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Thread: Why me?!

  1. #1

    Why me?!

    My work seems to attract the most annoying, ignorant people. Today I was sitting down talking with one of my regulars (I work in a bar). This other guy comes in, who I also know. I REALLY don't like the guy. He always asks me stupid things like "Do you wear your hair down?" or "you must not eat a lot" and all this BS that isn't his business. He's just strange. Anyway, he likes to pick at me. So, he knows I love animals, so that's where he likes to pick. He kept going on about Rotties and Pits being awful dogs. I was like you know, not ALL of them are mean depends how they are raised. It's like kids if you ask me. Then the other guy is like "Nooo, it's the BREED. Why do you think they call them PIT BULLS...they were BRED to be mean dogs" so I was like yeah whatever, they're not ALL mean.

    Then the guy was telling me how he knows this person who spent $5000 on a dog who might not make it. He was like "I don't understand why people spend that on a dog who will just die anyway. People buy bottled water for their dogs now. WHY would anyone do that for a dog?"
    I told him that I would spend every cent I have on my dogs, without a second thought. Money can be earned, but you only have your pet once. You can't get it back once it's gone. Then both guys were like "AUDREY, you mean YOU don't buy your pet BOTTLED water? SHAME ON YOU" and they just kept picking and picking. So I said to the annoying guy that I would rather spend my money on my pets, so what. He said "you should spend it on yourself" I'm thinking, who cares? So what if I like to spend money on my pets? It makes my happier than buying things for myself. Anyway, I shut him up when I said that I could be spending all my money on liquor. (you see, he got his licence taken away for impaired driving...he must be an alcoholic...I guess it was a little mean, but whatever.)

    ANYWAY, that guy leaves (my other regular had already left), and this guy who was playing on the VLT machines starts in on me. I was telling him about my pets and stuff and he's like "Oh, you'll grow out of it. (talking about my pets!!!!) One day you'll grow as a person, and you'll move on with your life and you'll learn about the important things. When you find a nice boyfriend you'll forget all about animals" HAHAHAHAHAHHAAH!!!!! My pets are more important than any man....I'm sorry, but it's true. I wouldn't ditch them for a guy any day.

    Urg. I'm sorry to be whining so much lately, but seriously...It gets on my nerves when person after person attacks me for what I love most. I can't say for sure, but I can't imagen that I will EVER "grow out of" my pets. I'm 21 years old...he talks like I'm 12. I AM an adult now, I doubt my views are going to change much at this point. *sigh*

    My babies: Josie, Zeke, Kiba, Shadow (AKA Butter)

  2. #2
    Sounds like this guy fancies you or hes just incredably annoying, Try not to lose it at him because he might be trying to cause trouble and it might end up with your job!
    I would suggest in a nice way of course that he keeps his opinions to himself or change the subject when he brings it up.

  3. #3
    It was 3 different people

    My babies: Josie, Zeke, Kiba, Shadow (AKA Butter)

  4. #4
    Well, i would just ignore those types of comments from them, they seem to enjoy making you riled up, and not worry about them. You know how you feel about your animals and they are just using those comment to get a reaction from you, probably for their own amusement. What they think isn't important, so I just wouldn't worry about it, and maybe steer the conversation away from your animals if they try to talk about them, since it's upsetting to you.

    Thanks Jess for the great sig of my kids!

    I love you baby, passed away 03/04/2008

  5. #5
    I just don't get why people need to do that. I was fine with the first person, but then it just got too much after the THIRD person in one day started off on me.

    My babies: Josie, Zeke, Kiba, Shadow (AKA Butter)

  6. #6
    Yeah some poeple like to try to upset others intentionally, they seem to get a kick out of it. I don't understand why anyone ever does that either. Just makes me love my pets even more because they never do stupid things like that!

    Thanks Jess for the great sig of my kids!

    I love you baby, passed away 03/04/2008

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    Change the subject. They don't want answers from you - they don't care. Don't even try to answer them. Change the subject.

    And get yourself one of those signs and post it where they can see it: "The more I know about men, the more I love my dogs."

    ( could tell them that you'll grow out of your pets when THEY grow out of VLTs and beer. LOL)


  8. #8
    I know those kind, it took me a while to learn how to fight back, then fighting back was all fun & games to me & they left upset, loosers!!

    Any form of retail/waiter kind of job is always bad. You need to learn how to ignore those people, when they make mean comments like that. I like using

    ya ya, whatever (roll the eyes)

    I'm happy what do you care?

