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Thread: Should people be allowed to own ferrets?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    State College, PA
    Originally posted by Karen:
    A point of clarification - there are "wild" ferrets - the black-footed ferret is wild in parts of the American West. It is an endangered species, one of the most endangered at one time. There is a very good description of it, with some pictures, here. They are hunters, and eat prairie dogs, so the populations are closely dependent on each other.
    I would like to point out that the Black-Footed Ferret is a *very* distant cousin to our domesticated ferret (Mustela furo). The domestic ferret is most commonly believed to be descended from the European Polecat. They were domesticated, like cats, for rodent control, and are still used in parts of Europe for that purpose.

    There are no wild or feral populations of the domestic ferret in the United States. None. The California Fish & Game Dept has tried to prove that there are and they CAN'T because they don't exist.

    The only area that claims to have feral ferrets is New Zealand, where ferrets have bred back with the polecat and survive in the wild. But the climate and environment that allow that is completely different than it is in the US.

    Ferrets are no more exotic than a dog or a cat these days. They have been working companion animals for many, many years.

    They are also very affectionate pets, and while they do have a musky odor (descenting does NOT affect their body odor, only their ability to use their scent glands) I personally find it much easier to handle than wet dog smell

    Ferrets are not the pet for everyone, but I can't imagine my life without them.


    Mary McCarty-Houser, Director
    Pennsylvania Ferret Rescue Association of Centre County

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    State College, PA
    Originally posted by lhg0962:
    Not being a ferret person, myself, I am curious, Paul, as to why they would be "illegal". I have read the posts, and unless I missed something, I have yet to figure out what is wrong with them.
    Of course, I have every other pet known to man (that is an exaggeration), with dogs, cats, hamsters and hermit crabs. I'm just curious as to what is the big deal of owning ferrets that would cause them to be outlawed. Educate me, please.
    In California, ferrets were mistakenly put on the list for wild animals (they are domestic). The California Dept of Fish & Game also spread the propaganda that ferrets are dangerous animals and cite a few cases where babies were bitten by ferrets. All those cases involve not only parently neglect and abuse of the pets, but of the children, too. The rate of bites and deaths by dogs so far outweigh ferrets that it is ridiculous.

    The fact remains, you don't leave an infant (or any young child) alone with ANY animal. Use your common sense.

    The CA F&G also state that ferrets will form feral colonies and destroy the natural species of birds, etc. in California. Sorry, but again, there are NO feral colonies of ferrets anywhere in the United States. All reported sightings have been proven false.

    Those are the main ones, I'm sure someone from California will be able to fill you in on anything I've left out.


    Mary McCarty-Houser, Director
    Pennsylvania Ferret Rescue Association of Centre County

  3. #18
    Ferrets are not wild or "exotic" pets. They have been domesticated for thousands of years- even longer than the cat. It is illegal in most states for pet stores to sell non-neutered ferrets because of the complications involved in non-fixed animals. Therefore they cannot reproduce in the wild. Even if they did get out, ferrets do not know how to survive in the wild. There has not been a documented case of the domesticated ferret ever living for more than a week outside of human care, or reproducing in the wild in the history of the US.

    As for hunting, the domesticated ferret does not recognize mice, prarie dogs, etc. as food since ferrets are fed dry kibble. There have been NO documented cases of the domesticated ferret destroying or even negatively impacting the environment around it in the United States. There are, however, many cases of cats and dogs negatively impacting local wildlife, habitat, etc. BUT they are not illegal in Hawaii.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Kansas City, MO USA
    Originally posted by Sleepyferret:
    "but many animals that are kept as pets I feel like should not be because they are clearly only so the human can look cool, edgy, rich, or whatever to his friends." I am going to try and think of that while cleaning litter boxes from now on Anyone who has ferrets has probably experienced panic when a ferret has found a new hiding place to nap and you can't find them. That awful fear that they have somehow
    found a way out to their "natural habitat" where chances of survival are almost zero unless they are found by some human. LOL Also is the relief and delight of finally finding that hiding place. They are so smart and funny and keep you on your toes. Ferrets are the most joyous pets I have ever met and more theraputic than any prescription. They can be high maintenance, between cost of quality food and medical expenses, but for people who love them it is worth it !! Not everyone wants to make that commitment and I think many "used to be ferret owners" didn't do any research before getting one. Not affectionate? I love my dogs dearly, but there is nothing like little fuzzy ferret kisses
    I couldn't agree with you more!!! I have 11 "wonderful" ferrets along with 3 cats. My ferrets are far more enjoyable than my cats. Ferrets "exude" life, on the rainest days they can bring "sunshine" to my life with their dance of joy and wonderful personalities!! I also work with the local shelter and have seen what condition ferrets that are "turned loose" in the wild look like.....they are skinny and staving ( some don't even make it)!! As for the mine will "kiss" you to I truely feel sorry for all those who judge a ferret without ever really knowing a ferret, it is truely "their" loss!! They are the only animal who has a trait associated with them..."The Dance of Joy"!!!

