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Thread: Help me with this rescue cat

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    After you told me about your new kitty, Carrie told me where to go on the site to see him, how gorgeous is he. I do hope he will settle with you and that mimi won't feel too left out. speak to you soon.
    love Rachelle

  2. #32
    Logan: Bless you for helping out at your local private shelter, and bless you for considering assisting them in starting a fostering program. And bless your vet for helping out the helpers! Butter's hair will grow back, it takes 3-6 weeks. Since he is a colorpoint, don't be surprised if it grows back darker, especially since it's winter. Some vets do clip for a neuter, just as a precaution, or if the cat has long or unruly fur.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Biloxi, Ms USA
    Logan, I'm glad Butter is doing okay. Since you mentioned shaving, I have to tell you this. In 1992 we adopted a cat from the shelter. He was about 8-10 years old and was so beautiful I couldn't resist. Our vet said he was part Persian because of his distintive tail. We named him Michelangleo (my daughter was a big Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Fan). Mike didn't like to be touched. When he wanted, he would jump into our laps, but he didn't like to be petted. One day I smelled poop. I checked the soles of my shoes and didn't see anything so I searched the house. No poop. About two days later Mike jumped on my lap and I almost gagged. I lifted his tail and saw poop matted into his fur. I tried to wash it. I couldn't because he wouldn't allow it so I took him to our vet. They couldn't remove it by washing so they shaved his bottom. Poor thing had to walk around with a little pink bottom. He hated it! I couldn't help but laugh. Of course Mike paid me back by peeing on my shoes. His hair eventually grew back and he was once more his stunning former self. Butter will grow his hair back. He's a lucky fellow to have found your home. I just wish him good luck with all those girls

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jun 2000

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Greenville, SC
    Oooh, Genia. What a story!!! Poor baby. I've heard of that happening with those long haired cats. Mimi has never had that problem, thank goodness!!
    Butter is doing great. He ventured outdoors this morning and of course I worried the whole time that me might be so mad at me that he wouldn't come back. He did! Found him lying under the heating vent as usual.
    He's now asleep on my bed. He seems to have found his home with us.
    So glad Rachelle found us too!! She and I had a nice chat, with Carrie, late yesterday afternoon.
    Thanks to everyone for all your good wishes and concern. Butter is now a member of the family and even Mimi seems to have accepted that!

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Lebanon, TN, USA
    Well, Logan, I have to agree with everyone else, that Butter is a beauty. Don't care if we're not supposed to call the boys "pretty", I do it anyway. I'm really glad he has the loving temperament as many (here come the emails) Orientals can be a bit, shall we say, bossy/cranky/vocal/.....BRATTY! Sounds like this was a "meant to be" thing since Mimi and the canine ladies have accepted him so well.

    I do have to comment on the "no more" thing you said on page 1 -- never say never -- especially if you're thinking of helping out at the local shelter. I didn't exactly do that, but because of the adoption groups that came into PetsMart (and my kids, who also fell victim), at one point in time I had 7 dogs and 4 cats in a city house. So be careful what you wish for....

    I honestly believe the pets (especially taken in wanderers) leave road signs like those old Burma Shave signs out

    If you need a place to stay

    Follow my trail and down the way

    You will see a lovely home

    Stick around, you'll stop your roam

    She's soft of heart and easily swayed

    Just drop on by, you'll be glad you stayed


    P.S. Really sorry to hear about your neighbor. My condolences to you and his family.

    [This message has been edited by ktreva52 (edited January 12, 2001).]

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Well here is response #45! Love the poem Ktreva. My thoughts exactly! I bet Logan (the Mother Teresa of the animal kingdom ) is shaking in her boots now, wondering if her house is giving off those signals!!

    [This message has been edited by Pam (edited January 12, 2001).]

