Hey everyone. It's been awhile since I've visited here, I hope everyone is doing great. Alot has changed for me, I got married last summer, and now I am pregnant and due to have my daughter in July. Star has been with me pretty much the whole time.

Star is about 6 years old, and I've had her as a kitten. She's my kitty child and I am very attached to her and she's attached to me. She's been an indoor/outdoor kitty for awhile. We got rid of her litter box because she is house trained, like a dog. She scratches at the door to go outside to potty. Then she comes back in. My dilema is for the last few months, my husband keeps getting an allergic reaction to something. His mouth or around his mouth will swell up. We have no idea what from. So the doctor mentioned that cats are the number ONE reason for allergies and asmtha. My husband has both but he tolerates Star (he loves her too, tho he won't admit it.)

So to help this allergy, I put Star outside and not allowing her inside. It breaks my heart because she stares in the window meowing to come in for cuddles with Mom. I visit her outside to help the transition, give her treats, but in the back of my mind, I worry sick because of outdoor dangers. It makes me cry, of course Im hormonal because Im pregnant. I am also alone during the days and Star has been about my only companion. Nothing like purrs and head bumpies to cheer you up. Anyways, since she's been outside, she seems off. Kind of depressed. I hate seeing her like this. My next thing is since she is a cuddler, and sooo very friendly, will she harm my baby? She's quite hefty and I fear she may want to be sweet to my baby and accidently harm her. So being outside seems logical in two ways. Other than her being so sad, will she get over it? My mom who lives pretty far has offered to take care of Star, but she'd only be an indoor cat which is great except my nieces live with her, she hates my nieces, she runs from them every time she hears them, but she's so laid back once they catch her. My mom will no doubt love her and spoil her the way I do, but I will miss her. Just thinking she may have to go, depresses me and makes me tear up, but what should I do? What is best for my husband, my baby, and for Star? What should I do?