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Biloxi, Ms USA
    I'm allergic to ferrets so I would never own one but I have to ask...What's the big deal? This is one of the most interesting forums I've read in a while. My former neighbors owned ferrets ( they recently moved, with their ferrets, to California)and although I did not see the affection given as one may get from a dog or cat, but these guys were hilarious! They were cute and a laugh a minute. I don't understand the problem with ownership. "Many ferrets are
    trained by their owners as househunters or rabbit hunters, and are therefore skilled at predating on other species" This quote from the Sierra Club really has me puzzled. People really do that? "Ferrets are commonly found surviving in the wild, including in southeast Alaska in the middle of winter. From 1985 to 1996, 58 stray ferrets were turned into a DFG facility in Rancho Cordova." 58 in 11 years? Wow! There was a wild pack of dogs (with puppies) living across from a park near my home. No ban on dogs. From what I understand ferrets have been domesticated for over 2000 years. When domesticated they can't survive in the wild, therefore there is no fear of forming packs or becoming feral. There's a vaccine available against rabies, and there are MANY animals that can pass diseases to humans. There are MANY animals that can attack and even kill humans. NYC banned them in '99, I don't know why, heaven forbid they get loose and "ferret" out all the rats. Are they afraid of rat/ferrets wars? I'm being sarcastic here but I really would like to know why ferrets would be banned anywhere. Why not ban snakes like Boas and Pythons? Please, I very interested in this subject and I would like to know (understand)what the problem with Ferrets is.

    Oh yeah, for MaryMary: Wet dogs eventually dry.

    [This message has been edited by Genia (edited February 07, 2001).]

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Cape Cod,Mass.
    I currently own 6 ferrets.I wholeheartedly agree with JD,Mary,Sleepyferret and Poohbear!! I love my dog,but there's just something so special about ferrets.And if any of mine escaped to the "wilds",not one of them would know how to survive.Plus the pet stores sell spayed and neutered ferrets,so how could they breed in the wild if they escaped from their homes?Ferrets may not be the ideal pet for everyone,but that's no reason to make them illegal.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Irving, TX, USA
    I don't understand why ferrets are outlawed. If the scent glands are removed then they aren't that smelly, especially if taken care of properly. Cats, dogs & ferrets have all been domesticated for thousands of years. If people are allowed to own tigers (like the one that ripped that arm of a little boy a year or 2 back) then they should be allowed to own ferrets.

  8. #23
    Whoa, everybody! I think alot of people need to go back and reread my post with a more open mind! I neversaid I thought cats, dogs, and horses were the only pets anyone should own! I was referring to companion animals! And I never said I though ferrets were exotic pets - I said I didn't think people should own the so-called exotic pets. But nowhere did I see that I considered ferrets to be exotic. Quite the opposite, my whole point was that I know too little about these creatures to weigh in specifically about them. And, Trisnic, where did I even write the word "cage"? You take me to task, but then basically agree with me by saying "certain animals should not be owned as pets". As far as the horses go, I have never owned a horse and it's very doubtful I ever will, but that is clearly a symbiotic relationship because the horses get food, shelter, and care (I think we all have to understand that noraml pet owners are what we all are talking about, not the abusers - no animals are safe in their hands) and the humans get recreation while riding. I guess I should not have veered off into a related subject without starting a new thread - I specifically said I don't know about ferrets. Oh, well, we each have our own opinions, I just wish mine had not been so misunderstood.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    If this posts twice I apologize, I tried to post last evening but apparently it did not go through. Rather than answer all the specific posts in this very disturbing thread, I came to voice my opinion simply and as briefly as possible. I registered here only to express my view on this subject. My husband and I have 8 wonderful, beautiful ferrets, who are quite simply, our family. I have had almost every pet imaginable in my life and no pet has been as truly wonderful as our ferrets. I am apalled that a poll such as this even exists and that there would be any QUESTION or DISCUSSION over the OBVIOUS absurdity of any laws, anywhere, outlawing ferrets as pets. Perhaps the poll was not intended in the manner I interpreted it to be, but, just the fact that this question can exist is extremely disturbing to me. Ferrets are not rare or exotic, and there is ample information available to anyone who would take the time to be educated about them. Ferrets are a true joy in our home, they have brightened our life forever.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Kansas City, MO USA
    Originally posted by catmom:
    I don't understand why ferrets are outlawed. If the scent glands are removed then they aren't that smelly, especially if taken care of properly. Cats, dogs & ferrets have all been domesticated for thousands of years. If people are allowed to own tigers (like the one that ripped that arm of a little boy a year or 2 back) then they should be allowed to own ferrets.