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Greenville, SC
    Ktreva, what a poet you are!!! I'm going to have to print that one off and post it on the refrigerator to remind me of what I said!!! Probably somewhere on this site, I said I wouldn't have more pets, even before Butter showed up!!! And what did I do, added another! At least I don't have a husband to leave me over it!
    This has been a fun discussion for me! I'm glad we've made a new record on the cat board. Plus, I got to share pictures of my kids for the first time. That's always fun!
    Speaking of Butter, he doesn't act like he feels good. He is eating, but otherwise is sleeping all the time and doesn't even try to go outside. How long should he be feeling poorly? Maybe he's just so happy to have a warm house and good food to eat that he is content right here. He's letting me get closer to him now and I realized that he probably had been sleeping in a car engine because he has black grease all in his tail. Poor baby. If you have any thoughts on his recuperation period, I'd like to know about it. He looks like he is healing fine and doesn't have any of the signs the vet warned me to watch for like bleeding, swelling, etc.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Biloxi, Ms USA
    No expert by far, but Mike did the same thing when we adopted and had him nutered. He slept all day and we would only see him when he ate or went to the litter box. There were times when we had to look for him. He was always in a closet or under a bed. I don't know how long Mike had been in the streets before he was picked up by animal control but he had a hard time adjusting. After a while he would come out of hiding and sleep on the couch. He started going to the door at night wanting to be let outside. 5AM sharp (when I wake) he was in the garage waiting for me to open the door. As I said earlier he never liked to be touched but he had such a personality. You could definitely tell when he was pleased and displeased. I believe he had such a hard life before. I was just happy I could offer him a safe environment for the last 6 years of his life. Remember a lot has happened to Butter in just a few weeks. He probably just needs to adjust to his environment.

    [This message has been edited by Genia (edited January 12, 2001).]

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Logan, when my Andy was neutered he spent the first few days in the basement more or less by himself curled up on an old bean bag chair. I think he just wanted to be away from the "stresses" of everyday life until he was himself again. Hope Butter will soon be perking up a little. I know it will make you feel better once he comes around a little.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Greenville, SC
    I definitely think Butter is not feeling well. He just has no energy. I called the vet yesterday and they told me to give him until Monday and if he isn't better to bring him in. He has a little crud around his nose which worries me a little bit too. He is lying outside in the flowerbed today. It's a very warm, sunny day. Just want him to get better soon. You can just tell he doesn't feel good.

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Greenville, SC
    Hey Spencer and everyone.
    Just thought I'd let you know that Butter woke me up with a big MEOOOOOOWWWWW this morning at 7 (of course I could have slept a little later today). He was hungry and ready to go outside. That's the first time in several days that I have heard that loud Siamese cry. He looks 100% better today, much more interested in what is going on around him and those blue eyes are definitely brighter. And for the first time, he is actually asleep on the floor in the living room, next to both dogs. Looks like he is healing and happy! Thanks for bearing with me while I was so worried.

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Great news Logan! I think we are all getting emotionally attached to Butter at this point! We wish a speedy recovery and it sounds like he is almost there!

  14. #44
    Well, my son has had a three day weekend and has dominated the puter, so I'm weighing in too late to reassure you that it's not unusual for a kitty to take up to a week to snap back after a surgery, no matter how minor. But I'm glad to also see he's doing better, even though I knew he would!

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Greenville, SC
    You should know that Butter has fit right in with this family. Once he got his strength back, and confidence up, he has been nothing but fun for us (plus a little painful, with those claws). His favorite thing to do is to bat at Lilly and Honey's tails which wag quite often! Plus, chasing Mimi is a good pasttime too. She only tolerates a little and then she chases him.
    Mimi's real revenge is to eat Butter's food! She is injesting much more now, which won't hurt her, as she is quite small.
    Butter seems to be a typical, young male cat, with lots of energy. He loves to climb trees, but also loves to lie on the bed and snooze.
    I have had two people offer to take him, but I'm attached now, so he's ours.
    Since Mimi has never really been a "playing" cat, Butter is hilarious to me. Reminds me of the male cat I had growing up. Hides and leaps out to grab me when I walk by, sticks his paws under a closed door for attention, etc. So much fun!!!!

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