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Thread: Not The Best Annual Exams For My Twins:Bad Update Post #18

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA

    Not The Best Annual Exams For My Twins:Bad Update Post #18

    Well I took both Sky and Ziggy Stardust to my vet today for their annual exams. Sky has always been congested but lately he's also been having some coughing/sneezing fits which have been scaring me. I explained this to my vet and she said that he could have asthma but it may also just be more of seasonal thing. He had an x-ray taken and she said that it did look like he had some slight inflammation which indicates asthma. He's now going to be taking 1/4 of a Theophylline pill,which is an airway dilator, every evening for about 3-4 weeks. Luckily he loves pill pockets so he'll be very easy to pill. If he's still not improving in 1 week then he'll also be taking a low dose of pred to help with inflammation. Hopefully he won't also need this.

    He weights 13.5lbs so he's actually gained some weight from last years 12.6lbs. Last year he was having some diarrhea problems due to a parasite that he and Pearl had so that's why he didn't weigh as much. I still need to watch his current weight though and I think he's better off being only 13lbs or so. Please send some positive vibes that this medicine will work well for him. Thanks.

    Ziggy has two problems that I already knew about before her visit. Her gums on her upper back molars are very red and they have moderate gingivitis. I've been brushing my cats teeth once a week with the rubber finger brush but I just read today that this isn't as good as using a toothbrush so I'm going to start using a toothbrush. I also have to brush Ziggy's teeth 2 times a week and hopefully this will help with her current gingivitis.

    Her other problem is that she's overweight. I had already guessed that she weighed 15-16lbs. When the vet tech weighed her she weighed 15.9lbs. I was pretty much right on but still shocked. Last year she weighed 14.1lbs. All of my cats are on Innova Evo which is very high in calories but I don't free feed them. She's currently getting about 1/2 cup a day of dry and then some canned mixed in but I also usually let her have some of her siblings leftovers too. I know bad meowmie.

    My vet wants me to feed her no more than 1/4 cup of dry food and also feed her 1/2 can of wet food per day. I need to bring her back in 1 month and have her weighed to make sure that she's losing weight and also to make sure that she's not losing too much too fast. My vet wants her to lose at least 2lbs. I also bought a bag of Innova Evo Weight Management dry food and everyone seemed to like it. I'll be feeding her this exclusively and then mixing it in to the others until the regular Evo is gone. Then I'll just switch over to the weight management formula. Hopefully everything will work out. If she's still not losing weight then my vet said that she'll need to switch to a different diet. Wish me luck. Sorry to ramble on so long. At least both Pearl and Storm's annual exams went well without any problems.
    Last edited by krazyaboutkatz; 06-20-2010 at 02:30 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Los Angeles, Ca
    I've never had a gingivitis problem with any of my cats, thank goodness! But, Ming does have a weight problem, he is a big, big, cat. For a Siamese, he's huge! He tips the scales betwen 18- 20 lbs. Now, I have to leave food out all day because Mac has always been a cat who is hard to keep weight on. On a good day he tips the scales at 7 lbs. The vet wants both cats on food for urinary tract balance, which is fine, but she wants him to free feed, he is that hard to keep weight on. This is fine for Mac, but Ming also gets to the food, which he doesn't need. Plus, Ming is on amitriptyline, which seems to put weight on him also. Mac has bones showing now, so I can't cut stop free feeding. My vet says since Mac is getting into his senior years, it is more important to keep weight on him. Sometimes you just can't win! I hope everything works out for your babies, especially for Sky. After your experiences with Starr on pred, I'm sure you don't want to go there at all! I'm sending postive thoughts your way for all of your dear kitties. Keep the faith and give them kissies from me.
    Proud to be a crazy cat lady!

  3. #3
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    Santa Paula, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by katladyd View Post
    I've never had a gingivitis problem with any of my cats, thank goodness! But, Ming does have a weight problem, he is a big, big, cat. For a Siamese, he's huge! He tips the scales betwen 18- 20 lbs. Now, I have to leave food out all day because Mac has always been a cat who is hard to keep weight on. On a good day he tips the scales at 7 lbs. The vet wants both cats on food for urinary tract balance, which is fine, but she wants him to free feed, he is that hard to keep weight on. This is fine for Mac, but Ming also gets to the food, which he doesn't need. Plus, Ming is on amitriptyline, which seems to put weight on him also. Mac has bones showing now, so I can't cut stop free feeding. My vet says since Mac is getting into his senior years, it is more important to keep weight on him. Sometimes you just can't win! I hope everything works out for your babies, especially for Sky. After your experiences with Starr on pred, I'm sure you don't want to go there at all! I'm sending postive thoughts your way for all of your dear kitties. Keep the faith and give them kissies from me.
    Thanks. It's so hard to feed cats in a multiple cat household because what works for one may not work for another. Storm is on 2.5mg of pred every morning now because he has small intestinal disease but so far this doseage doesn't seem to be affecting his health like it did with poor Starr's. I think it's because Storm is a large cat and he can afford to gain a little weight whereas poor Starr couldn't. With Sky who knows what could happen. Thanks again.

  4. #4
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    Sep 2002
    We are sorry to hear that Ziggy Stardust and Sky have some medical issues I guess its the price of Our Cats as we do , aging. and showing the effects of geeting old!!
    I pray that a good dental cleaning will help Ziggy and will be in time so no teeth are lost and that Sky will be breathing easier soon
    Its so sad where Our Cats are ill



  5. #5
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    Jun 2005
    Deep-N-Heart of Tx && My Babie's Hearts
    Sorry of the babies with problems.. However it sounds like all can be corrected.. Come on babies & get well soon.. MMmm sounds like a treadmill is to be arriving..

    ~~~Thank You Very Much {Kim} kimlovescats for the Grand Siggy~~~

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  6. #6
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    Come on Sky, let's go Ziggy, get working on healing and healthy!!!

    My sympathies on feeding in a multi cat household. I switched to a grain free food last Sept, and everyone trimmed down nicely; except Crystal, who continues to gain. She is like an over inflated basketball! She is a "small calico," should be 7 to 9 pounds. Vet isn't sure, as she is so HUGE just now, tipping the scales at 19!!!!

    I've tried sequestering her for feedings. That worked for 3 days -- until she started to "feel" it, lol. After that, she would dart away from me, no WAY she was going in that room with the little food, he heee.

    I have to start brushing Ebony's teeth, as she has the gingivitis as well. Problem there is, she does not come to me at all. So you are doing great, keep at it!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    KAK- I am sorry to hear this about the twinners! I truly don't know what is worse, gingivitis or weight loss. I think about my Dakky, who easily tips the 15 pound mark, and HATE myself for not doing more to increase his exercise levels. Hello, I can't even increase my own!

    I will keep them and you in my thoughts.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Aww, poor babies. I hope everything evens out for them and all is well soon.
    Get better Sky and Ziggy! Hugs to all of you.
    Our goal in life should be - to be as good a person as our dog thinks we are.

    Thank you for the siggy, Michelle!

    Cindy (Human) - Taz (RB Tabby) - Zoee (RB Australian Shepherd) - Paizly (Dilute Tortie) - Taggart (Aussie Mix) - Jax (Brown & White Tabby), - Zeplyn (Cattle Dog Mix)

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Ellicott City MD
    Dear friends Sky and Ziggy,
    Sky, I feel for your sneezies, I had them a long time ago. I got medicine and I got better; so will you.
    Ziggy, dear, we must talk about the weight thing. You know we girls must maintain our girlish figures; I, myself, am on a torturous diet of almost no food at all! Call me if you need to talk; both of you let me know if you need anything. Headbumpies and nose kisses,

    your dear friend,


    ​GO RAVENS!!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by lvpets2002 View Post
    However it sounds like all can be corrected.. Come on babies & get well soon
    I'm with Helene ... the twins are getting healthy! Paws and fingers crossed from us!
    Praying for peace in the Middle East, Ukraine, and around the world.

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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by catmandu View Post
    We are sorry to hear that Ziggy Stardust and Sky have some medical issues I guess its the price of Our Cats as we do , aging. and showing the effects of geeting old!!
    I pray that a good dental cleaning will help Ziggy and will be in time so no teeth are lost and that Sky will be breathing easier soon
    Its so sad where Our Cats are ill
    Thank Gary. Well Sky is only 8 years old and Ziggy will soon be 4 so I don't really consider them to be old. I'm hoping to avoid a dental cleaning with Ziggy so this is why I must brush her teeth at least 2 times a week. I might as well brush the others 2 times as well.
    Quote Originally Posted by lvpets2002 View Post
    Sorry of the babies with problems.. However it sounds like all can be corrected.. Come on babies & get well soon.. MMmm sounds like a treadmill is to be arriving..
    Thanks Helene. Yes, I'll try to play with Ziggy more to help her get more exercise. She does meow at me and beg for me to play with her multi-colored string that has the fishie on the end of it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
    Come on Sky, let's go Ziggy, get working on healing and healthy!!!

