Its been a long time since we've had some baby threads. Let's get some updates about the adorable PT babies!

Here's my update.

Baby M just turned 3 months old. He is becoming more and more playful everyday, and is such a joy to spend time with. He loves watching the tiels and 'talking' to them. He smiles everytime he sees mommy, and makes me feel so loved because he just can't stop looking at me when others are holding him. He loves going out and enjoys looking at the sky and talking to it.

His sleep status: He was sleeping through the night from 7 weeks (about 7-8 hours), but suddenly started waking up once in the night again. This continued for about a month, everyday. I wondered if I was doing something wrong, because I knew my baby KNOWS how to sleep longer than that. Two days ago, we decided to leave his room and see how things go. (We were sleeping in HIS room in order to get him used to his room/crib, while being with him at the same time). Our room is next door to his, so we can still hear him very well when we sleep there. Guess what. He's sleeping through the night again! Last night, I put him to bed at 9:30pm. He woke up at 5am, and he woke up laughing. I guess us being there and perhaps making sounds in our sleep was distrubing him. I'm having so much fun being a mom. It is truly wonderful. He generally sleeps with me for his morning nap (7:30-9), so that's his mommy/baby cuddle time.

Three months have flown by so fast. He's no longer a newborn, but a darling, sweet, playful infant. I never imagined having a baby would be so much fun. It is truly a lot of work, but every bit of it is worth it!

So how are all of your babies doing?