Quote Originally Posted by pickled78 View Post
Your deluded, to say a snotty nosed cat is happy and not bothered by his condition shows your bond and unspoken communication skills with him are warped and clueless, the senses of taste and smell are the most important to felines, they smell their food and if they cannot smell they dont eat! amongst other important factors concerning those senses.

Do any of you actually dig deep and research any of the pets you own?? or do you assume you know all there is to know through diluted 2nd hand / third party myths and and no personal effort to educate yrself 1st hand?

Bet you state how you love your animals whislt gorging on plates of buthered meat produced from heards of terrified animals slaughtered along with their young children..lamb? dear oh dear
Now there, pickled78, Digi is a long-time member here, and has been a responsible pet owner for a very long time. Her username is based on her rescue pup who she prepares special food for, as the dog has food allergies.

Just because a creature -0 cat or human - is sniffly does not mean they are miserable! I can only speak to my own experiences as a human with allergies - when I was a sniffly kid I was perfectly happy with life most of the time, using extra tissues didn't bother me. My asthma was more bothersome, but now, as long as I take my medications, it is no longer an issue either.