    Why, do you want me to be more like you & unhappy with my life to the point I have to try to make others around me sad? no thanks, I like being happy & loved.

    Whatever you do, do not get upset & defend yourself, thats just feeding the fire. I also just stopped telling stragers about my pets. As listening to people saying I should kill my snapper is quite annoying. I only talk to people who bring up pets on their own or ask my intrests & seem to really want to know about my pets. & if someone else joins in & tries to get nasty with me about my pets, I tell them off (with one of tha bove statements hehe)...

    Being treaded like a child or like your dumber then a post is overly annoying!! When I was at the post office customers thought I was 14yrs old & I was 21-23yrs old! Some were good about it, while others saw just a child behind the counter

    I had so many people get into the other line up where Barb was (she was in her 40s) & would make comments about my age or Barb having more experience then me. It was always funny when Barb would ask me for help. Those people would get upset & would ask for Barb's manager to assist her & NOT me. So I would walk into the backroom, come out & introduce myself as the manager, supervisor, staff trainer & give my cradentials (ummm ya really bad spelling) & awords I've won in the post office & blah blah blah. Barb LOVED it everytime I would stomp on these @$$'s!! She would even pretend she didn't know what she was doing so I could tell the customers off HA HA HA

    & don't even get me started on verbally abusive customers, cause its 1 thing when they go at me, but DO NOT do that, to any member of my staff casue I would litterly turn red & breath fire! Barb said its too funny to see me blow up, casue I'm really a sweet person & you wouldn't think I would turn so ugly so quickly, not to mention scare the hell out of the customer to the point they leave, YAY! There is a no customer BS policy with Canada Post, so I never got in doo doo, aslong as I called Canada Post ASAp to report what happened.

    hmmm.. I type too much

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    At university in Hertfordshire, UK
    Oh gosh, people like that shouldn't wate time gabbing on a subject that they CLEARLY know nothing about.

    Grow out of pets? Will that guy ever grow out of his ego?

    I think that you handled that situation really well though, much better than I could have done. They'd have found themselves being kicked out of the place on their...erm..*behinds* if I'd have been you

    Zimbabwe 07/13

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    one thing- do you think you look vulnerable of like they think they could manipulate you and make you get upset?

    Niņo & Eliza

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    indianapolis,indiana usa
    Just ignore their stupid remarks, they are trying to get a reaction
    from you. If all else fails, just try to find something else to do around
    the place where you keep working.
    I've Been Boo'd

    I've been Frosted

    Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

  12. #12
    Guy #3 was telling me how great he is today. *sigh* He tells me how much money he makes, so great his life is, how he has no problem...even that putting hundreds of dollars into the VLT's is nothing for him. It's "peanuts" he says. He BRAGS to people how much money he LOST. Today he was telling me his kids both have excellent jobs. "good for them" I say. Then he goes on saying how his neices, nephews, cousins, all his relatives pretty much, have SUCH good jobs. How PEI (where I live) is nothing, and has no money and that it's people like him who bring in the money (btw, it's OUR money the goverment is paying him. He is an overpaid letter carrier)

    anyway, anything else you want to know about him? I know it all. He told me I only have to see him (everyday) for the next 4 weeks! SWEET! Then, he said, he will be moving and pumping his money somewhere else. Ah, shoot. He thinks he's keeping the place running because of HIM.

    Man, I don't want to be rude, but how can I tell him that I don't really need to know all his life information. (nor do I care) He keeps telling me how my life is going to turn out and how I'll change. No offence, but I think I'm the only one that can decide that. Maybe I won't grow out of pets or become an alcoholic like he says. It's really none of my business about his life. Money just isn't that important to me. I want enough to survive and keep my pets happy and healthy. I don't care if I'm rich and have 30 cars and a house to big to use. (it would be nice, though) All he talks about is money money money.

    Also, if he gets a call, he sits right at the bar and talks REALLY loud so everyone can hear him. Most people leave or go some place more private for their calls!!!

    Heeelpppp meeeeeeee! How can I tell him to shut it without being rude? I don't mind him talking to me about his day or whatever, but I've had enough of this stupid money crap!

    My babies: Josie, Zeke, Kiba, Shadow (AKA Butter)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    Are you going to get another job somewhere else?


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    what does he do when you try and change the subject?

    Niņo & Eliza

  15. #15
    I would rather fix the problem. I don't want to look for a new job till after the summer. I can make a lot of money in tips over the summer

    My babies: Josie, Zeke, Kiba, Shadow (AKA Butter)


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