & put him on a blanket in the same spot. He chilled there for several hours until taking off & trying to trash my apt all over again!! Then I put him back into his tote & put a blanket ontop to stop him from trying to get out...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    WOW What a bad turtle. Sorry this happened, I hope the clean up is quick and easy. What a silly turtle!

  3. #3
    it wasn't bad, I just wasn't in the mood to clean up more stuff. I've already slacked off on unpacking all my things.. hehe I'm just tired is all... Atleast he got to stretch his legs hehe

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Lol who ever wants to clean up? I thought you were going to say Cyrus did it lol.

  5. #5
    I know thats why I did the scroll thing, cause who would ever think a turtle could make such a mess. Well then again he is 30 pounds & acts like a tank hehe

  6. #6
    Wow impressive! I was expecting to read it was an angry ex or something!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ohio, USA
    LOL! I had to laugh because I never expected you to say that Axle did it! Never knew a turtle could be so messy

    Huney, Bon & Simba-missed so very much
    Remembering all the Rainbow Bridge Pets

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by anna_66
    LOL! I had to laugh because I never expected you to say that Axle did it! Never knew a turtle could be so messy
    When axle was 15 pounds he got stuck under the 80 pound dumbell & pushed it all over the living room!!! Snapper are nothing but pure muscle & mess makers hehehe I still love him, but I was debating weither I should have turtle soup tonight or not

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    LOL too funny!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Spain, I was born there
    That is mucho sad, because my sister who is 35 had her house trashed by her dog lucky and is still recovering from it. So it the pup he got hurt pretty bad Well good lucks on clean the place up a little.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    What do you mean he got hurt bad?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Spain, I was born there
    He almost broke his leg... but he almost better. He just need to rest for uno weeks.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Wow did something fall on him?

  14. #14
    Whoah! You silly turtle! I hope the mess is nice and easy to clean up

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Glendale Heights, IL (near Chicago)
    Bad boy Axle! Axle should come to my house. I live on a creek and there is a female snapper. My dad said she's been around since they bought the house 30 years ago! Last summer she got into my yard. Harley tried to take her on, but I'm pretty sure she'd win. She's bigger than Harley and Harley is my biggest dog! Harley is 22lbs and I think she's about 30 + lbs. I think my dad said she comes up by us to lay eggs or something like that.

    I'm sure people ask you this a lot, but does Axle ever try to bite you? I don't know much about snappers, but I was always told to stay away from them. Is Axle just one of the nice ones? Can there be nice ones?
    Billy and Willy! (2 of my 4)

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