My website is listed on a directory and when I logged on today, I couldn't navigate the site. There was a banner ad there and I couldn't even scroll up or down. So I emailed the owner of the directory and here's what I asked: "What's going on w/your site? When I click on "weekly" or "monthly", etc., (banner ad) comes up and I can't navigate from there." Here's what she wrote back: please stop emailing me with nonsense, thank you.

I was confused but angry and I wrote back: EXCUSE ME! I do NOT waste my time w/nonsense. ______ banner ad showed up and I was unable to navigate from that page, no matter if I clicked on weeklies, monthlies or whatever. Your rudeness is unacceptable. If the problem has been corrected, that's all that you needed to say. I've always been courteous to you, paid my fees on time and I expect the same treatment from you as well. Don't talk to me like that again!

Of course she wrote back to me: stop emailing me or i will just block your address. i don't have time for games, and obviously, that is what you're playing. you email me (nonsense) no follow-up. please mind your own business, and i will do the same. thank you.

Soooo I wrote yet again: You listen here! Your search engine IS my business! My website is on your search engine and if I couldn't navigate it then neither could anyone else. It isn't nonsense; IT'S MY LIVELIHOOD and your lack of concern as to whether or not your search engine was functioning properly is very unprofessional. And don't threaten me. DO. NOT.

And she had to write me again: just leave me alone, get a life.
To be followed up with: having your friends email me now? my my you are ridiculous. i am blocking your eamil address. and you will not be on my site in 2011 and beyond. good luck there in ohio

I swear to you that I did not have any friends or anyone email her. I don't even know what she's talking about. She still refuses to address my original question. My son said that I should file a complaint against her and although I don't usually do that sort of thing, after her last email to me, I think I should file the complaint. But w/whom? Where do I go? Can anyone advise me on this? I'm furious! I try to be courteous and considerate to everyone and this isn't the first time she's been rude. I have old email from her where she was rude but never to this extent.