    Actually, descenting ferrets has "nothing" to do with their smell! Spaying and nuetering them is what reduces their musk smell(it reduces the hormones causeing the "musk" smell to be very little) along with clean bedding for them to sleep in. I Have 11 ferrets that I NEVER bath, just keep what they sleep in clean. Over bathing a ferret will also put their oils glands into "overdrive" thus causing more smell!! I have 1 that is not descented and actually he is one of my best smellers!!..LOL Just wanted to clear up the confusion!!

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Originally posted by Lily_AZ:
    If this posts twice I apologize, I tried to post last evening but apparently it did not go through. Rather than answer all the specific posts in this very disturbing thread, I came to voice my opinion simply and as briefly as possible. I registered here only to express my view on this subject. My husband and I have 8 wonderful, beautiful ferrets, who are quite simply, our family. I have had almost every pet imaginable in my life and no pet has been as truly wonderful as our ferrets. I am apalled that a poll such as this even exists and that there would be any QUESTION or DISCUSSION over the OBVIOUS absurdity of any laws, anywhere, outlawing ferrets as pets. Perhaps the poll was not intended in the manner I interpreted it to be, but, just the fact that this question can exist is extremely disturbing to me. Ferrets are not rare or exotic, and there is ample information available to anyone who would take the time to be educated about them. Ferrets are a true joy in our home, they have brightened our life forever.
    Hi, and welcome to, and to Pet Talk. We did not raise this question, it has been a hot topic of debate in many places for a long time. We decided to make it a poll question partly because of a radio program we heard from New York City, one place where they are outlawed as pets. If you poke around Pet of the Day, and check out the "Previous Pets" you will see many ferrets have been Pet of the Day! (Or you could cheat, and while on Pet of the Day, do a "search" to find just ferrets!) We certainly did not mean the poll to offend anyone, or for anyone to be insulted that the question was asked! We know every pet is special!

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Salt Lake City, UT, USA
    I think people should be able to have pet ferrets. They are so sweet and fun to play with. I do not see a problem. In my opinion wild cats should not be in captivity. That is why we have house cats, they may not be as exotic, but they are just as beautiful and won't bite your hand off if handled un-properly.

    "We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals."
    -Immanuel Kant

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Abbotsford, BC, Canada
    4felinehouse, I would just like to apologize for my post. I did not properly read your post before responding to it. When I went back and read your post over again I realized that you were not saying what I had originally thought so I went back and changed my message, but probably not enough. Also to respond to your points I stated that *IF* you believed that keeping animals in cages was immoral I could understand your point. When I said that I had thought that you were saying that ferrets should not be allowed as pets.

    Also I would be a hypocrite to say that I did not believe that fish or reptiles should be pets as I have a pair of anoles (lizards). I got them because I had wanted an anole since I was about 12 years old. These lizards are not pets, they are animals that I care for. I give them a spacious enclosure and plenty of food (live crickets) but I can fully understand why people would think that these lizards should be in the wild. And I'm fine with that.

    Anyway (and this is not directed at you at all anymore 4felinehouse) I do not understand why 26% of the people on this website, a pet lovers website, do not think that ferrets should be allowed as pets. The question was not "Should iguanas be allowed as pets?" or "Should tigers be allowed as pets?" nor was it something like "Would you ever own a pet ferret yourself?" it was "Do you believe that people should not be permitted to own ferrets?". I can understand that 5-10% of the people on here may be ignorant about what ferrets are but with the other 16% I just don't get it. As someone else stated on another board why is there even a question about it, ferrets are pets and they can be nothing else. I read the Sierra Clubs argument and frankly it is filled with loopholes. They are worried about ferrets hurting native wildlife but yet humans are doing far more damage to native wildlife then "feral ferrets" could ever do. Not to mention the fact that a colony of feral ferrets is practically impossible as ferrets are animals which, generally, were never taught to hunt (75% don't know that a mouse is prey), are not let out of the house, and are spayed before being adopted. I have also heard that ferrets should not be allowed as pets because they bite. This makes no sense because dogs and cats bite too but they are practically never banned from being pets.
    I believe that it is hypocritical to own cats or dogs and state that it is wrong to own a ferret, unless you believe that it is wrong to keep animals in cages.

    Originally when reading 4felinehouse's reply I thought that an anti-ferret person had actually spoken up to defend themselves. It was wrong of me to reply so quickly without reading the message properly. Still I would really like to see even one person on this website who believes that ferrets should be *against the law to own* to own defend their position.

