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Thread: need input please about breeds

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Originally posted by bckrazy
    Poodles are actually insane my friend has a standard poodle, OMG. crazy dog.

    I am sure there are exceptions to the rule, but I have owned all three sizes of poodles. The standards (I have had two) are the most laid back dogs of the three sizes in my opinion. My Bella is a couch potato when I want her to be but will fetch in the yard until the cows come home. I wouldn't recommend a poodle for only one reason - there is a tremendous grooming commitment. Poodles must be groomed every 4-6 weeks. It is not optional. It can be expensive unless one learns to do their own grooming.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Tucson, Az
    I don't really know what breeds would be great for you, but I know which ones wouldn't seeing as how we are currently looking for a dog similar to what you described. I've learned that a good majority of terriers are high energy, simply because that is what they were ment to be a high energy dog that would work great as a hunter. I've also ruled out most of the herding breeds seeing as how in their minds they are ment to work so they do have a good amount of energy.

    Also keep in mind that there are exceptions to every rule! If you are looking to rescue send all your local rescue groups an email and let them know what you are looking for. They might be able to match you up with the perfect dog!
    I've been Defrosted!

    Thanks for the great signature Kay!

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    thanks for all the replies and suggestions,,,, for sure our next dog will be a rescue/SPCa doggie,,,, I wouldnt dream if getting one thru a breeder just because of all the dogs who need homes as it ..... nothing against breeders,,, of GOOD REPUTE of course... as for those BYB,,, they can all go t o youknowwhere!!!

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Northern California
    Whenever I'm finding a good breed for someone, I usually go by eliminating Groups.

    In your case, you want a laidback dog who generally does not require a lod of exercise. Immediately, I'd cross off the Sporting Group. Sporting dogs, as a whole, were created with strength and energy to run all day and not tire out. Today, these dogs are usually not used for field work, but they still maintain that sense of drive. So, now we have Hound, Terrier, Toy, Non-Sporting, Working, and Herding. Honestly, I'd cross off Herding Group as well. Most herding dogs have a high energy and intelligence level. Case in point, Aussie Cattle Dogs. Though these dogs are very small (18" at the withers), they're very driven and intelligent. The average home is not suitable for these guys. I'd also cross off the Terrier Group. Incredibly vivacious and bold, Terriers are prey-driven dogs with a fair amount of energy. An active home is best for Terriers, Sporting dogs, and Herding dogs.

    So, we are left with the Toy, Non-Sporting, Working, and Hound.

    Out of these AKC groups, I'd recommend most of the Toy group, many of the larger Working dogs, and a retired racing Greyhound.

    Out of the Toy group, I admit I'm biased towards the Pekingese. These dogs have a very low exercise requirement, but are full of character. They're bold and do require a firm loving hand, but once you earn your way as Alpha, they'll stay loyal and obedient until the end. Amazingly stubborn and aloof, these dogs are VERY wary of strangers. However, they never sound the alarm unless there is an extremely good reason (doorbell ringing). However, if you cannot devote an hour each week to grooming a Pekingese, you can clip the coat down. The only thing that I would warn you against is their high maintenance. You need to pluck the dog's ears twice a month, and clean it diligently with storebought ear cleaner/powder. As well, you should wipe down the facial wrinkles to avoid skin irritation.

    As for a retired racing Greyhound, these guys are generally laidback, though many a young 2-4 year olds have proven this statement wrong. In the house, most ex-racing Greys are couch potatoes. As we speak/type, my girl is sleeping soundly in her bed. I'd say the only time she isn't sleeping is when we walk her for 20-30 minutes each day and when she's eating. But if you let her loose in a dog park/dog trail, she lets it all come out. She'll run like there was no tomorrow. So, in the house= calm dog. Out of the house= powerhorse (most of the time). Good Luck!

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    New Brunswick , CAN
    Go for the Retired Racer Lorraine. That is something I hope to do one day.

  6. #21
    Originally posted by Chilli
    Or go for a pug/rat terrier!! All mine EVER does is lay around all day sleeping, right now he is sharing my chair, snoring like he hasn't slept in weeks. But that's just probably his own personality, I don't know what others of his mix would be like.
    I would have said the exact opposite- lol. My pug is C-R-A-Z-Y!! Most terriers are on the wild side too.
    - Kari
    skin kids- Nathan, Topher, & Lilla

  7. #22
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Bexhill, UK
    my Patterdale terrier is a nutter so avoid them if you want peace and quiet!

  8. #23
    If you want a big lazy dog get a mastiff! My neopolitan mastiff sleeps like 20 hours a day!(not really, but he sleeps A LOT!) Also my sister's basste hound sleeps a lot, but she does have this funny habit of getting a big burst of energy at about 8-9:00pm and runs all over the house driving me crazy for about a half an hour then calms back down and goes to sleep. Wierdo I'm tellen' ya!

    Here ia a picture of my baby neo because i have to put a picture on all my posts!

    If you were just thinking about a mastiff i bet your sold now!!!Look at that face!!!!!

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    lol I know thise thread is a few months old but it's the first time I've seen it...

    I think a retired racing Grey would be great for your family aswell or another Dobie (lol You've already got one, why not another? plus, they have some Greyhound in them...)
    Last edited by Tollers-n-Dobes; 09-05-2005 at 02:14 AM.

    Journey - 2yr old Australian Shepherd
    Ripley - 5 1/2yr old Doberman
    Dance RN CGN FM - 7 1/2yr old Toller

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