Malone has started this "thing" when he wants attention of nipping/biting. It is very aggravating, and I am wondering if someone can tell me what an effective discipline for this kind of thing. He does it to try and tell us that he has to go out and when he is hungry. He gets rewarded with neither when he acts like this. Tonight, Mark was pointing at something and he ran and jumped and nipped at his finger, and then about 15 minutes later he jumped and bit at my sweatshirt/hair. He knows that he did wrong because right away he slumps away and hides under the table. I find this behaviour very unacceptable, and we really haven't had a problem with it up until the last few days. I really want to "nip" this in the bud, but nothing we have done has seemed to phase him a bit. Up until now, we have always grabbed his neck, looked him in the eye and very firmly with a low voice said "NO BITE!" But now he is doing this with increased frequency. So please please please can you give us some hints/tips on discipline??? Thanks so much!!