So we were working out at our property in the canyon one Saturday. Suddenly we notice a seagull in Bandit's corral. We look at him for a while, then we get back to work. Next time we look, he's right up close to us! We tried to feed him goldfish, but he wasn't interested. Then we gave him some water in a bowl. The seagull drank and drank the water, so we then knew he had been really thirsty. That led to him being named Mizu, which is Japanese for water. Then, after he'd been there a while in the hot sun, we tried to get him to move into the shade by moving his water bowl, but it didn't work. Then we tried to pick him up, but he flew away. We were glad, because we were afraid that he couldn't fly. I got some pictures of him using a phone; here are the best ones: