I think you can let Star back in, if you wipe her down with a damp cloth when she comes in, that should help get any pollen - which is everywhere this time of year - off her coat. If you can give her a good brushing outside, and then make it a habit of wiping her down - think of it as special petting time - when she comes in, it should cut down on both the pollen, and dander. Keep her out of your bedroom - if your husband IS allergic to her, she should be shedding where he sleeps, and make him wash his hands after he pets her, and to be sure not to touch his face before he washes his hands.

All these steps should help cut down on his reactions whether it is to her or the pollen she is bringing in. And then she, and you humans, can both be happier, and your husband hopefully healthier. Goodness, I cannot imagine being without health insurance as an asthmatic allergic person! The meds I am on now make it possible for me to go months without even needing my albuterol inhaler, except for right now, when there is so much pollen around Paul's blue car looks green!