We all had a great Thanksgiving and little Trouble has decided that turkey is his FAVORITE food!

However, on Saturday morning I got up as usual and fed the cats. Hubby was suppose to be watching them eat since we have several issues with them while I was in the shower. Trouble tends to bully the others from their food since he feels as a growing kitten he should get it all. If it isn't Trouble trying to get everyone's food then it is Kaliban who really doesn't appreciate the restricted amount of food she is on due to her ....umm.....pleasently plumpness. Deirdre has a tendency to want to wait until everyone else is done eating before she nibbles on hers..so you have to protect her food till she is ready. And both Brianna and Katiebug have issues with food and throwing it up.

So like I was saying, hubby was suppose to be monitoring the situation while I was in the shower. But he fell back asleep. So I come out of the bathroom and everything looks alright. Hubby gets out of bed and heads on into the bathroom himself while I crawl back into bed for the cuddle time with the cats.

I turn on the TV to watch the weather channel and what do I get?!?!?!?!?!? A single 1/4 inch wide horizontal stripe across my tv!!!!! NO PICTURE!!! I had sound but just that stripe. I get up and look at the tv and what do I see????? One big pile of wet sloppy puke right on top of the TV...running down into it.....*sigh* Now if hubby had been doing his job he could have moved whomever was on the tv puking (I am guessing Katie) but noooooooooo....he slept right through the retching...*sigh again*

So we went out Sat to buy a new TV. We picked up a nice flat screen for only 170.00 But it is making a nasty electronic buzzing noise that I can hear over the volume...so it still isn't resolved. But you know...I would still never trade them for the world.