    My sympathies on feeding in a multi cat household. I switched to a grain free food last Sept, and everyone trimmed down nicely; except Crystal, who continues to gain. She is like an over inflated basketball! She is a "small calico," should be 7 to 9 pounds. Vet isn't sure, as she is so HUGE just now, tipping the scales at 19!!!!

    I've tried sequestering her for feedings. That worked for 3 days -- until she started to "feel" it, lol. After that, she would dart away from me, no WAY she was going in that room with the little food, he heee.

    I have to start brushing Ebony's teeth, as she has the gingivitis as well. Problem there is, she does not come to me at all. So you are doing great, keep at it!
    Thanks Sandie. I want to nip Ziggy's weight issue in the bud before it gets out of control and starts affecting her health. I refuse to have overweight cats if I can prevent it. I don't have to put her in another room because I stay and watch everyone eat. She's never go for that any way.

    Ziggy is hard to catch when I want to do anything to her like brush her, flea treat her, trim nails, or brush her teeth but it must be done. I've found that by putting her in a bathroom that this helps me to do what I need to do. She's also a drama queen so she gets upset and stressed easily but I know in the long run that it's worth it to help her stay as healthy as possible.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cataholic View Post
    KAK- I am sorry to hear this about the twinners! I truly don't know what is worse, gingivitis or weight loss. I think about my Dakky, who easily tips the 15 pound mark, and HATE myself for not doing more to increase his exercise levels. Hello, I can't even increase my own!

    I will keep them and you in my thoughts.
    Thanks Johanna. Yes, both are bad but hopefully I'll be able to turn things around and Ziggy will continue to remain healthy. I have also gained some weight lately and I too could use more excerise so I can relate to what you're saying.
    Quote Originally Posted by Taz_Zoee View Post
    Aww, poor babies. I hope everything evens out for them and all is well soon.
    Get better Sky and Ziggy! Hugs to all of you.
    Thanks so much Cindy.
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinot's Mom View Post
    Dear friends Sky and Ziggy,
    Sky, I feel for your sneezies, I had them a long time ago. I got medicine and I got better; so will you.
    Ziggy, dear, we must talk about the weight thing. You know we girls must maintain our girlish figures; I, myself, am on a torturous diet of almost no food at all! Call me if you need to talk; both of you let me know if you need anything. Headbumpies and nose kisses,

    your dear friend,

    Thanks Maggie and Pinot. I hope that Sky's new medicine will work well for him. He's still having some small attacks today though. So far Ziggy is doing well with her diet and she seems to be enjoying it. Let's hope that the scale will show some great results in 1 month.

    Quote Originally Posted by cassiesmom View Post
    I'm with Helene ... the twins are getting healthy! Paws and fingers crossed from us!
    Thanks Elyse. I'll try to keep a positive outlook for the twins.

    One thing that I noticed last night with Sky is that he was very restless last night. I don't know if this is side affect from the new medicine or not. He usually jumps up on my bed and is quiet and falls asleep and is a very good boy all night. Last night he was crying and up and down for several hours. It was like he couldn't get comfortable or just couldn't sleep. Hopefully things will go better tonight. Then Pearl was up extra early and howling in my bathroom so I didn't get a very good nights sleep. Sometimes it feels like have small children and not just cats.

  13. #13
    Did your vet mention Chlorhexadine for gingivitis? My vet gave it to me for Puddy and I use the human formula. It really does help. You just squirt a little bit on the gums. Prayers are going up right now for your sweet babies.....

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  14. #14
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    Santa Paula, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by Medusa View Post
    Did your vet mention Chlorhexadine for gingivitis? My vet gave it to me for Puddy and I use the human formula. It really does help. You just squirt a little bit on the gums. Prayers are going up right now for your sweet babies.....
    Thanks Mary. No she didn't. I have known about this though but I had forgotten about it. I'll have to go pick some up.

    Sky seems to be doing much better. He was still having some mild attacks on Mon. but since then he may sneeze a few times and that's about it. He still sounds a bit congested though but all in all he's doing much better.

    Ziggy's doing well on her diet and she loves being able to eat a lot of canned food. She's one spoiled girl. Everyone hated having their teeth brushed on Wed. but I have to continue. It's for their own good.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Aww, I'm so glad to hear they are doing better. Wonderful news!
    Our goal in life should be - to be as good a person as our dog thinks we are.

    Thank you for the siggy, Michelle!

    Cindy (Human) - Taz (RB Tabby) - Zoee (RB Australian Shepherd) - Paizly (Dilute Tortie) - Taggart (Aussie Mix) - Jax (Brown & White Tabby), - Zeplyn (Cattle Dog Mix)

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