Since that thread that got into pictures and how many and how big and so on and so on, there has been a new development that is going to quickly drive me batty. Now when a lot of people post pictures, it is with comments like "I hope they aren't too small" "I hope they aren't too big" "I hope I didn't post too many" "I hope I'm not annoying anyone with these" and so on. I hate this! I want people to just go with their hearts. No not EVERYONE will always be satisfied with size, amount, frequency, etc., but this is making it almost depressing to look at new picture threads. It feels like many people are just discouraged and unsure of what they should do now. I'm sure plenty are discouraged from posting any at all and will be for awhile.

I personally would really like to see the Pet Talk back that was before "the thread." I think what is going on now is worse than any minor annoyance or inconvenience some people may have felt over the photo issue. I'd much rather people did not worry about who they might annoy when they want to share their precious babies.