    Personally I do not agree with pet bans, especially if they are new, for two reasons.

    1) The laws usually encompass animals that do not belong in them, for example ferrets, chinchillas, gerbils and/or hedgehogs

    2) Especially if the ban is new people will already own banned animals and they will not want to give up their pets. Some of these people will own their pet in secret and will not take it to the vet when it is necessary in fear of getting caught, getting a big fine and having the animal euthanised. I own an exotic animal called a gambian pouched rat. If a general animal law, which would surely exclude him from pets legal to own, was enacted here I would keep him. I would try to move and if he needed vet care I *WOULD* drive him to a vet in a place where it was legal to own gprs. I would not however give him up, he is my pet.

    Sorry for my long winded reply, this is a subject I feel very passionate about.

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Gilbert, Arizona USA
    Originally posted by Karen:
    Hi, and welcome to, and to Pet Talk. We did not raise this question, it has been a hot topic of debate in many places for a long time. We decided to make it a poll question partly because of a radio program we heard from New York City, one place where they are outlawed as pets. If you poke around Pet of the Day, and check out the "Previous Pets" you will see many ferrets have been Pet of the Day! (Or you could cheat, and while on Pet of the Day, do a "search" to find just ferrets!) We certainly did not mean the poll to offend anyone, or for anyone to be insulted that the question was asked! We know every pet is special!
    Hi Karen,
    Thank you for your answer to my post. I understand that you didn't mean the question to be insulting or to offend. I am just upset over the fact that obviously there are people out there voting "no" to this question! I just wish the question was worded differently - it just makes it seem like there is a reason for us not to have our ferrets. Can you imagine the outrage if someone posted the question "should people be permitted to own dogs"? I understand what you are saying though, that you heard the debate in NY and so forth. It's bad enough that there are still states that outlaw ferrets. Like all the other ferret lovers on this thread passionately mentioned, ferrets are such a true joy. They are not just cute, they are truly the best medicine in our life. J.D. put it best really - they can make you laugh and comfort you at any given moment. I just find it sad that there are people coming to this site voting "no" to this poll question. I'm glad Pet of the Day has had ferrets featured, and thank you for pointing that out to me. I'll admit, I hadn't looked, I came here to defend my fuzzbutts! But I can't help wishing that the question of whether or not people should be allowed to have ferrets exists. Unfortunately there are states where the question must be raised in order to change the laws. Please understand it was just disheartening to a ferret lover to be made aware that your site had a question like this as its poll. I'm sure you can understand why initally the reactions would be strong and fast! Would you like to visit our home of 8 ferrets? Here is our link: I hope you enjoy their photos there. Another post here mentions just what I was thinking - the wording could have been different in the poll question that's all. I hope that everyone out there that makes up the so far 26% that answered "no" to this poll will take some time to really educate themselves on ferrets and maybe even go and meet some ferrets at a local shelter and play with them. Anyway, I'm sure you can tell by all the ferret people here on this thread how much ferrets mean to us in our lives.

  15. #30

    Thanks for the apology, but it wasn't necessary - I knew you and a few other folks had just misread the spirit of my post - it's easy to do when you don't have the benefit of facial expressions and voice inflections like you do in face-to-face conversation.

    It seems to me the ferret issue is much like the pot-bellied pig issue. A town neighboring mine has recently told one of its residents they had a ban against "livestock" on residential plots so she would have to remove her pot-bellied pig. Fortunately, alot of animal lovers have come to the aid of "Eli" by going to the Hurst city council and explaining that pot bellied pigs are clean, affectionate, loyal, superiorly intelligent animals. (One newspaper feature article I read said they are reputed to be fourth in line in intelligence - only behind man, large primates, and dolphins.) This little guy had his own little house in the back yard, was trained to do his "business" in an isolated part of the yard, was quiet, and spent his day minding his own business and sipping Dr. Pepper. The city council gave him a reprieve, and the Dr. Pepper people (whose corporate offices are in nearby Dallas) jumped on the opportunity for a little advertising opportunity and threw him a celebratory party, complete with gifts of Dr. Pepper sweaters and six-packs! But the story is not over, because the vote on whether to exclude pot-bellied pigs from the "livestock" law or grandfather existing pigs has yet to be voted on.

    Being the libertarian that I am, I think there should be few laws about what kind of pets people cannot have. Some obviously need to be legislated for public safety reasons, like big cats. But being the animal lover I am, I think there are many animals that people shouldn't have. But I personally don't think pot-bellied pigs or ferrets belong in the category (thanks for all the folks who e-mailed me with ferret links!).

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