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Thread: When would you live?

  1. #31
    I did not get a chance to go to Hever, a great regret but maybe next time. So glad you got to go.
    Trader's Gate... yes I went to the Tower by myself so I was able to go back later in the day and say another prayer. I spent about 7 hours walking around there, What fear and panic she must of felt, her and Elizabeth all who passed those gates knowing death, torture or life long imprisonment would most likely be their fate.
    People were quite harsh back then. The torture devices
    And yes Katherine was a great great lady. A brillant and well loved queen. Intelligent, fearless, incredibly devote (maybe too devote) she ruled in Henry's absense and she suffered terrribly.
    Henry's need for a son drove him to great lengths throwing caution and sense to the wind. I always wonder why Katherine lost all those babies.
    He was able to have 4 children that lived with women but never had a second child with anyone. Makes me wonder if he was the problem and had some type of disease he passed onto the women.
    Katherine, Betsy, Anne and Jane all had one child with him.
    Anyway we will have to have lunch sometime and discuss this all and go over our pictures.
    Quote Originally Posted by Medusa View Post
    Absolutely she's my fav! When I went to Hever Castle, her childhood home, I looked out her bedroom window and tried to imagine what it must have felt like to her as she pondered her future. My friend snapped a pic of me looking out that window and had it framed and sent it to me. The boy made a DVD of our trip and made an actual movie out of it complete w/credits, music, commentary, the whole bit. When it came to the window scene, I cried b/c it really touched me.

    I also admire Katherine of Aragon. She went to hell and back for Henry, too. She wasn't beheaded but she died slowly and broken hearted. But my kinship is w/Anne Boleyn, for sure. Her daughter, Queen Elizabeth I is my second favorite historical character. To have stood at Traitor's Gate where Elizabeth sat and refused to go in b/c she feared that if she went into the Tower that she wouldn't come out alive gave me chills.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    trenton, new jersey
    Interesting post! I'd prefer to live any time but now. Preferably during a time when these @!*^$!* computers and this technology bs didn't exist and wasn't even thought of!

    Oh to have been part of the Lewis & Clark expedition! Seeing all of that pure, natural beauty as it was meant to be.....untouched and undisturbed!
    Last edited by momcat; 07-29-2010 at 07:43 AM.

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