Hi everyone. A few minutes ago I saw a very small white worm on my coffee table. This is where Sky loves to sit. I killed it and then thought that I'd better check out Sky. He's been having some sneezing attacks the last few days but I think it's only allergies. Any way I looked at his nose and didn't see anything so I turned him around and looked at his butt. Well I saw a tiny worm crawling out of his butt. I got the worm in a napkin and I'm saving it in a plastic baggie. The bad thing is that tomorrow is a holiday so I'm sure my vet is closed. I think it might be a tapeworm. Does any one know if these are contagious. I sure hope that my other 3 cats don't get these. All of my cats share litter boxes.
When I had Sky checked out in June, his feces was tested for parasites and it was negative. Now he has some kind of worm. If it is a tapeworm,I know that cats can get these from swallowing fleas but I use advantage each month so they don't have fleas. I guess I'll have to wait to see my vet on Tues. Why do these things always happen around holidays. Should I do anything special until I see my vet?